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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23684937 No.23684937 [Reply] [Original]

Get in here frens. Feeling beyond comfy with my CLV stack, waiting for the nft airdrop.

>> No.23685709
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lets gooooo

>> No.23685745

How can you feel comfy with a coin that went from 9 to 3 in two days?

>> No.23685771

Cuz the floor is stable at 3 much like it was before it mooned to 50

>> No.23685888

liquidity need to go up, how do we do this ?

>> No.23686077

Not have retard jannies pushing political ideologies for one

>> No.23686282

Nice digits

>> No.23686310

The ripples are getting bigger. Next top is 222, you've been warned.

>> No.23686325

who care desu, I don't check the tg anymore
we need organize here and pool ideas to get this shit going

>> No.23686401

this shit is dead. stop trying to get newfags to buy your bags lmao.

>$2.86 kek

see you at $1 EOD

>> No.23686437
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I've been working on a chainlink store. Might make some cheap CLV products later (through viralstyle). Maybe I could make a general /biz/ store and redirect >30% of profits to Clover or clv-eth liquidity pooling?

>> No.23686471
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Gonna be real nice in the whale chats when it blows up in 3 days! Just wait and see.

>> No.23687052

I need that blanket to get comfy when my swinging becomes the reason it falls. Maybe I'll start a merch collection of projects I've killed swinging left and right.

>> No.23687119
File: 49 KB, 528x481, uhhhhhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy? uhhh

>> No.23687282

we call this consolidating nigga
$3 has been the floor for a while now

>> No.23687360

Bitconnect is also consolidating, and by consolidating i mean dead.

>> No.23687386

Distribute the cards in boosters
Booster containing x random nft cards in it
stake LP or c3d to get a booster
burn the booster to redeem cards

with a balancer token or some kind of stuff you can apply buffs to your staking (booster issuance) and to your %chance to get a rare card depending on what you're holding,
holding cxd makes you stake the booster faster than if you only hold clv for example
it gives you a higher chance to get a rare card in the booster too
clv holders that don't provide liquidity can buy a booster or burn supply to get one
if you hold >x clv you get a random card every x week

it allows some meta shit like including buffs in rare cards, rare lucky larry nft in your wallet increase your chance to get rare card when you open the booster
then we can vote to add overall buffs, holding link or other /biz/ approved coins
it rewards LPs and we can also get collabs that way

>> No.23687435

Telegram admins are anti-trump how is this even a biz coin.

>> No.23687516

>1 faggot admin in a fsb channel is /biz/coin

>> No.23687692
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Is CLV for prediction markets like PlotX?

>> No.23687764

LMFAO the cope is insane

>> No.23687818

not done yet but Yes

>> No.23687908

>dumps and fails from in-fighting and everyone shitting on each other
seems about right

>> No.23688414
