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23639159 No.23639159 [Reply] [Original]

Faggots keep accusing me of "reddit spacing" and i have no idea what the fuck that is.

You pricks must have spent a lot of time on reddit yourselves...

>> No.23639170






>> No.23639204

yeah i get it but why is it associated with reddit? Lots of people do it cuz it's an easier way to lay out your ideas when you're low iq.

>> No.23639261

Because they're wannabe academics and think they know. There more knowledge in a shitpost that has frogs than the entirety of most (((academic journals))).
Either way dude lurk more before posting or shut the fuck up I have a headache and a really bad day

>> No.23639267


>> No.23639273

only a redditor would actually care about transmitting ideas to each other with any fidelity.

>> No.23639280

Undercover redditor here. They are really proud of writing walls of text and to break it down otherwise into an easier digestible format is heresy.

>> No.23639286

Because that's how it works on reddit to format your text to be more readable
one Enter and it looks like this >>23639261
two newlines and it looks like a new paragraph

i don't mind it desu, it's a "free" world
just like I am free to call you a faggot

>> No.23639301

Fuck anon I’m new too but at least try and make some effort in your posts - if people call you out - call them back out ten fold

>> No.23639322

I've been here since the board was created, I took a short 1 year break and now everyone is calling me a redditor. This place is so so shit now jfl.

>> No.23639334

This is literally hos text has been formatted since forever even before the internet. The real question is why leddit is too retarded to create actually new paragraphs and instead requires you to use a command like ;npybfr& or whatever it is. Who would design a website like this?

>> No.23639381

Lots of academia is literally curated by corporations and their msm outlets determining whose thoughts are worthy of being declared intellectual etc. Doesn't mean 4chan is smarter. But kek regardless.

>> No.23639388



>> No.23639395

because faggots over there act as if having double spaced paragraphs means you're well versed in grammar and therefore intelligent. here we don't give a fuck about capitalizing and other bullshit as long as it's coherent, since autists can detect retards instantly

>> No.23639407



>> No.23639503

idk why they are obsessed with reddit on here

>> No.23639546

Because of newfags. This way of writing was used on 4chan long before reddit even existed.

They saw it first on reddit where they come from, and mock it here to cover their pain of not belonging.