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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 64 KB, 1000x1000, 1604331648668-980100738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23681373 No.23681373 [Reply] [Original]

AVAX has already 600+ Validators TODAY and is the most decentralized Crypto. Radix is a centralized shitcoin, only has 100 Validators.
AVAX did in 2 years what RADIX couldnt do in 7.
Polkadot is also centralized, and made by a Pedophile Coomer.

>> No.23681576

Go back to your discord tranny channel roach

>> No.23681657
File: 145 KB, 600x600, 1595085626759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be patient fren, time to stop shilling

>> No.23681685

>most decentralized
vc scam shitcoin with only 600 validators who are forced to hold and stake until they can dump. Sorry pal, but Cardano has over twice as many validators.

>> No.23681691

AVAX devs hold 99% of the supply and you can go to bitconnect.finance to visit the AVAX website. Not decentralised at all.

>> No.23681746

more like 150% of the supply amirite retard fuckwit

>> No.23681831

You know the AVAX fags are scared when they have to fud radix in their shills

>> No.23681854

This is not true you can check here https://info.avax.network/

>> No.23681894

Lol wtf is even radix? I didn't come here for shilling anything but come on let's be real here avax > radix

>> No.23681915
File: 30 KB, 1164x505, avalanche avax usdt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3.59 very good support buy here!

>> No.23681925
File: 103 KB, 517x499, avalanche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avax will dominate this area, eth maximalists will never accept this truth but that changes nothing

>> No.23681940

Tokensupply reminds me of ripple

>> No.23682010

Best layer 1 AVAX mate

>> No.23682042

My AVAX bags are forever

>> No.23682106

time to buy avax mate.perfect time!

>> No.23682129

avax is the only project that you can fud for free by just posting links to their own website
look at that fat piece of shitty distribution
god what an absolute disaster
if you think otherwise you are either retarded either a paid shill

>> No.23682164

Avax is doing very well

>> No.23682222

>Avax is doing very well
from 0.0012 to 0.00026877 sats is not "very well"
it's going into the 0.0000X range anyway

>> No.23682419
File: 437 KB, 2029x2048, 1603007924127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can go to bitconnect.finance to visit the AVAX website
wtf it's real

>> No.23682450

why do you guys do this?

>> No.23683125

Here are some updates for you guys on AVAX from the insider:

>We are now onboarding projects, including decentralized exchanges, to the Avalanche ecosystem. We will be going live shortly with key infrastructure partners, such as Chainlink, that are vital components for Ethereum developers to build on Avalanche.

>...Completed a successful audit of the Avalanche Wallet by elite cybersecurity firm, Halborn. We have also awarded a grant to Tesseract to build a software development kit enabling iOS development on Avalanche. Finally, we completed integration with Magic to bring password-less login software to applications launching on the network. Magic has been used by over 6,500 developers, including established DeFi brands like Uniswap, Aave, and Augur.

>A key component of that shift is a bridge connecting Avalanche to Ethereum and the universe of assets on its network. Alpha testing of this bridge is beginning soon with partner firms playing a key role as operators. This phase will run for a few weeks to ensure the seamless migration of assets and tokens between the two networks before deploying on Mainnet.

>When deployed, this bridge will open the door for the biggest brands in DeFi to go from prospect to production on Avalanche, enabling any ERC-20 or ERC-721, and even native ETH, to be wrapped. We are working with two of the top five stablecoins by market cap as our first partners to use the bridge.

>We're continuing to push for more exchange listings and integrations to reach new user segments and liquidity. We anticipate having the first access point for U.S. users to go live in November.

>We are well-positioned to end the year in a position of strength. In the coming weeks, you will see more announcements of projects and partners going live and the seeds of DeFi projects beginning to take root on Avalanche.

>> No.23683994
File: 43 KB, 646x682, AVAX investor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how my post turned into a pasta that is posted daily now.
feels good man

>> No.23684026

>partner firms playing a key role as operators
is this custodial? yikes if so

>> No.23684059

1 kebab please chips on the side. Do be generous with garlic sauce

>> No.23684113
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>> No.23684130
File: 169 KB, 900x507, 4343434ge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he serves the best Kebab in town.
most decentralized Kebab in the World.

>> No.23685040

Yeah you don't really need the radix stuff in the post, it's speaks for itself without that

>> No.23685106

Radix is by far the biggest scam of this year and I have started to see this scam advertised on biz
I can explain to you why biz should beware
AVAX already has a mainnet and avalanche is the more superior mechanism for consensus
In Cerberus there are less than 100 nodes and guess what a ginger controlles that blockchain and all other centralised shitcoin like Polkadot Dfinity etc
Radix can't scale
That ginger motherfucker look like a homosexual and have gay sex with the nerd Dan.
The only consensus these two gay boys can make is when they unite there sperm to make a consensus in Dan's ass.
They took 8 years to make this scam now the world can see oh what a scam it is, in fact it is worse than a scam

>> No.23685266

Paid shills

>> No.23686361
File: 460 KB, 2196x1518, e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overinflated VC scam, enjoy the constant sell side pressure starting from december

>> No.23686384

> there are currently 600+ nodes
KEK first of all more than 100 nodes are from avalabs. Most nodes come from people who got 2000 avax for free + those who bought at 0.5$. nobody's dumb enough to pay 8000$ to run a node