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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2364232 No.2364232 [Reply] [Original]

>Woke up at 5:30am today
>It's now 5:47pm and I've still done nothing besides post on 4chan and watch YouTube videos

>> No.2364261

It sounds like a good day to me Anon!
Cheer up! you are a god of the 3rd dimension and the heavens smile upon you for being alive.

Go on a walk you fatass, the exercise will cheer you up.

>> No.2364305

It's my rest day

>> No.2364441
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>wasted another day browsing 4chan again that could of been learning a new language, working to win money, flirting with a young girl and lifting

>> No.2364471
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>tfw I will be here forever

>> No.2364497

How old are you OP?

Do you have a job?

What's your hobby?

>> No.2364511

Lifting is overrated. Did that for a year and lost it all in a couple of months. Just stay in shape by running lots.

>> No.2364529

Delete this

21, no. I have no hobbies or goals. Only lifting weights really.

>> No.2364544


>> No.2364550


I ran XC years ago in high school and I only stretch/walk these days maybe some crunches. and I'm still in damn good shape

Run you fatass run I don't care if it's your weak ass rest day. Rest when you die.

>> No.2364582

Why should I harm my recovery in the gym?

>> No.2364955


>> No.2364992

Not healthy, bro.

>> No.2365722
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>It's 8pm now

>> No.2365737

>drive out to job interview today
>1.5 hours away
>wasnt really happy with the company
>halfway home I realize i left my wallet there
>have to drive back monday just to get a wallet

fuck today

>> No.2365844

You're a neet that can sleep 12 hours a day. You have enough time to lift/run and rest.

>> No.2365938
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I woke up at 6am to get my H2S Ickes to work in the oil industry. Maybe on a drilling rig.

Also finished my MSc in May.

>> No.2365959

H2S ticket*

>> No.2366151

Running is for fags though biking is better

>> No.2366512
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Russian 2ch hk or German Krautchan instead senpai.

It only makes sense.