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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2366204 No.2366204 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I'm in so many different bizcords trying to uncover why the board is so shit
It's all connected, the same schemes and names reappear.

>> No.2366240

Do you mind elaborating?

>> No.2366274

The pump groups buy all the shit then start their shilling on Biz. Anytime you see shilling, they've already bought up coins and your money goes to them

>> No.2366284

top kek

doin gods work OP

keep it up

>> No.2366328

Most people here know about that, its all about either riding the wave with them by catching the pump on time or finding coins they arent touching at that moment

>> No.2366348

he's right... unfortunately he's right.

lambo land doesn't have to be hard. Just because there's a rare opportunity, doesn't mean it has to be hard.

Cyall niggas there. CORD ME UP!

>> No.2366363

N-not my Ark though right? Tell me they aren't shilling on discord!

>> No.2366391

Bots aimed at confusing the root cause of all the nonsense.

>> No.2366433
File: 133 KB, 500x363, 687474703a2f2f696d6770786c2e636f6d2f4c5a632e6a7067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much information, the types of P&D are tenfold.
Although you would be suprised, other types of /biz/ scams exist.

One dude cashing in $50 to 100+/day by having a naive following discord making them do all these weird venture capitalist things, never even touched crypto.

Someone has to do it, I need to know why my board turned to shit.
It used to be good.

At least I keep contact with the old greats, like the guys actually helping with biz / investing / algo trading.
Also the people who posted their cars and houses on here.

Thing is it's not just 'riding the wave'.
Those are just the tip of the iceberg.

There are several conspiracies centered around /biz/.

They are.

>> No.2366471

what are some good discords, id love to go bankrupt by a bunch of anonymous people telling me to buy their shit

>> No.2366472

List the biggest shillcoins.

>> No.2366484

This board was way better before it became nothing but memecoins.

>> No.2366488
File: 24 KB, 500x375, 1418410889238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I agree.

I'm in like 4 or 5 different /biz/ pump discords, and after participating in a couple I've realized I would've been better off just trying to find a good long-term coin to hold than invest. I lost around $200 or 300 and wish this board would stop with the shilling and fake threads.

It's gotten to the point where you can't tell which threads are serious speculation and genuine hype and which are just shill/fake hype threads to get people to buy into an ongoing pump.

I've learned a lot and my lesson, I just want a good board now.

>> No.2366489

>its all about either riding the wave with them by catching the pump on time or finding coins they arent touching at that moment
Good luck with that strategy, hope you don't get burned too bad.

>> No.2366496

Thank you OP

>> No.2366637

I just hold my btc and eth. Dont have enough time daytrade shitcoins.

>> No.2366684
File: 31 KB, 600x450, ed-take-a-closer-look-propaganda-bonds11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your post is a metaphor for human life on earth .

>> No.2366736

oh shit i forgot people didn't know that every thread on here is a scam to get you to buy someone else's bags

>> No.2366764

what about nice peoples like me who just wants to support cool tech and help others get moons ;(

>> No.2366782

you're only nice when you want something.

>> No.2366818

don't project on me. i help people in real life and on internet for no pay

>> No.2366913

Then how come I'm up about 12K USD from my initial investments after only being in the game for 3 months and mostly investing in shit that I first heard about from /biz/?

I've only put slightly over 2K into coins so far, and my gains aren't even that high compared to some other cryptofags here but it has clearly been a successful endeavor.

>> No.2366952

Because you're doing something right.
What's your strategy? Do you buy the shill coins early and sell them off once they start getting shilled really hard here or do you hold?
Or do you ignore the speculation here and look up the coins yourself after you hear about them

>> No.2366971

I have seen some real pump starting here like 2 or 3 weeks ago with mooncoin, then the bagholders threads started and those were a lot more than the initial pump thread, the same with kids the true one started this sunday then the bagholding begun

>> No.2367133

I don't blindly follow what anyone says and always do my own research before investing. I understand there are shills but but there are many coins that get mentioned here that actually do have high potential, so they aren't all bad.

I am mostly HODLing now. I intially tried to trade coins for small profits but I actually fucked up by not HODLing because some of them skyrocketed in price after I've already sold off.

>> No.2367137

i'm not projecting, i'm generalizing using academic data.


>> No.2367195

>I am mostly HODLing now. I intially tried to trade coins for small profits but I actually fucked up by not HODLing because some of them skyrocketed in price after I've already sold off.
Exact same here

>> No.2367571

i just decided to trade with my first exchange with ether.
i made 20 buck today if i had sold. im gonna pour money in and slowly gain enough to sell a single bitcoin and then rebuy it for the next day.