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23627169 No.23627169 [Reply] [Original]

sit down, tell me about it

>> No.23627221

An idiot driving a BMW managed to crash it into a house on my block. Not joking.

>> No.23627232

my knee hurts and i need a blowjob

>> No.23627266

i'm about to end it all

>> No.23627312

Not great, bought link higher than the current price

>> No.23627363

im just lonely thats all

>> No.23627425

I had a glorious day of wagie vacation today. I used the time to watch my stonks go down which lead to a day long desperation that didn't dissolve until i hit the gym.

>> No.23627451

Well TBQH this market makes me want to hang myself. The only reason I haven’t is I’m down in almost all my positions so I hate to give up until I’m at least back even. Don’t want to be thought of as a loser.

Also the pandemic has really squashed my main form of enjoyment. I used to look out my window and watch the people going about their day, imagining what it Woolf be like to be out there with them. Now there are fewer people out and about, and they all have masks on so it is harder to imagine what they are like.
Also it is getting cold now so women footwear has changed. Fewer feets to see.

>> No.23627475

this, but I’m holding purely out of spite for losing colossal gains by trying (failing) to swing ETH and taking profits too early in 2017
A dump truck loading old roof tiles almost crushed my parents to death in their driveway 3 months ago because the fuckers didn’t even deploy the stabilizers, whole thing just tipped over while they were bringing in groceries
Every day since is a blessing despite my losses

>> No.23627554

how are you?

>> No.23627664

im losing my job in august

>> No.23628619


don't do that anon. What's wrong?


know that feel fren

>> No.23628637 [DELETED] 
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I'm still waiting for a dip

>> No.23628653


i'm okay at the moment thanks. Every day is groundhog day really and it's starting to take a toll. Still not over my ex of 9 months. Think about her every day..


i'm sorry anon ;_;

use this as a lesson to never, ever rely on an employer. It's time to start making your own money

>> No.23628770

Wagin still, while learning as much programming as I can. Plowing through Solidity, want to learn more in order to get a career and climb out of wage slavery, isolated, lost all frens, lost girlfriend, trying to stay busy, DCA in my investments and not an hero.

>> No.23628894

I had a shitty couple weeks trading and finally made 3.5 ETH off of Andre's latest scam. I'm gonna go do blow at my friends house to celebrate.

>> No.23628954

Literally storms, earthquakes and pestilence surrounding me. My internet money is doing great though and personally everything is pretty sweet.

>> No.23628971

fuck I wish my gyms weren't closed from March
I wish I was in a vibrant place were I could go down at night

>> No.23629125
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Tell me you're not anon from pic related

>> No.23629142


currently experiencing all this minus the programming. For me it's learning trading. Hang in there fren

>> No.23629159

sofa. whisky. chicks. DUNE

>> No.23629201

nah i didn’t lose any money I just missed the Dec/Jan pump because I played it too safe and cashed out in Nov
poor dude though, fuck

>> No.23629283

Finally finished my phd comps three weeks ago which I had been panicking about for a year. Housemate also moved out a month ago so I’m all alone now. Feeling super comfy, but also super lazy

My crypto has gone to shit the last 2 months, September was a horrible month but the bleed still isn’t stopping

>> No.23629339

I’m doing ok. 66% of my money is in link and the rest is in bank for an emergency. Trying to make it out of wage cucking. I wish everyone the best in these trying times ;

>> No.23629423
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Really don't want to live in America anymore...I'm so worried about the direction things are heading. At this point I'll be raising my kids in Brazil 2.0.

Seriously thinking about emigrating.

>> No.23629429

Gambled on scams. I will never do it again.

>> No.23629457

Hang tough, anon. This one’s for all the waffles.

>> No.23629486

You'll eventually not be interested in her anymore. It's a biological / brain chemistry thing. Until than you feel these withdrawal like symptoms. Hold strong.

>> No.23629502


>> No.23629505

Coom to get your mind off her. Then you can retain seamen too get your energy back.

>> No.23629587

I think something is seriously wrong with link

>> No.23629591

Wish this security gaurd job paid more, but I've been using the time to pursue some IT certifications and got into 3D printing/DIY shit as well. Can't complain, but I wish my investments would take off.

>> No.23629652

I'm just starting my career and I really enjoy the work but I feel like I'm missing something in my life. Gonna try pick up some trafing/crypto to fill the void. Barely see friends anymore and my family don't really like me. Any general advice for someone completely new to the board?

>> No.23629740

There's nothing to do in this town anymore. I wanna make it and move out to the country. Things will never go back to normal. I dont think people really understand this. We think 2020 sucks like by next year it will somehow get better. This is it, if you didnt get some good partying in before all this too late Im afraid.

>> No.23629765

It will be fun tho anon. You get to shoot untermenschen on the reg.

>> No.23629873

Nah. We're already past the racial point of no return now. It's too late for that.

>> No.23629921

hilariously enough decen might be the only thing that can heal the racial divide but it’s being absolutely shitwrecked by centralized blockchains

>> No.23629930


new to /biz/ or new to 4chan?


I dunno man, 9 months though? That's a hell of a long withdrawal. I just want to stop imagining her next to me and shit every day. It's getting nuts

>> No.23629933
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>> No.23630045

New to /biz/. Long time /fit/, /sci/ and /tv/ poster.

>> No.23630178


hello fellow /fit/izen. I just came to /biz/ at the start of 2020 desu. But the most important thing I've learned so far is to ignore the coins you see featured in the catalogue each day, the STA, PNK, RSR, RLC threads. You can make money off other novelty scam shit posted here but you're too late if there's already 3 replies. Pretty much just ignore everything on /biz/ and keep buying LINK. Bare in mind that almost everyone who's already made it has left. The only place you'll see people from prior years is in chainlink threads

>> No.23630288

I'm about to leave my remote job and start a new company based on some tech I've being working on. I haven't even formed the company officially yet but after preliminary talks with 3 potential investors my, one already wants to buy me out and I stand to make enough money to retire from that deal. I should be happy, but DESU I'm shit scared and confused and suffering from imposter syndrome.

>> No.23630303


>> No.23630327

I had 300k and a job this summer. Now I have 25k and just got fired

>> No.23630509


congrats anon, you've made it



>> No.23630559

I lost my job in august

>> No.23630627
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>ignore 10-100x pumps, buy the top

Less than a year and he fits right in. If you listen to nothing else here, get at least a sui stack of STA. It's used to balance a basket of assets that include BTC, ETH, and LINK so this way you have some exposure to them if one gets a moonshot. Reserve your space on the rocket.

>> No.23630687

I agree with that sentiment, the slow decline is speeding up. I read that apparently the US is a polarized as it was during the civil war on some metric, and Europe is coming apart at the seams. Things will NOT go back to how they were 20 years ago. I just hope I can make it with crypto and move somewhere isolated before things fall apart. As I look ahead I am filled with foreboding, like the roman, I seem to see the river tiber foaming with much blood.

>> No.23630776

GF broke up, atleast crypto pumped right after that 2 weeks ago, feeling comfy but lonely

>> No.23630833

my portfolio looks pretty good actually, I'm content

>> No.23630848
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Jaded wagie here. People get anxious over the tiniest fucking things. Some girl I'm working with had me proofread and type messages she has to send to our boss. Don't they realize the job we have does not matter and as long as you don't make mistakes and look like you're doing your job, the bosses don't give two shits. Unless you're going for promotions, your goal should be to be invisible to anyone and everyone. Become least memorable as possible. After getting fired a few times, I've come to realize this is how you survive in this world. Live and work as a ghost nothing more.

>> No.23630891

>Global pandemic
>African invasion of Europe
>People are beheaded daily from using freedom of speech
>Mass looting and riots
>USA losing status as world superpower
>Record high debts across all modern civilization from already staggering highs
>1 in 4 Americans is unemployed
>Post-fourth industrial revolution technocracy and the reframing of modern society
>Inescapable globalization
>Destruction of nature at record speeds
>Exponential extension of retirement age to support increasing migrant populations
>Modern women as completely hijacked by Jewish profit motives
>Marriage is dead
>Home ownership is a distant dream
>700 applicants per job posting
>Explosive increase in mental health disorders
>Massive uncertainty about the future
>Fucking 0,00 interest rates
>BLM, feminism, Metoo marxist being pushed everywhere at increasing absurdity
>More surveillance and rights infringement due to orchestrated crsis
>Soon chip implants
>The great reset
>Post-neo liberalism

Im fucking set lads, LEZ GOOOOOOO

>> No.23630953

>ignore the coins you see featured in the catalogue each day, PNK
sorry to break it to you, but you won't make it without PNK

>> No.23630983

Bought a fat bag of Audius

>> No.23630992

I’m sure he used his turn signal

>> No.23631001

statera is shit
lition is shit
kleros is shit
rlc is shit
ada is shit
dot is shit

>> No.23631078

I don't feel so great. Nothing really bad is happening, but I'm basically so bored, nothing gives me joy, after I finish work each day I just can't wait to go to sleep.

>> No.23631085


agreed except dot. well it's shit but not as shit as the others

>> No.23631101

> get at least a sui stack of STA. It's used to balance a basket of assets that include BTC, ETH, and LINK so this way you have some exposure to them if one gets a moonshot.
The terminology is new to me so I don't quite understand yet but thanks for the advice, I'll keep it in mind.

>> No.23631113



man we're in some pretty tragic times huh

>> No.23631197

nooo ada nooooooo

>> No.23631646


oh fuck. This is how it happens. You're better off just leaving the board entirely if your intuition didn't ring alarm bells there. Seriously, I'm being deadly fucking serious.

>> No.23631685

Stonks treated me like shit today. Got a scotch and a quaalude?

>> No.23631726
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Feeling manic and happy today but not sure I will make it with only 1700 link to my name

>> No.23631818
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>> No.23631939

Milf ten years my senior wants to fuck me, she's a colleague, getting all autistic over it, she's wants to go dance and shit, christ. Hope LINK saves me next year

>> No.23632010



keep investing anon then you can buy a place

>> No.23632194
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The ftm dump has me feeling down frens.

>> No.23632373

>keep investing anon then you can buy a place
i've been investing but i just realized when i pull money out to buy a place it will be taxed to all hell.
i wanna kill myself why do early twenties have to suck cock so bad

>> No.23632414
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Anybody ever had any luck getting a parent to go to therapy? My dad died back in April. I've spend 80 percent of my time living back at home taking care of my mom abs dealing with the estate. Unfortunately my dad was sleeping with a tenant and doing crack together so it's made the whole thing extremely difficult.

But she's just been so emotionally abusive to me. Makes me feel bad when I leave and continues to have a meltdown every other week when she gets a little emotionally taxed. Last time I tried she said she didn't trust them and had a bad experience. But I can't keep doing this anymore. I want my fucking life back. I shouldn't have to worry about my mom going over and burning down these houses and getting thrown in jail just to be a good son. I am leaving this weekend and all she's done is make me feel bad about going back on a holiday to be with my friends.

>> No.23632457

damn anon that sounds like hell. you're a really good son, she needs to step up and be a better mother.

>> No.23632482
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how do I forget her bros? she was my best friend

>> No.23632532


you have no fucking idea how far ahead of the game you are investing in your early 20s. I would fucking KILL to be able to go back to my early 20s and even THINK about shit like that. You're going to be absolutely fine, more than fine. You're going to be in such a good fucking position when you're 30 man. Genuinely happy for you even though you can't see that right now. 30 probably sounds old to you but it'll come in a flash. Time on accelerates

>> No.23632714

Thanks friend. It's been real hard on her I know, but it's been even more hell because I can't even evict these people with all the covid shit. My dad was I guess a real piece of shit, and I feel bad for not realizing, but I am doing the best I can to take care of her in her older age.

She's distraught because her mother is going through alzheimers and she just had to move her and apparently it was really rough. Still though, I'm only 26. I barely have started my life. I can't just move back in with my mom to keep her happy.

>> No.23632824

Before the bullrun? Are you fucking serious?

>> No.23632996
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Bullrun is just always "soon" but when will it be now.

>> No.23633029

same here

>> No.23633045

it keeps getting pushed. it seems everything went to shit when that fucker from bitmex got arrested

>> No.23633054 [DELETED] 
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I'm great

>> No.23633084

Yet bitmex is still allowed to exist. Why is this allowed

>> No.23633127

I'm a loser whos done nothing but worked 11 years in retail and I'm 10k in debt due to cost of living. I did nothing with my abilities and nothing meaningful in my life. I have no experiences. What's the point in trying, I'll never be that skilled at anything or accomplish anything meaningful even if I work hard now, and I'll always be older than my peers.

>> No.23633172

I’m feeling really good I just exited a company I started 3 years ago for $7.2M - I had ~68% equity stake left and since we did an all cash deal I’m sitting on about $4.8M right now in cash. The wire just got to my bank today - think I’ll use it to buy real estate or stocks idk

>> No.23633188

You need to find other meaning in your life. And also move stat. That isn't a large amount but it certainly isn't small.

>> No.23633290

Fuckin based. Without doxing yourself, what's the basic gist of your company?

>> No.23633410

Milfs know how to fuck. Don't do it until after you're ready to leave the job. Bitches catch feelings.

>> No.23633435

Haha what a terrible problem to have imagine a woman wanting to have sex with you haha

>> No.23634016

under the radar

>> No.23634124

Idk man, I’m thinking about cashing out. I’m down a couple grand and don’t want to keep chasing it. I’m a poorfag so it hurts to lose that kind of money and I want peace of mind. I spend too much time thinking about crypto. Might as well get out while I can, focus on other shit. Money isn’t everything. Probably just not cut out for it.

>> No.23634371

Depends on the job. Lots of places force politics (workplace politics) against you.

>> No.23634633

thanks bartender. it all went wrong when several weeks ago i fell for this CORE yield farming scam. it had a cocktail of buzzwords and my greed got out of control so i sold half of my 86MM RSR position to buy CORE wETH LP's
well, i exited the LP position during the LGE pump the other week and took a 48% loss on the capital i invested
bought back RSR with the cursed ETH from selling those LP's and never touching this yield farming scam faggotry ever again.
i ever meet one of these sonsofbitches in real life im gonna catch an assault charge i dont give a shit anymore.
try shilling your yield farming scams in public face to face you faggots and see how fast you dont reap violence on your asses.
so sick of this shit bartender, i need another glass of Gentlemen Jack if you dont mind man. thx

>> No.23634706

Lost 2.5k in the past week playing risky options. Pretty fuckin' butthurt.

>> No.23634768

I'm the Leb-anon that always posts here
Trust me I wanted to do that a while back and was fucking prepped with my letter and belongings ready to be given out to senpai and the few friends I love
but I decided to fight on, and this might seem racist because not everyone might agree with me but Keynesian jews will get the rope for what they did to my country amongst others
HODL on, fight back and if you ever need to talk to someone, I'll drop my contact info here; it'll stay anonymous no worries
PS: the latter applies to anyone who sees this message
you guys are my family

>> No.23634804
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Gf got kicked out. Going to look for places to rent with her. Renting a room rn and guy wont let her stay more then 1 night in a row. I wanna do droogs :(

>> No.23634883

My neighbors are the only 2 non white people on my street. A nigerian who doesn't stop yelling till 3am and an Arab who is some muslim radical happy about the shit that happened in France.

I started with 10 Eth to be a degen on Uniswap shit coins. Turned it in 50 and now it's 6.
I'm an idiot, I know.

>> No.23634897

I paid back Stani the pawn man his ETH this week in fear of a market collapse with the pending elections.
I made $4k profit on $90k liquidity added in the ETH/USDT pool for the UNI.
Traded all my UNI rewards for KP3R at $60 . Sold em all at $310.
It’s been a good crypto week for me.

>> No.23635001

you both can stay with me if i can fuck your gf. Im in melbourne

>> No.23635081
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I lost all the BTC I managed to accumulate bc of a scam exchange. It was just under 10 BTC but I live in the 3rd world so it was a lot of money for my standards.
I have no way of earning that money back since my country is nearly bankrupt and my local fiat is basically worthless.
I'm basically drunk for 3 days straight ever since my lawyer told me that there is no way of getting the money back bc the owner of the exchange managed to leave the country with 15.000 bitcoins.

>> No.23635113

you kept your 15 BTC on an exchange?

>> No.23635123

What country is that
I live in a similar position but never had close to 0.2 BTC which I cashed out when inflation started
how can you have 10 BTC and fall for a scam exchange
am sorry for your loss
can you at least post for other users what the exchange was?
am in Lebanon btw

>> No.23635142

I bought 112 PRIA at $4 and sold at $21

>> No.23635143

Women are whores. Never trust them. Keep your wallets safe.

>> No.23635153

Jesus fuck that's insane. Where you from and what was the exchange?

>> No.23635161

there was a thread yesterday about how you should not tell your woman you are well-off
at least I don't gotta worry about that lol

>> No.23635171
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don't worry, we still lurk. made it w/ link. AMA.

>> No.23635178

same question
and yeah this baffles me
why anon?>>23635081

>> No.23635192

just hit the gym...leg day burning off stress the gym is the best shrink for me

>> No.23635204

if anyone wants to read my story
am tired of retyping it in a diff way desu
but at least am not gonna give up

>> No.23635256

What story should i be reading on the indian web?

>> No.23635307

I'm trying to get sober. It sucks but if I don't do it I am going to lose complete control of myself.

>> No.23635370

what indian web
tallycoin is legit a good idea for crowdfunding with BTC purely lol
and I was replying to OP

>> No.23635390
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I went all in xrp and I'm starting to think $2k eoy was a meme and I fell for it.
But if I sell now I'm at quite a loss. I'm sad anon

>> No.23635414

It’s been 12 years I haven’t forgotten her
Fook it hurts

>> No.23635669

I've joined the cryptofags after years of deriding them.

I poured my last $800 into crypto hoping to god it stabilizes until I can recover my lost funds.

>> No.23635681
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The bad feelings of losing money from shitcoins outweighs the good feelings from making way more from my long term holds

>> No.23635693

I have around 1k left from my savings and thinking of going all in
but if I need the money its harder to cash out in my country and some dark times ahead

>> No.23635701
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50/50 % between Chainlink and bitcoin.

Am feeling comfy.

>> No.23635717

drug of choice?

>> No.23635736

>Buying realestate

this is retarded. Just rent and put the money you would have spent on the house into crypto

>> No.23635745

I wish you all the best during the tumultuous times, bro,

>> No.23635757
File: 1.01 MB, 1888x1435, rsr_simulation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you put every last bit of available capital you have right now into RSR you will more than 2000x on your investment by 2025.
search the archives for my posts about it, i'm not wrong.
between LINK and RSR, there isnt more solid alts than them in this market. both blue chips on the way to diamond tier status.
do not under any circumstances buy anything that isnt highly connected like LINK or RSR.
most shit in crypto is a scam and under no circumstances ever buy any yield farming shitcoins.
hope this helps, you guys have a good chance at making it but you are running out of time.

>> No.23635785

thank you my brother
Good luck to you as well

>> No.23635801

It does help
but I will not make it to 2021 cause hyperinflation bled me dry
hence why am lurking to find the next YFI/KP3R etc... for maybe some quick PnD's

>> No.23635822

Booze. Whiskey to be precise.

>> No.23635888
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Hey guys I own a lawn mowing business. I literally just MOW all day. in 30 minutes I can earn $50 just MOWING. Getting more work is easy since I just MOW and when I mow in the afternoon and people come home from work to their overgrown yards and see me mowing they will come over to me and ask for a card and I will say
>Hmmm $50 bucks, how often u want it mowed?
>Ok bi-weekly to easy, do you want to pay cash or direct deposit?
>Ok well just leave the cash under your front mat and I'll be there tomorrow.
>Too easy mate.

I work on my own time schedule, I make lots of money, I keep fit and healthy.

I wear ear muffs over my headphones so I can hear my music without the machines sound deafening me and I wear sheeps wool around my toes to stop them from forming calluses.

I am putting my profits into bitcoin and chainlink and I hope to be able to retire in ten years at the age of 30.

>> No.23635915
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lift weights, lift fucking weights, if you get bored while sober then just pick up anime or video games, much better for your health than getting blasted 7 days a week, 2016-eoy2018 i was drinking 3 bottles of whiskey a week, i would have 100k LINK if i hadn't been drinking, instead i have roughly 10% of what i could have had

>> No.23635941

I do lift weights anon. But you are right. I should lift more and just focus on taking it one day at a time.

>> No.23635975

lift 6 days a week, eat 120+ grams of protein per day, 2500+ calories, you have to choose between getting shredded or getting drunk

>> No.23635987

I had just shy of 10 BTC and I kept it in the exchange.
Brazil. Google atlas quantum scam
Bc the company paid me interest for keeping the bitcorns there. I know.. I got greedy

>> No.23636011

Bad. I'm tethered up and have some money for my dead grandma that I want to make gains on but waiting for the big BTC dip that never seems to be coming

>> No.23636020

Thanks for the help anon. I am definitely going to be increasing my lifts. I have to.
The thing about booze is it gets worse and worse. I'm only 27 and I'm drinking in the morning during work. It's fucking hell and the wds are basically 4 days of 3 hours of sleep. I fucking hate it.

>> No.23636031

Checked and Nice

Thanks for asking and not good.
No friends (because I abandoned them). Lonely because the only girl that every loved me, I basically left her b/c I cheated and didnt have the guts to tell here so she will forever be in purgatory of not knowing why. I will be wage slaving till im 55, I fucking hate my life.

I so far have a 1k stack of link and its the only thing preventing me from a full melt down. Unironcially biz is all I have

>> No.23636034

I work in a very large museum, it is completely empty with the Corona virus bullshit, so I find a corner office and swing trade there all day making money and getting paid, when the day ends I complain about being tired, but I have just made a couple of hundred bucks kek.

>> No.23636042
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biz is the ONLY board that gets me really fucking mad
i don't know why, every board is completely chill when compared to biz

people buying sv and hex
people betting on presidential elections losing everything for a messily 2x
people buying coins in the top 10 (excluding eth)
people buying coins with anon devs
people falling for the defi meme
people not buying the legit coins

i really don't get it, i thought I'm over it but I'm not
it's not that i want to help them.. right?

>> No.23636088

Yikes, fuck, feel bad in your place

>> No.23636097

im also 27 and i feel that exactly, not only will it fuck with your health through lack of sleep but you could literally die, the biggest signal for me was my 25th birthday: i was about 12 hours since my last drink (at 7 pm) and i had mild delerium tremens set in, i was incoherent, couldn't speak, felt myself passing out while awake, i was scared shitless, i was literally losing control of my mind and body while fully conscious, and this was in front of several people important to me, during the subsequent months i slowly cut back and then about 6 months after i basically went cold turkey, not teetotal i still drink on occasion for fun with friends and family and it's not and issue, alcoholism is a meme, it's literally just self discipline, pure willpower, it took, oh yea also it was frying my nervous system, i had a shake to my hand before drinking but drinking made it 3x worse, just stop and pick up an addictive habit/escape that doesn't literaly poison your mind body and family

>> No.23636124

I'm kinda numb still.. I have no way of earning that money back bc 1USD is almost 6BRL.
I'm so demoralized I don't even have the energy to panhandle like other ppl here do.

>> No.23636250

I want to jam by cock down her (his) throat

>> No.23636334

i thought this was a bullrun but im down 80-90%+ on all my alts in 2 months

guess ill just hold them all to zero at this point, but i no longer have any delusions of "making it"

>> No.23636376

I swung into XTZ too early. Im down like 40% over the last month.
I'm starting to maneuver into a position of partial ownership of a crypto casino / getting part of the daily profit. Im trying to maneuver that into $100 of BTC /day, not sure how much it's gonna cost.

>> No.23636421

Abidisi and Fahad complain about you being too quiet.

>> No.23636806

also worried about this. luckily I dont have kids yet

>> No.23637005

Will it recover bros

>> No.23637082

Yes I'm not actually ready to leave so this is a real pain in the ass or pain in the balls to be precise

Sorry Anon I know this seems dumb to some people here. All I can say is pussy is not the ultimate answer as I've had some before couple of times for a few years here and there and all the same mental shit just stays with you if you know what I mean

>> No.23637225

can someone please tell me why i always push away my friends when i feel like shit? like literally every couple months or so i ignore everyone and isolate myself for like 2 weeks without talking to anyone? wtf is wrong with me

>> No.23637295

Hey man can’t you get out of there and study a trade Canada or something till things get better

>> No.23637309

Professional larper

>> No.23637319

Means your an introvert who needs to be alone for a while to recharge and not deal with people's shit for a week or two. Completely normal, just explain to them you need alone time and not because your pissed at something they did.

>> No.23637346

Bro what? You cheated then decided to just dump her out of guilt? Wtf? Youre a beta and a douche

>> No.23637534

isn't august 10 months from now?
surely that's enough time to make plans, unless what you had was ideal

>> No.23637545

More to the story but yes.
She doesnt know I cheated tho

Let my mercy prevail over my wrath

>> No.23638014

It's been rough

>> No.23638050

He was trying to whip and nae nae bro

>> No.23638100

not too great
i have a lawsuit coming up about a fight i got in that might wipe me out entirely financially
it'll ruin what took me a decade of saving a building up in one go

>> No.23638160

Not bad just tired. I secured 2BTC and just holding for retirement. Now that I have them it feels like a load off. I know it'll be awhile long for the super bullrun. Trying to remeber to concentrate on the now and not think about what "made it day" will be like.

>> No.23638589

feelin like i shoulda sold at $20...

>> No.23638731

Why is the feel cafe from /r9k/ on /biz/ now? Why is everything good from /r9k/ on /biz/ now?

>> No.23639625

All the steroids I'm taking made my balls smaller, but my dick bigger.
I figure it's a fair trade.

>> No.23639646

It will kill your dick because you’re insecure in the first place. Quit that shit bro

>> No.23639675

Saw YFI and YFII trending downwards for days with no significant green candles so I enter a juicy short that began printing money. Wake up in the morning to them both +20% AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.23639695

I know that feel. Life is ok but very boring atm

>> No.23639753

Thanks for caring but been on them for 13 years

>> No.23639995

Drinking Spiked eggnog
Waiting for edd money to transfer for more bitcoin.
I hope Trump wins.

>> No.23640016

Eggnog. Based af

>> No.23640065
File: 28 KB, 600x300, 940588e13003e79003abb91b39b50d9e48b759c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how are you holding up?
Strained, but good. Stuck in France, need to get wife and daughter stateside with the beheadings and shit, and I'm just hoping they accept my petition for the wife's green card.

>> No.23640719

diversify your crypto fren, get BTC as a store of value

>> No.23640840


do you have telegram?

>> No.23640875


rent is more expensive than mortgage payments in most places in the world

>> No.23640897
File: 35 KB, 480x621, 1602731212675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I so far have a 1k stack of link and its the only thing preventing me from a full melt down. Unironcially biz is all I have

I know every part of this feel. Hang in there

>> No.23641072

I was ready to commit a nice suicide before the realization back in March that the altcoin bullrun is here and the Corona crash automatically things pump from how low they dumped. I still want it, I have the perfect monk lifestyle to be ready for death.

When I was 8 I used to want to create things and be into all sorts of hobbies with insects, astrology, geology, sci-fi; I wanted my own comic book, animations, video game, art, music, math books, storytelling guides, etc. but I didn't put even the least bit of effort into it. I'd be okay with putting up a talented team, I would not be okay with wasting millions of dollars on mediocrity or making a decent show but that's incredibly unpopular and forgotten.

The more I look at it I really should just end it. I either learn to make my own crypto projects to make serious money from or I just quit already because it's sad to keep a suicider waiting who's taught himself to hate every single bit of this life and hope for a renewed spirit in the next life.

>> No.23641106
File: 93 KB, 800x800, 1588885039244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had appreciated the last few years a bit more, I thought things were bad back in 2018 but now I look back it was actually pretty good and things have only gotten worse since then. Especially this year.

>> No.23641183






>> No.23641234

So you went short on a chart with lots of red candles. You shorted after a dump. Buy low sell high. Never change

>> No.23641496

ive had a chick it took me 2 years to get over. it's hard to believe, but you really will just stop thinking about them eventually. especially if you get a mew qt3.14 gf

>> No.23642176


>2 years


>> No.23642664

I'm tired of seeing things I'll never have, dreaming of worlds I'll never live in, fantasising about a person I'll never be. It's time for this train to make its final stop.

>> No.23643158



>> No.23643240

freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences.

if you welcome refugees, you are not free from getting force-fed their values, be that beheading or forcing women to wear hijabs.

though yeah I guess that's a way too high concept for npcs.