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2363745 No.2363745 [Reply] [Original]

Basically I found some fake beauty products from China on the internet and decided to be a dumbass and sell them on Amazon. I sold about $800 worth before the actual brand company of the products bought some of them and found out they're fakes. They messaged me saying they're gonna pursue legal action, but they're asking for my address cuz they say their legal team needs it. The products were drop shipped, so they don't know my actual address yet. I changed my business address and contact info to fakes on my profile. I'm gonna be able to close the account in about 10 days. This is a first offense and I've never done shit like this before, so I'm alright with paying a fine but I'm not down to get my ass raped in jail. Am I fucked or is there anything I can do?

>> No.2363786

Your more than likely being trolled. If you were caught selling fakes a real legal department would have went straight to Amazon, your account would be locked and put under review. They also wouldn't ask you what your address is.

>> No.2363858

>can make 800 dollars with crypto within a day
>decides to scam people

>> No.2363902

This. You're (probably) going to be fine.

>> No.2363905

The dude states that he's the CEO of the company, and I did look up his name to find his LinkedIn matches the company. Like, theoretically if this were really the dude and I'm not being trolled, would I be safe if they never got a hold of my address?

>> No.2363934

which beauty product? asking for a friend...

>> No.2363949

he has to serve you papers somehow

>> No.2363957

Fucking kek dude. Just delete the message and carry on like it's not you.

Like just take everything down and then ignore it and move on with your life.

Block the number, block the email, etc., and ignore it.

They're not gonna fucking trace you lol just take it away and everyone will forget it ever happened.

>> No.2363973

Just say you didnt know it was a fake and bought from some shitty whole sale site and thought it was a good deal to buy them

>> No.2364002

yea don't do this.

>> No.2364033

tip: dont say anything. dont respond anything. Anything you say could be used against you. Your best bet is hit that ignore button repeatedly.

Then, keep doing what you were doing but with a different name, number, and address :) why stop making money if its easy?

>> No.2364044

They want your address so they can serve you papers. If they can't do that, all they can do is shove the papers up their own asses. Play dumb, you never knew they were fakes, and you forget to give them your address, capisce? They can't do anything to you if you don't give them anything. Fuck the faggot ass owner. Don't be a pussy, OP.

That's also assuming >>2363786 isn't true which it probably is. You'll be fine OP.

>> No.2364051

bottom line, op. they want your address so that they can serve you papers to sue you. they probably want to make an example of you. do they have your name?

>> No.2364065

So, actually I'm fucking retarded and already replied with two messages saying they weren't fake and I just bought them from eBay before posting here. Knowing that, is it still possible for me to back out of this shit and close the Amazon account and hope I don't get my ass traced?

>> No.2364072

This. Just fucking ignore it OP.

There's like a 90% chance it will go away. Just do nothing and forget about it. That's seriously the best advice.

>> No.2364087

delete everything obviously. what do they have on you, op?

>> No.2364088


Just close your accounts and fucking forget about it.

BLOCK the number and email and all that from that. Trust me once you block it, it goes out of sight and out of mind. You will be FINE.

>> No.2364104

I don't think they have my name yet, but it does show up on my Amazon seller settings as my Legal Entity. That's all that couldn't be changed, everything else is just a fake business address and e-mail.

>> No.2364108

Also lying will not fucking help.

Just let it go.

You think some shitty little beauty company is gonna spend all that money on a lawyer to get permission to come and track you down to your house? No.

Just block it all you'll be fine.

>> No.2364113

well delete that asap. do any public records have your current address?

>> No.2364117

Fucking close it all, block them, and move on. End of story.

>> No.2364124

Also, Amazon has this thing where you get your pay-out for products you sold at a certain date, you don't get the money immediately. My pay-out date is in 10 days, so I called them and asked them to close my account. They said they can't close it til I get my pay-out. So, I want to close it the fuck down right now but I literally can't.

>> No.2364143

just take your punishment. you've earned it. you probably fucked some people's skin up with dangerous chemicals. you deserve this.

>> No.2364146

>asking for address
Sounds like they're hoping you are stupid enough to tell them your info out of guilt or something because they don't have anything on you.

>> No.2364160

Agreed. Some fag tried the OMG I WAS HACKED, line on me when I sold DOGE on eBay. I ignored, cleared my account, and withdrew funds from my bank. Never heard anything from eBay or PayPal. It's been several weeks, so hopefully I'm in the clear. PayPal changes TOS this summer in a way that would fuck me (((last bit about negative balance))). Gonna pay my seller fees, but I'm not sure what method is best, I don't want them having a trail back to my finances.

>> No.2364177

ebay will report this to a credit agency.

>> No.2364228

is your state or city listed on amazon, op?

>> No.2364274

Nah, I don't think my city or state is listed, in fact the seller profile itself is pretty much impossible to look up. The only thing is that the guy bought my shit and so he has the ability to message me through the Contact button. I'm retarded but not dumb enough to give the dude my address. You think I'm good if I just ignore this til 10 days and close the account?

>> No.2364311

Criminal Lawyer here, but probably not in your country. This Anon is giving you very good advice.

If you have represented these items as being genuine products, arguably you can be accused of committing the criminal offence of fraud - which generally means you have knowingly made a false representation in order to gain a benefit.

Lay low, don't respond to any of the company's communications at this stage, and see what happens. You won't be able to talk them out of anything, and if they don't have your address, don't give it to them. They wouldn't give you their home address if you asked them for it, would they?

>> No.2364341

Yea. If your name is unique and they can find you in public records they might follow up if this guy has a hardon for you. Amazon will likely never give you up. If so you might be able to sue them. Just make it a rule that if any stranger knocks on your door or walks up to you and asks "are you, anon?" say no.

>> No.2364350


So you called Amazon about your account, meaning that Amazon can now link your phone number to your account. That could be a problem.

>> No.2364380





are you fucking stupid? read our fucking words


they cannot afford a fucking lawyer for this petty little issue

regardless of EVERYTHING short of you fucking confessing, IGNORE THEM.

>> No.2364426

he actually is being scammed by someone he fucked. He is not smart to even go to the store to buy milk and not get fucked, don't be rude to him

>> No.2364542


also much more likely to be pursued under a civil consumer law for false representation than the popo having the time or resources to chase you down over $800. the internet is full of people selling dodgy shit OP, did you sell the stuff well below RRP which is why people bought it? cos you could ez argue a dodgy site selling 'name brand goods at low low prices' is obviously peddling fakes if you are a reasonable consumer

>> No.2364727


>can make 800 dollars with crypto within a day

Lol no you can't

>> No.2364743

you are right. make that a thousand.

>> No.2364776
File: 20 KB, 400x400, knee-pads-ringerfp_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to need these where you're going OP

>> No.2364926

And then what, my credit score takes a hit? Anything else?

>> No.2365233

>delete mail
>go on with your day

and your good to go sir

>> No.2365306

Do you realize how many niggers do this every day? They get caught for real crimes not this faggot shit. Stop being such a bitch whipped pussy.

>> No.2365322


>> No.2365376

>selling fakes
you deserve it. kill yourself.

>> No.2365419

>They messaged me saying they're gonna pursue legal action,

welcome to amazon. Some sellers even have templates sounding like stupid lawyers to scare retards and have the listing for themselves. lot of those fuckers are chinks. nothing will happen OP you are not the first. and legally they need you to send a cease and desist letter certificate then if you still sell that shit they can legally sue you. they are not going to expend 25k to get your 800 bucks

>> No.2365529

How hard is it to be a drop ship seller on Amazon? I'm done with eBay, and craigslist is full of low-ball faggots.

>> No.2365599


how do people on CL try to low ball you? do they change their price when they meet you in person?

>> No.2365729

They're generally cheapskates in my area. Sold a refurbished advanced warfare xbox one that was listed new for $500 online and was asking $250-275. I think I got $225 at the last minute. They were sold out everywhere... Only reason I let it go was I bought them in bulk. I sold enough that I was able to keep $1k worth of xbox gear for my kid's Christmas gifts.