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23684927 No.23684927 [Reply] [Original]

eth is for gas

>> No.23685429

Yea but don’t diversity retard put all that in one coin. 5x it a few times and roll a few hundred k in bitcoin and just wait till you have a few mil.

>> No.23685849

Friendly reminder the stock market is about to crash and crypto will follow, absolutely no reason to think a bull run is coming. Bitcoin may go up a bit more tho. That's about it

>> No.23686768
File: 118 KB, 1420x590, Zusd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Check out Zeta Protocol for some gains chances.

>> No.23687090

400 bucks diversified in bottom tier shitcoins?

nope u can not

>> No.23687125

now THAT is a real bag of useless shit tokens

seems like you fell for every meme, you're fucked

>> No.23687167

Sell everything and put that into Parsiq and you´re good.

You need real guidance bro, your poorfolio is shit

>> No.23687171

I would suggest you put everything in one coin for now and then as your amount grows diversify, speaking from experience since i got rekt with overdiversifying small amount, could have gotten way more from defi run this summer if i wasnt such a bitc. Also easier with gas

>> No.23687230


Dude, exchange all to USDT, send to Kucoin, Trade for VELO/USDT. Wait 2 years and have maybe $10 Thousand (Slightly Risky)

Or exchange all for BTC, wait 2 years and maybe have a couple thousand (safer)

>> No.23687416

>it's digital oil! What's not to love about it?!

>> No.23688281

Of course. Just pick the right gems, for example: https://blog.cryptokek.com/cryptokek-seed-funding-has-started/

Working products, dev team isn't afraid to show their faces/names - diamond in the rough for sure.

>> No.23688360

dude you have less than $500. 100k is a 200x(20,000%) gain away. 20x is doable. but 200x? sorry bro but i think you have to wait for at least two more bullruns

>> No.23688438

I used to be like you, it's fucking hard to diversify man, it's downright impossible even
Eventually I just understood that and started to single bullet my trades, just ape early-ish into some decent shitcoin and try to get your 400$ into 800$, or 1200$
sell profits, don't fuck about being a bagholder, find anoder, get 3k
now you can start affording to "diversify"
1k on 3 generally decent shitcoins, when something does 2x, put all of it into another one, godspeed anon

>> No.23688473

How the fuck do you acquire these shitcoins when it cost $5 to do transactions on ETH these days?

Just go all in LINK

>> No.23688475
File: 60 KB, 1080x599, Screenshot_20201102_145525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get 10k out of this from the next bullrun? I haven't diversified at all.

>> No.23688488

Dump that garbage coin and put it in ETH

>> No.23688508
File: 651 KB, 1252x834, thechad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you buy and stake PTF https://power.trade/blog/ptf-lp-staking-november-2020/

>> No.23688570

You should've seen keep3r, turned 5 eth into 100

Listen to this guy, ampl's done

>> No.23688575
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Considering that CLOVID is the most valuable single financial asset on earth, and that CLV $777.77 EOY is FUD, you are definitely gmi. Just relax and enjoy the ride.

>> No.23688722

at this point you should have 1000+ eth if you wanna make it this bullrun

>> No.23688771

im a dumbass newfag with crypto, i have 5k im willing to lose, wat do

>> No.23688800

Invest all in COMB

>> No.23688834

How do I do this correctly and safely tho

>> No.23688842


you first need experience to recognize obvious scams, then you can try your hand at anon teams

>> No.23688925

thx guy but im not a dumbass who is easily shilled.
I just like to obtain info from biz then research it for myself, recently its become blatantly obvious that im missing big in crypto, but im too green to do anything about it

>> No.23689111

BTC and ETH is where you need to start, then
The top 2 coins should be researched

>> No.23689137

Basically this. Portfolios are a meme for smallfags.

Find a winner, estimate its profitability, ride it, flip, etc.

That's how anyone makes a big stack. All in, then flip. Repeat.