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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23630871 No.23630871 [Reply] [Original]

Why do unions knowingly protect bad workers?

>> No.23630900

Unions only exist because bad workers exist. Unions need bad and lazy workers to be relevant.

>> No.23630916


>> No.23630927
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>> No.23631004

Union worker here.

I would have to agree, there are so MANY lazy fucks in the union. It's my biggest gripe on the union environment.


I still love the protection of the union. It's like having a lawyer in the workplace working for your cause.

Also the pay & benefits are outstanding.

If unions could stop defending lazy workers, I would be 100% on board with unions.

>> No.23631100

Why dont they?

>> No.23631182

Small brain take

>> No.23631348


Unions exist only to benefit the union leaders. It's literal extortion.

> Oh you work here? Great! You are by default part of the union and have to give us 5-10% of your salary so we can "protect you". It's totally optional but if you don't then we will actively try to trip you and get you fired.

>> No.23631384

How can there be mandatory unions?

>> No.23631650

cause they are boring. Enter BoringDAO lol

>> No.23631765

It's a big thing with public labour crews

>> No.23631815

I work in trades and I've been on lots of jobsites where its union-only work. There's lots of guys who dont really work for a company and instead work for the union bouncing around to various short-longterm out of town jobs, usually in camps or lodges. There's also lots of general contractors who will only sub out unionized companies.

>> No.23631833

Yeah in the good old days workers in the mills were in constant euphoric bliss, then the evil unions came along :(

>> No.23632291


>> No.23632329

Union obligated to protect ALL employees....this includes lazy ones.

It's the only thing about Unions I can't stand.

Otherwise, I'm in full support of it.

No retards. Unions exist to protect workers from moronic leadership. If you have had a stupid boss before, you would understand.

The best parts of unions is that they act on YOUR behalf. They pay much more and honestly prop up the middle class....which is being gutted right now.

>> No.23632797

There’s agreements through unions and employers that are called “closed shops,” where the company agrees to only hire union members.
t. work in a closed shop

>> No.23632909

>implying /biz/ will ever work or see a paycheck

>> No.23633014

as a teacher, occasionally, you see the implied threat against non-union workers.

Basically, its just a bad idea to be a teacher without the union, because they will find ways to fuck you over to make an example of you.

>> No.23633066

Why would a business ever agree? What kind of deal is it?

>> No.23633077

Can you give an example?

>> No.23633143

holy mother of god based I cant wait to see how much he gets

>> No.23633244
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That double standard against whites lmfao fucking niggers

>> No.23633374

I am in the position of a previous teacher who decided to give up union protections, and he was out within a year and half. That's all I can say really.

>> No.23633449

Businesses generally don’t like unions lmao so they’re just following national labor laws collectively bargaining a contract.

>> No.23633463

Meant for >>23633066

>> No.23633699

>Get job in union trade in the US
>get paid more than some homo from silicon valley
>Get a trade job in literally any non-western country
>Be as poorly paid as unskilled labor
Labor unions might have corrupt leadership, but they exist for a reason. The whole idea of labor is that the employer offers the job, and you can freely take it, but wages can only be negotiated from the labor side if you don't have third world tier competition saying "I'll weld/plumb/build your stuff for 10$ an hour!"
It's a negotiation tactic.

>> No.23633742

Absolute KANG

>> No.23633863

What's the difference between a lazy worker
and ass kisser Yes Sir Boss worker

sometimes when a worker doesnt want to
break down conditions
the guy eyeing the forman job
labels that worker lazy


>> No.23633885

If an employer can cut a "bad worker" from the herd and then fuck with them with impunity it undermines the utility of the union as a whole. Protecting bad workers is bad for unions, not protecting them is worse.

>> No.23634032

Because they are dishonest, simple as.

What worker would seriously join a Union though? Why answer to a second hierarchy of slimy, wannabe politicians?

>> No.23634060

Because they are contractually obligated to do so

>> No.23634067

Wtf I love unsafe working conditions and starvation wages now

>> No.23634081

>tfw thought the .gif was james may

>> No.23634113

hate niggers
simple as

>> No.23634129

Good workers don't need protection. If you're good enough you're employer will take better care of you than a union would. Employers need good workers. Good workers make unions look bad and raise the bar for everyone else. I'd probably join a union if my state allowed it. Nurses have atrocious working conditions and pay is meh all things considered.

>> No.23634163

This. Unions don't demand equality, they just want the people who they represent through blackmail to be privileged. Unions are a meme and should have dissolved themselves long ago.

>> No.23634186

Why do black lives matter when they murder the most and why is their culture so shit?

>> No.23634206

>Wtf I love unsafe working conditions and starvation wages now

>voters vote for enhanced worker rights, protections, and minimum wages
>unions: that was us! we did that!

>average wages rise faster in non-union jobs
>unions: uh, that too is us!

>> No.23634241

no one answers to a 2nd hierarchy
But no one is worried about the ladder climbing
ambitions of the guy next to him making their
work day miserable with their actions.
There's a contract that establishes wages, OT,bennys, and responsibilities of the worker
plus safety regs.

>> No.23634347

The employer will take care of the good workers
with a pat on the back.
The union will insure a better wage

have you ever had a fkn job
or your parents own a business and your
blabbering dinner table talk ??

>> No.23634532

Sounds like you're either a union shill or someone who still has not gotten out in the real world yet.

>> No.23634587

Unions exist to protect employees who have little contact with management and who’s individual bargaining power is limited. Left unchecked any self advocating group can grow harmful. The previous statement applies to both parties in the first statement.

>> No.23634765
File: 28 KB, 640x423, NNN4LEGumAf7h1MZeryz0EgtIdtmsGMSNhL1PJDCVYg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in a Union and it is incredibly based. I don't have to worry or compete with anyone. Just come and do my job. Supervisors can't harass me or making me do things out of seniority. I get paid more, and have free healthcare. I go home some days with pay due to overstaffing. And I don't have to worry about being fired. Everyone should be in a Union.

>Tfw you're a teamster

>> No.23634827

Because money
Also this >>23633885
Unions can't watch everything. If a manager complains to Unions about a Union worker then management could be just as easily lying and use bad reports as a form of retaliation. Soon if all union members are labeled as "bad" and all non union members as "good" then it will slowly kill the union.

>> No.23634962

What does he hold

>> No.23635121

hope he wins a $1,000,000,000.00 lawsuit for having to put up with that shit.

>> No.23635214

It depends on the union. Im in AWWA and its cucked. Over time so many Achilles heels get built into contracts union protection becomes nonexistent.