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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 147 KB, 1196x756, Screenshot 2020-10-30 at 17.37.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23623815 No.23623815 [Reply] [Original]

The surf has begun anons


>> No.23623869

Is this based?

>> No.23623919

Yeah but they take a 10% fee to enter

>> No.23623943

based on what?

>> No.23623961
File: 385 KB, 802x1042, pepe surfvisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you wanna wagecuck? if yes, than no it's not based

>> No.23624019

price target?

>> No.23624136

54 to $10 in my opinion, the staking is the real deal though. If you stake about 5 eth then you get about 0.65 eth per day

>> No.23624146

You are the type of person to get rugged by luigi

>> No.23624166


>> No.23624249

$5 soon

>> No.23624273

you get it back in no time

>> No.23624307

yeah 10% daily apy is crazy, especially because apy will give you more surf if price goes down and less surf if price goes up so its always constant

>> No.23624346

Holy shit you are literally vomiting these shitcoins at an hourly rate at this point

Fuck off pajeet

>> No.23624585

lol you're fucked in the head if you don't see this project for what it is. Just have a look at how clean the website is

>> No.23624668
File: 561 KB, 600x600, pepeopenmouth surf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dev is white, we checked, no jeets rugging

>> No.23624746

Surf has been in development since early September
literally search for it in the archive

>> No.23624777

I think price will be $10-$50 when we get closer to whirlpool.

>> No.23624864

Can someone just tell me what the sketchy whale discord with 9 circles of hell the original shillers accidentally posted was about. I honestly don’t care if it’s whales making money Off me just as long as its not whales who wanna scam me to make money

>> No.23625044

took it back in less than 24 hours, from farming alone

>> No.23625721

wtf r u talking about

>> No.23625728

This about to take the community by storm, the fomo will be insane

>> No.23625900
File: 611 KB, 941x571, 1603746593576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loving the gains so far

>> No.23626054
File: 82 KB, 303x298, pepeclogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not gonna lie, hyped as fuck myself

>> No.23626687

So what is “The Event”? They’re gonna fucking pull the rug, aren’t they? I asked the devs and all I got was a bunch of moonboi non-answers.

>> No.23626900
File: 26 KB, 713x611, pepe-laughing-smoking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you were one of the people calling surf a rugpull weeks before it even launched, aren't you?
you better get out of it now if that's the case, it sounds like making it isn't your thing

>> No.23626914

we dont know its a psyop

>> No.23626922

the event is the greatest you will ever see

>> No.23627020

No, I just got rugged but a project that also looked super legit and exit scammed after 2 weeks just after announcing “a surprise”. I’m super paranoid as result.

>> No.23627040

The greatest what? The fattest rug in history?

>> No.23627094

the surf team intentionally refrains from providing the details of their upcoming features so that shitclones don't steal their ideas. this has always been the case ever since tiderider's original post here back in september. they've not only delivered on all of their promises since then but exceeded them. it sucks but there's not much else to say until the time comes.
it never hurts to simply invest as much money as you can afford to lose and nothing more.

>> No.23627151

>you better get out of it now if that's t
what project?

>> No.23627172

oops ignore the quote

>> No.23627190


>> No.23627226

Wow an entire month.
Staggering. I mean I'm in but this is an obvious scam. Dumping on you at $10.

>> No.23627267

by the time surf hits $10 it will be plainly obvious that they’re not scamming you
screencap this if you like

>> No.23627348

"Dudes" "Beaches" "Whirlpool"

>> No.23627687

DO NOT BUY THIS SCAM. anonymous devs

>> No.23627754

love waking up and seeing all my new SURF

>> No.23627874

Tubular dudezilla.

>> No.23627875

discord gg q76mKUx

>> No.23628023
File: 73 KB, 500x375, 165765657673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ride the waves

>> No.23628762


>> No.23629256


Boys are you selling your farmed surf for half eth, putting back into the LP pool and staking it to compound gains? Should I be doing this yes?

>> No.23629296

thats one way or just provide liquidity with staked surf + eth

>> No.23629349

>he doesnt know Proof

>> No.23630411

what is the best pool to get into?

>> No.23630420

the eth one is 5000% apr

>> No.23630565

How much slippage do I need to set to buy this? 6%?

>> No.23630616

Wait, wrong thread. Thought this was the bloody one. Enjoy your scam, guys.

>> No.23630961

lol thx for the bump

>> No.23630966

Surf with VALUE

>> No.23631069

When moon?

>> No.23631092
File: 28 KB, 776x450, mMftWkf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this morning

>> No.23631142
File: 160 KB, 578x660, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the time for The Event