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23670418 No.23670418 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I find a rich gf? The world is so fucked that you can't expect to make it without established wealth. Marrying into money is the easiest path to financial security, and I'm determined to walk this road. Where do I start?

>> No.23670497
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>> No.23670522

You don't. You can be an absolute Fisherian-Runaway Chad and women will still never consider dating, let alone marrying, a man who makes less than them. The only way it ever happens that you get married couples where the wife out-earns or has more assets is when the wealth differential happens AFTER they were already together, and in that case, the woman will usually divorce the less wealthy man within a few years.

Women with money are only interested in men with even more money. If there's no available man with enough money they'll stay single.

>> No.23670526

I have a rich gf and I convinced her parents to buy link. They only bought 5K and are into it for about $35K now.

Her parents are worth millions and they only own fucking 5K LINK.

>> No.23670530

don't do it faggot. all of her friends and family will know exactly why you married and you will lose all of your self respect.

>> No.23670574

note that there is one narrow exception to this rule, which is for guys who have modest wealth/income but a job with very high social status - film actors, military special forces types, national-level political staffers, and so on.

>> No.23670610


The way around that is to date a woman who is due to inherit a large amount of wealth. The unicorn is an only child with an old father.

>> No.23670786
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No. Women enjoy a good power dynamic too. Find a rescuer type, someone who craves an intense connection, and genuinely love her. Slowly open up about your troubled past. She will love the feeling of being able to save you from your conditions and prove her love with her wealth.
Come with me on my fantasy, for example.
I daydream all the time about making it, then showing up to my ex's dead end mc'job several states away, strutting in looking like royalty, like an angel, and seeing the shock on his face. He will say "what are you doing here?" And I will look him straight in the eye, in front of all his co-workers, and say "I'm here for you. Come with me and live like the king you were destined to be." And then he follows me, dumbfounded, to a waiting car, which takes us to the airport for an immediate lavish, world-circling vacation where I make him understand who he really is, a king, not a wagie, and what our life will be together, and I will have saved him, and he will never leave me and will always adore me, and I will heal his wounds and lavish love on him until the end of our days.
I'm aware I have a savior complex. Find a girl like that.

>> No.23670858

we live in a time of human where it's actually possible for anyone to become rich. You think medieval peasants had the opportunity to YOLO their shitcoins for 1000x gains? No they didn't. Do you think they had the same amount of accessible information as you? No.

So STFU, work harder and grow a pair of balls.

>> No.23670873


based retard