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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 66 KB, 1078x447, strat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2364196 No.2364196 [Reply] [Original]

Stratis is showing Textbook elliot wave. Get in before the next wave

>> No.2364217

Nigger, are you just making up words now?

>> No.2364234

>tfw bought at (B)
Iron hands though

>> No.2364392

I am holding because I bought Stratis and Blitzcash after ATH. My hands are sweating.

>> No.2364414

Glad I'm not the only one

>> No.2364429

>elliot wave
nigga he literally gave you the term and your fat lazy hairy ass has never heard of it so he must've made it up?

kys you fuck scum, this is why we need eugenics

>> No.2364464

When should we expect it?

Hold my hand, friend. Let's moon together.

>> No.2364641

already put all my coin in RDD

>> No.2364676

what does the fibonacci graph say though?

>> No.2364710

I don't know but strat will easily be worth $100 someday. This is why the whales are pushing it down and trying to load up now.

>> No.2364751
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>> No.2364772

small arbitrage opportunity between bittrex and polo

>> No.2364787

Unfortunately I don't want to wait too much. I'll sell it as soon as it peaks, and invest again if I hear rumours of moons.

>> No.2364795
File: 2.21 MB, 5625x5648, 1410966473749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's 2017 and there are STILL idiots who take the TA mumbo jumbo voodoo seriously

Might as well start reading tea leave while you're at it

>> No.2364805

recently went all in on this coin. got about 3.4k around .0037, going to hold for at least a year. The road map on this coin looks promising

>> No.2364816

>Unfortunately I don't want to wait too much.

This is why you'll always be poor.

>> No.2364846

It's just that I don't have enough to diversify properly yet (poorfag), and daily trading would be more profitable.

>> No.2364887
File: 83 KB, 940x627, watchingrocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2365040
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x720, those who left Stratis boat too soon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2365315

Just touched 0%

>> No.2365431

It should dip a little more and then bounce to around 3500 tomorrow. It's downtrending so I don't see it going to an ATH for a week or 2.

>> No.2365487

bruh. sell out now. This shit will crash hard. 100000% ROI since last year? There is about to be a lot of mofos cashing out.

>> No.2365503

and it looks like its happening right now.

>> No.2365507

>t. fud posting faggot

>> No.2365508

Never gonna make it

>> No.2365560

Humans are predictable creatures, they also love patterns. You might not believe it but if others do, it will fulfil its own prophecy.

I'm'a set a buy order just a nip above that peak 3 price, see how we go ;)

>> No.2365570

enjoy the soon o be 15% dip since yesterday.

>> No.2365688

>t. fud posting faggot

>> No.2365834

Have you seen the order book for this thing?

There's a wall of sell stretching into the sea and the number of strat for sale just keeps piling up behind it. 1250k now in polo.


>> No.2365882
File: 636 KB, 3303x1345, STRAT_ETH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stratis is showing Textbook elliot wave.
Not sure if.
But it behaves very much like Ethereum earlier this year in March and April. Probably will take a one month break and then come back full force.
(Obviously also depending on general market environment and BTC/FIAT)

>> No.2365891

Yeah it's "toast" that's why whales have been actively pushing the price down constantly for a week now. Stfu you little bitch and go back to doing something your good at like sucking your boyfriends dick.

>> No.2365908

Holding 200 I'll think about selling in a month nothing to lose

>> No.2365939

Wouldn't it make more sense for me to buy at point C?

>> No.2365997

Also my chart >>2365882 supports this. Probably in 2 weeks is a good time to buy STRAT somewhere between 29 and 24.

(Disclaimer I hold 250k STRAT, but just trade my staking rewards. Could crash the price by 80% to 0.006. lel)

>> No.2366072

>250k STRAT

>> No.2366084


You sound like a bagholder that didn't sell at 44k. Don't worry, I'll come around to strat again at 24k and pick it up for another double.

>> No.2366113

Oh look I'm about to be proven right on Polo.

>> No.2366123

bought a few at 30k, don't disappoint me /biz/

>> No.2366273

Looks like this is going to be a long, bloody war isn't it? I think I get it now. The whales want us all to give up, or panic sell, or lose hope right? So they can buy up all our strat. Well I'm not selling. I bought all mine when it was like 220, so the whales have a long way to go before I'm not in the green anymore. Eat shit whales

>> No.2366469

>oh look, i'm a fud posting faggot trying to help drive the price down so i can buy it cheap like the whales who are working day and night to drive the price down

>> No.2366504

If they were working day and night to drive the price down why not just sell 100 BTC worth and lower the price like 20% all at once?

>> No.2366535

>bought at 37k

Should I have any hope of gains within the next month? These bags are getting heavy, especially with every other coin making gains.

>> No.2366645

Why would they sell at a loss when they can push it down like they are now by putting up fake walls and pushing the price down?

>> No.2366915

Waddup strat bois. I just sold off my fucking heavy strat bags.
>inb4 weak-hands
I've kept these bags for over a month, managed to sell back and break-even. Get the fuck off this bloodbath now. Putting my money back into the gods of SIA/RDD. See you on the other side boys.

>> No.2367101

>broke even after the price increased 400% after you supposedly bought.

Shittiest shill in a while

>> No.2367198

hahaha these faggots a relentless