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23657446 No.23657446 [Reply] [Original]

taxation is good
government regulation is good
social welfare is good
free healthcare is good
lockdown measures against pandemics are good

>> No.23657458

Yes! Eat the bugs goyim!

>> No.23657459

All these things are good for rich people, anon.

Or future Quant millionaires, as I like to say.

>> No.23657471

>always expected to die
>they think they can corrupt me into slavery with the threat of death

>> No.23657477

What does this have to do with decentralized oracles?

>> No.23657521

Kek, how’s integration into Oracle coming along?

Quant completed integration a year ago.

>> No.23657548
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>> No.23657554

>yes i insert butt plugs into my anus, how could you tell

>> No.23657566

jews good

>> No.23657578


>> No.23657609
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unlike you americans I do not see the state as a foreign entity or an enemy locked in some sort of eternal struggle against its own people
it is a representative institution that provides social cohesion without which our modern society could not exist

>> No.23657638

>it is a representative institution that provides social cohesion without which our modern society could not exist
Every entity, public or private, is good until it becomes evil.

>> No.23657659

>hurr durr you must be american if you don't trust the guberment
It's fucking retarded.

>> No.23657794

xBTC solves all of these things.

>> No.23657816

>the state can do no wrong
go read history

>> No.23657827
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>taxation is good
>government regulation is good
>social welfare is good
>free healthcare is good
>lockdown measures against pandemics are good

>> No.23657866

stockholm syndrome

>> No.23658005
File: 477 KB, 775x873, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could you please be more specific?
as a general trend in history has been societies with organized ruling bodies and rules enforced through coercive public power being extremely successful in relation to their pre-statal peers which has led, through both peaceful and aggressive means, to the spread of the concept of state over the entire planet

>> No.23658007

That's only half true, most of the bad is inompetance though and not conspiracy

>> No.23658182

In theory, these things are good. They don't work in practice because they create a large chunk of the population who exploit them and act as a constant drain. If those people were also regulated properly and either euthanized or put into forced labor programs to earn their keep, these things might be a net good. You'd still need to overcome the reality of diversity being a massive detriment to social capital, though, assuming you were trying to implemented these things in a cucked mutt country like the Jewnited States. The most realistic way to do this would be "separate but equal" segregation.