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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23623392 No.23623392 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ used to be full af of these YFI shills, and i was wondering where the hell did all that go

this is hilarious lmao, can't trust these ethereum niggers

>> No.23623446

Antifragile token. Imagine not buying an $11k yfi

>> No.23623484

You people are no good at yield farming. Just automate it with BonFi for god sake.

>> No.23623528
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a lot of coins get shilled on /biz/ but YFI was never one of them, literal reddit coin.

>> No.23623565

ok bagholder

you must be straight blind, ppl were shilling YFI like if it was the 2nd coming of satoshi

>> No.23624669

Yfi sucks my dick

>> No.23624687

$0 is the next support

>> No.23624703

We're unironically migrating to growthdefi for actually sustainable yield. None of that curve dumping shit.

>> No.23624718

based homeless trader

>> No.23624736

Not currently holding but im sure i would rather hold yfi than whatever your btc bags are

>> No.23624837

>btc bags
lmao what in the actual fuck are u even talking about

i've been doing more than great holding link and avax, maybe u would make some profit too if you weren't so autisticly stubborn

>> No.23625108


This is why I don't trust in obviously paid shills, they lead you to bankrupcy

fuck off pajeets