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23651457 No.23651457[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23651719
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Macron will kill them all.

I love macron.

I love FRANCE.

>> No.23651754

Report thread -> This post belongs on /pol/

>> No.23651823

About time he stood up to these goat fucking low IQ half bred noggers. Go France!

>> No.23652884
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>> No.23652918
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Are french men the saviors of EVROPE?

>> No.23652933


>> No.23652946

>Frenchcuck cope

Not if we kill you all first

>defending a degenerate fagloving society

amerifat detected

>> No.23652957

t. Abdullah

>> No.23652975

lol seeth

>> No.23652990

imagine being willing to kill for religion

>> No.23652992

You are lucky you are some anonymous faggot hiding behind a screen.

Luckier than those Charlie Hebdo guys at any rate.

>> No.23653001


>> No.23653022

>bro why are all these brown people hating me and killing me when I had a policy of fucking with brown countries and killing brown anti-imperialist leftists and letting reactionary islamists fill the anti-imperialist void left by dumb retarded brown marxists instead of just leaving these shitholes alone and developing our own economies

>> No.23653038

now you want to threaten someones life for saying youre basically a muslim karen by picking a random arab name? Stop doing heroin

>> No.23653048


Imagine not having anything to kill for


>> No.23653056

Karma might be real

>> No.23653062


>> No.23653071

French people are being allowed to vent on Muslims to take the edge off covid lockdowns, which is the more important tyranny to uphold since it is a key part of the great reset.

>> No.23653073

There is unironically nothing wrong with defending your religion through violence. White people somehow think that they are 'above' this notion - when they were the most powerful when they took and exploited what they pleased, defending their traditions and faith. Just as people should die from insulting our prophet, so should people die from insulting the prophet Isa/Jesus.

You are enemies of secular neoliberal western globohomo, but yet support its ideology. I do not accept your societies values. Feel free to insult my anonymously, it doesn't matter. In person I would kill you and your family for insulting what I believe in.

>> No.23653095

>thinks religion is the only cause worth dying for
We call that shallow and softskinned where i grew up
Well thats one persons opinion. My opinion is religion is not my law and never will be

>> No.23653133

completely agreed.

Not sure about killing family, but there is complete ijma on killing those who insult the Prophet, peace be upon him.

>We call that shallow and softskinned where i grew up
>he doesn't understand how honor cultures work

>> No.23653140

I hope an American Brenton Tarrant will mow you down mudcoon

>> No.23653160

maybe france should bring back gladiator matches or mideval torture. People really used to deter this type of crime but dont anymore. I guess the guillotine is pretty awful though desu

>> No.23653167
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>> No.23653168

In a normal world, if Western countries insulted the prophet and there was no Muslims in the West, no one would give a shit. This isn't just a conflict around Muslims being butthurt - this is just an excuse for Muslims to be riled up and angry at Western civilizations for interfering with our affairs for decades. For propping up dictators and killing our people. For demonizing and ruthlessly hunting down the only groups that are willing to fight against your disgusting world system being imposed on us against our will. This is before any of the murtads swam across the Mediterranean to try to join your lands by the way.

Now that we are forcibly integrated with your society because your neo-liberal masters, much to the chagrin of many of your ethno-nationalists and murtaddin... we will defend our honor and what is important to us in any way we can. Your elite imports cheap shitty labor to prop up your jewified economy, bringing more of us there. Many that come do not know Islam or hate Islam. But when push comes to shove, they will join the caliphate.

Even if you guys establish a fascist dictatorship, and cleanse Europe of all Muslims while dealing with a huge population of your own kind that hates you.. how will you keep your wealth and extract it? Our world is as connected as ever... you need presence in our lands and elsewhere. We will win. Islam will win. Victory has defeated you. Cry more murtaddin.

>> No.23653189

>religious dude moves to foreign country
>thinks his religious values supersede the values of the native population and demands the natives cuck to his values
>has a hissy fit and cuts off the heads of people defending their values where they clash with his
Fuck the invaders and their pedo prophet

>> No.23653204

yea bro we get your angry at the USA government of old, same for latin america. Youre letting bitterness get the best of you and fighting the wrong enemy. The enemy is the occult which is essentially judaism or thelemaism and the bad people are the pedophiles. You want to fight something because your mad about the past, its not healthy and doesnt make anything better

>> No.23653211

It isn't that simple, but either way, you are responsible for your own demise. This is not about individuals, but the future and spirit of the world. The war is between Islam and your elites. Reactionaries and ethno-nationalists are pawns that will be disposed of - if you have any victories at all. Your beliefs and viewpoints are irrelevant.

>> No.23653216
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>nothing wrong with defending your religion through violence
Agree desu. Islam can fuck off though cos that's not my religion. On the other hand the satanists running the west are worse.

>My opinion is religion is not my law and never will be
There is a "secular" religion in control atm and they will fuck you in different ways than direct violence. You WILL bake the cake.

>> No.23653242

No doubt there. The current religion is the dsm4

>> No.23653243

>import brown people to you country
>mock their religion
I'm not saying I agree with the muslims, but I understand.

>> No.23653247

Great, so you morons are literally helping our elites destroy our civilization. You're hurting the people who might have been your allies against these power-hungry psychopaths while being their tools.

>> No.23653259


>> No.23653265

>Kuffar think they can do terrorism better than Muslims

aww, he's scared

We are not going to stop killing those who insult the Messenger, peace be upon him.

incredibly based

>The West promotes an "invade the world, insult the world, invite the world" policy
>wonder why they now have millions of people in their countries who want to kill them.

Again, try insulting our religion IRL if you think you are so brave.

New Atheist cucks are a product of neoliberalism. They need to be exterminated.

>> No.23653270

>Calls himself muslim
>Doesnt support socialism


>> No.23653278

do you know why you dipshits wont win? You dont have the money. Fight the other poor people like they want you to. Cattle killing cattle.

>> No.23653284

You really think your hodge podge of atheist and paleoncons/facist gobblygook can help us? Our cause? You guys are fucking pathetic compared to Islamists. Islamists operate terrorist networks the span the whole world and secure funding across the world. They actively recruit in many nations. There are whole books and classes teaching about Islamist organizational structures and ideology that Islamists have made; the very foundations and machinations of how to build an Islamic state, and the way to do it.

You really think this is just durka durka jihad? You think that any of your /pol/ bullshit is helpful on any level to us, or that any of you will form a meaningful political bloc in the future? It won't. You will be exploited by populists like Trump and NOTHING WILL HAPPEN.

I pray for your Christians lmao.

>> No.23653294

>Reactionaries and ethno-nationalists are pawns that will be disposed of - if you have any victories at all.

The Western "Right" just wants globohomo without homophobic brown people to ruin the fun

CF is always right.

I can actually respect this. Seriously, if you are going to invite us to you countries by the millions, don't be stupid enough to go full fedora on us.

Not that I support them, but the Chinese actually make sense by banning Islam in their own borders, but also respecting Islam and Muslim countries internationally.

>> No.23653301

also i assure you i dont fear you but your fascism must be met with harshness and discipline. I just think the judges should have tools to deter crime

>> No.23653302

Why do you think our globalist elite are importing you guys on mass?

>> No.23653305

>Kuffar think they can do terrorism better than Muslims
Terrorism is the only thing sandniggers can do better

>> No.23653311
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>> No.23653340

Moderate Muslim here. These 2 seething faggots aren't Muslims talking about killing. Our prophet would use his intelligence and the way of the word to dissuade you from any violence. You 2 cucks are probably some troglodytes trannies with an internet connection and equipped with ISIS hats waiting to kill these same Muslim hating fuckers as well. You know what... not a bad idea.. cancel each other out motherfuckers. I don't give a shit.

>> No.23653344

You just want to defend the pozzed culture that the elites created without accepting the consequences of living in a pozzed culture.

And the normie "right" has been going "Muslims are the real homophobes" for nearly two decades now. They are worse than useless.

The Western Left is a joke.

We are socialists in the same way that George Fitzhugh was a socialist.

The West is already pozzed. And Western Normies will defend the poz.

>> No.23653345

imagine thinking the islamist network has the funding of CIA, mossad, catholics, jews, christians, or even a small country like australia/england. Bro no one is discounting you guys but if you come running in attacking gay people and free speech the police will deal with you

>> No.23653355

>your fascism
>unironically being a DR3 boomer in 2020

>> No.23653356

im not defending the west. Id like to change it through peaceful means as well which for me would mean running for politics or becoming rich and hiring lobbists

>> No.23653360

For cheap labor. It isn't that deep my kuffar friend. You can believe your white race stuff, that's fine. Western capitalism needs unlimited growth and cheap third world labor for their muh 1% GPD growth and shit. Everything is about money. There isn't some esoteric spooky reason why the elites hate you. I also don't pretend like an ethno-nationalist government would be friendly to us lmao. Ethno-nationalists are the people who got us into this mess and fueled Western expansion. I don't trust you guys to steer the ship, especially the 'new' breed of ethno-nationalists that you guys are, weak men and closet homos/fags.

Islam is the solution btw.

>> No.23653380

good old fashioned libertarian and you assumed my religion was athiest its not. Forever under the muslims skin arent we. Seeth more

>> No.23653384

Cheap labor and to rightfully fuck over normie plebs

That, and not being pozzed fag enablers


there is no ikhtilaf on the hukm of those who insult the Prophet, peace be upon him.

Its not ISIS or "Wahabi" or whatever, its just Islam

>> No.23653405

>Moderate Muslim here

Mmkay bud whatever. I'm not wishing death on every Westerner or Non-Muslim or anything, you saw what I posted. Keep on being a 'moderate' Muslim, I pray to Allah that you find the right path.

>> No.23653410

imagine accepting the european bread and thinking they arent red weddinging you

>> No.23653414

The fuck is wrong with you faggot? You think that the prophet would care to take a life of a normie pleb insulting him? You and this salafi/wahabi cult of Saudi snowflake mongoloids are the reason Islam is ways away from its Golden Era where rationality and thinking was top priority. Again, what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.23653415

None of the current populists are going to do shit, even though they are doing what you want to do.

The West is terminally pozzed.

Ironically, a lot of libertarians from the Ron Paul era became fascists because the West is too pozzed to just be solved with "muh freedom".