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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23643890 No.23643890[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

“You will own nothing and you will be happy”

What did he mean by this?

>> No.23643925

not your keys

>> No.23643932

They can take my Quant from my cold dead hands.

>> No.23643977

It means that the average pleb that doesnt own anything right now will continue to own nothing in the future, however, the pleb will be happy because every product was turned into a service so despite not actually owning anything the pleb can still live a relatively high quality of life with access to products that he doesnt have right now.

>> No.23643998

the difference is becker could buy whatever he want whenever he wants, he just chooses to live like a monk and dedicate his entire life to the success of his company. Plebs will spend more than they have on shit they don't need, but people should always have that choice.

>> No.23644022

stop advertising yourself faggot

>> No.23644026

More like Becker is not at peace with himself so he desperately tries to cope by building extreme habits in hopes it will lead to some revelation or insight that will make him happy but it never will and life is pointless at its core

>> No.23644046

>You are happier poor and they are happier rich.
What dont you get? Thats what they tell you because thats how they want you to feel. Not everything is "reverse psychology" retard

>> No.23644066

quantum computing
((they)) have your private keys. you will be rich, only if they allow you

>> No.23644078

definitely possible

>> No.23644121

it's kind of liberating if you think about it, it's like what else can the kikes take, we have nothing to lose anymore haha jokes on you rich kikes

>> No.23644136
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Where we're going you won't need keys.

>> No.23644331

Subscription based businesses will take over.
They realized how profitable it was with music streaming, Netflix and leases.
Soon you will be paying to rent furniture, pay monthly subs for features on your car, etc
Corporate feudalism of sorts

>> No.23644349


You will own nothing, but will have a neural implant that triggers happy signals to your brain whenever you want.

>> No.23644368

t. marketing guru scammer who makes money selling you courses on how to make money

>> No.23644431

By having nothing you are completely free to do whatever you want whenever you want

>> No.23644453

wow that sounds like me

>> No.23644493

>Soon you will be paying to rent furniture, pay monthly subs for features on your car, etc
which is extremely based.
Your car isn't driving the majority of the time so it's not cost efficient. Imagine if a majority of the cars out there (especially in cities) were owned by nobody. You need to go somewhere so you just rent the first car you see in the street on the spot and only pay for your need with crypto.

>> No.23644667

That's dumb. For one thing sharing a vehicle is just gross. $10k on a car is more than worth it. It will keep going for a good 6 or 7 years and then you sell or trade in when getting a newer car for around 10k again. That comes out to about 95/mo + gas, insurance, and maintenance.

>> No.23644809

>For one thing sharing a vehicle is just gross.
it's not. it's popular in cities for those who don't need a car too often because of efficient public transport, which is almost non existent in usa.
it all depends where you live but having the ability to rent objects is good. rational people will make the best economic choice between owning or renting. where i live buying a house is retarded for example, way too expensive. better to rent and invest in stock markets

>> No.23644836

poorfag cope

>> No.23644863

Public transport is even grosser than sharing a car. I just hope the idea never takes off and everyone who proposes it gets tortured to death. I prefer buying because it costs less compared to the monthly model and you have much less restrictions on what you can do with thing.

>> No.23644914

>You need to go somewhere so you just rent the first car you see in the street on the spot and only pay for your need with crypto.

and imagine how well cared for and nice those "communal cars" would be! Yummy!

>> No.23644960

it means that the kikes won.

>> No.23644989

Do your cities not have Zipcars/Car2Go?
Basically Smart(brand) cars that people rent out from point A to B.

>> No.23644992

where i live they are very well maintained because you pay for any damage or if you break the rules. it's perfect for those like me who only need a car ride occasionnally.

>> No.23645046

if you want to live in a place for a few months you want to rent your ap + furnitures. nothing weird about it. it's only retarded if the cost of renting > cost of owning

>> No.23645071

Not everyone is going to subscribe to this, I like owning my house and car outright and not being one payment or two from losing shit I've worked for. I like being able to resell something if I ever really need the cash or have no use for it. If there's anything I've seen from streaming music, buying digital games it's that times will change and what's socially acceptable changes so the media you subscribed for can and might get pulled from the service despite you paying for it. Stop paying you rent you get evicted, stop paying on your car they come and steal it back. Fuck that.

>> No.23645101

yes and nobody will force you to rent. it's just good to have the choice

>> No.23645127

They will buy everything for us.

Anything you want.

>> No.23645141

* but they retain ownership.

>> No.23645163
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>they don't know

>> No.23645174

>Commies: "EAT THE 1%!!!"
>Literal 1%'er : "Sit down and eat your bugs. Give me your property. If you are go you may have a meat treat."
>Commies: "Oh yes daddy pleeeease!!!!!! I'll be so good!"

>> No.23645176

I don't know, that feels weird. To just have everything provided by the government or some corporation. Not a fan of the implications there, it makes you their bitch.

>> No.23645225

Those will be the "premium" cars. Normal rental cars will be as sticky and piss soaked as the subway. Imagine with the current attitude towards policing. I give it a week before all the rental cars in LA will be homeless sleeping boxes. Soaked to the brimm with fresh warm piss.

>> No.23645258

cars are so cheap in usa that it doesn't really make sense to rent.

>> No.23645280

It makes you one accountancy adjustment away from existing

>> No.23645306

They'll buy the things we need
They'll also decide what we need
You don't really need all of those internal organs, citizen, why are you being so selfish?

>> No.23645317

also you pay for kilometers + time. the next renter will report any damage. if you fuck up they will just forbid you service.
i mean a lot of people rent their gym membership instead of building a home gym. nothing weird about that because it's quite cheap. where i live a gym membership used to be 1000 usd/year so i just bought my equipment. but if it was like 250/year like the LAfitness i would rent

>> No.23645327
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I'll kill every pinko commie who comes for my assets.

>> No.23645343

The own nothing is for the plebs in debt now with no hard assets. The free ride is over. Economic output is now being maintained and calculated in BTC. The “You will only need 1 whole Bitcoin” meme is not a meme. BTC owners will be the only souls with actual ‘freedom’ to buy/own. I hope you are all prepared.

>> No.23645345

My city has black people and population of 650k. You're talking about stuff that only works in a white place. Besides that I'm cleaner and neater than most people of my race anyway. People in general don't take care of their tools, less so if rented.

>> No.23645412

Uh those rules will disproportionately effect the homeless and minorities, do you hate poor people? Uh racist and sexist much? New law demands rental companies allow EBT card instant access regardless of credit.

>> No.23645431

So does that mean I get neetbux?
Okay whatever lets do it.

>> No.23645458

kek !!

>> No.23645461
File: 30 KB, 412x599, 1600544257677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to need at least one Bitcoin to survive the apocalypse. I suggest you accumulate soon, time is running out.

>> No.23645473

Thanks for reminding me how fucking horrible gym memberships are. All those hidden fees, and if you cancel there's a fee, they bank on you not showing up. LA Fitness costs $50 a month or $600 a year. For $600 you can build a super nice home gym. It's crazy to me that's not more common.

>> No.23645514
File: 37 KB, 400x400, 1596045084803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ used to be a place for ideas

And while, not owning stuff is a kind of /biz/ idea, its not enough to add value to a thread like this. Let me suggest something like:

>Build a hot tub, rent it out

>> No.23645516

This. People treat public space like shit. When I Uber'd, people treated my car like shit. No I don't want to share with 50 yo washed up hookers leaking gonorrhea cum in the back seat. Fuck this hyper focus on the bottom rung of society. We care more about criminals that normal people.

>> No.23645570

Sorry, I live in the country. I’m not a basedboy. I can’t relate.

>> No.23645600

cityfag cope

>> No.23645720

You can rent property but you don't own it.

>> No.23645834

I really don't want to drop another $6000 on bitcoin to have 1 whole one. Why do I need a whole one? Is half a coin not enough?

>> No.23645917

Since its appreciating, you might as well "loan" the fiat to btc and then sell slices when you need fedbux for your neets. I backtested this and its golden

>> No.23645935
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I will own Bitcoins and assault rifles

>> No.23645968
File: 124 KB, 1080x712, laughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you did share with 50 yo washed up hookers leaking gonorrhea cum in the back seat.

>> No.23646029
File: 652 KB, 957x1029, 1591023052619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He meant that he's spoiled fucking megafaggot that never had to be poor. Typical.

Fags like him will say anything that just sounds good to his poor retards getting scalped lol. Force them to eat their own words however and they'd kill themselves. All talk and never never own up to it anything. if this little jew cherished any form of ascetism he'd have already signed up to live as a monk in tibet.

>> No.23646074

pretty much. if you search youtube for this title youll see he pauses when mentioning friendships & relationships and looks distraught
clearly he is lacking fulfillment in that area (like most here are)
add in the fact that click bait is the only youtube content that sells.

>> No.23646822

>be retard
>own nothing
>no gun for self defense
>get killed
>news media: well, he died happy

truly a dystopian future is upon us

>> No.23646906

this is some neo christian buddhist shit?

>> No.23646966

sex may be a physiological need but reproduction is esteem or higher

>> No.23646991


>> No.23647011

well i guess he meant to dump all Bitcoins and get out of the stress.

>> No.23647021

1 post by this id

>> No.23647048


He meant the Great Reset will make everyone "happy". Yes, there will be a somewhat new meaning of "happiness".

>> No.23647056

Well, in the United States of Nothing. We don't own anything. We don't own our cars because it's a privilege to drive them, not a right. Even though we purchased them and pay taxes so the roads can be kept. We don't own our homes because we pay property taxes, even though some of us don't live near a city and totally off the grid. We can be drafted to a war that we don't even know the location of the country we are going to. We don't own shit in this country. We already don't own anything and some people are happen with it.

>> No.23647260

Where one is ruled by jews freedom becomes an empty dream.