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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23623 No.23623[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This board should be a beacon of positivity.

I don't want to see NEET threads, I don't want to see r9k threads or feelguy threads.

I don't want to see peoples ideas shat on by negative people.

Whatever you do in business you should have a positive attitude because negativity spreads

I think the /biz/ should promote a positive and healthy outlook.

If you are negative and have nothing nice to say you should stay away until you feel better about life.

Anons should campaign for a positive /biz/ culture.

Who's with me?

>> No.23633

NEET threads can be inspirational. I'm a NEET myself and look to them for ideas and hype.

>> No.23648

NEET threads are part of /biz/ culture
Fuck off back to reddit

>> No.23649

If you are NEET you should get off 4chan and fix that problem.

Come back when you have something to add.

NEETs can give NEETs advice until the end of the world but the only thing that will fix you is to get off the computer and go and explore the outside world.

come back to /biz/ when you are no longer NEET.

>> No.23661

Post in /r9k/ with the other NEETs

feel free to read /biz/ but don't infect /biz/ with your NEET negativity.

>> No.23671

I am going to do whatever the fuck I want, deal with it nerd

>> No.23685

That's the spirit. See? Are you feeling the positivity?
Can you feel what I'm feeling? Yeah that's positivity.

>> No.23698

Positivity has to be tempered with reality.

It's not enough to wear a smile if you're sailing down a waterfall. Get the fuck out of there and then laugh about it.

>> No.23691

Right you've decided what the culture is

You most likely, as a NEET, most likely with little to no business or finance background have decided what the culture of a business and finance board should be.

And after you've decided that you are the person capable of deciding it you're decision was completely the opposite of the board theme. Unless the board's name just happens to be ironic

>> No.23693


From what I have seen, /biz/'s culture is very similar to /adv/ with a splash of /pol/

>> No.23717

That's basically all it is and that's basically all it will be unless moderators do something. Fewer discussions about business or finance are starting to take place.

It's mostly "halp I need manees sort my life for me pls how?"

or "LOL BUSINESS lets talk about console politics! Financial statements what are those? That company's product is terrible they're going bankrupt"

>> No.23723

no need for Mods, the free market will fix this

>> No.23730

The only inspiration i get from NEETs is from wanting to actively avoid becoming one of them, knowing that if i fall into stagnation i could become one of those worthless losers on the street.

it's pretty effective actually.

>> No.23734

I believe you guys are looking for a site called Reddit. I also believe you can find it by typing it into your address bar!


>> No.23735

having NEETs on /biz/ is like having kissless virgins on a relationship advice board

>> No.23747

fuck off circle jerker. this is a free market board.

>> No.23753

How about you stop trying to regulate our free market culture.

>> No.23759

HEy there's no need to insult NEETs, I just kindly ask that if you are NEET please don't post any negative life complaints.
no one wants to read how you have no money and no motivation.

If you want to have a shoulder to cry on about tfw no gf or tfw no job no money


if you are a NEET you should be welcome to post but don't bring your complaints or negativity here.

>> No.23767

How about fucking right off to /r9k/?

>> No.23786

I believe you are looking for /adv/ you should go there. There's plenty of other boards for you to shit post about the appropriate topic. You should probably look up the definition of Business and Finance you seem to be lacking the knowledge of both of those terms.

>fuck off circle jerker. this is a free market board.

You do realize the irony in your post correct?

>> No.23806 [DELETED] 

Nice blog post, idiot.

>> No.23971

>no need for Mods, the free market will fix this
Best post on /biz/ yet.

>> No.23999

>wasting your time exploring the world
>not using that time to make more money
what, are you dumb?
I'm not NEET but believe they have something to offer. Afterall, they are working brains.

>> No.24012

>working brains
year right

>> No.25626

It didn't have to be this way. You could have stopped it.

>> No.25638

Mannn I agree, this is business, we have to make it. Not whine all the time.
I want to have biz with everyone, black white gay straight doesn't matter as long as they keep it positive.

>> No.25655
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OP here.

With a positive attitude like that I'm sure you'll make a success of whatever you do

>> No.25849

/biz/ pls...

>> No.25888
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If everyone thought like you we would all be rich right now.

>> No.25898

I agree with you 100%. People should have a positive attitude towards others and their ideas.

>> No.26305

But I'm a happy NEET and I see my NEETdom as my business endeavour, OP. Managing my money well on (euro) welfare and spending and saving sensibly as well as developing a frugal lifestyle has me having nearly 100% free time with everything I need to be happy. I'm a thriving poorfag. Money is only important as far as it can help you satisfy your needs. If you find a way to do this with as little money as possible you're bound to achieve your goals.

>> No.26351

>/biz/ culture
the boards been up for like 2 days it doesn't have a culture yet

>> No.26602

Don't you want to do something to make your mark on the world though? If not for profit then maybe just to create some positive benefit for mankind?

>> No.27021
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>> No.27110

I don't feel the need to create some sort of legacy for myself. I actually think that's one of the things that lead a lot of people to live unhappy lives full of disappointment.

As far contributing to society, I often don't really feel the need in any grand way either. I care for people of course and I'm glad to help someone out, but it's no mission in life for me. I think the need to be of use can be very destructive, especially in a time where people are becoming increasingly useless. I think the basis for a life lived well is to be able to be perfectly useless and without purpose in happy way, to be content merely to exist and amuse yourself. Especially since that's the position a lot of people will be finding themselves in the future. I consider myself an early adapter in a way. Among the vanguard of the consciously superfluous, so to say.

>> No.27131

The perfect blossom is a rare thing. You could spend your life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life.

>> No.27304


mods, sticky this, you fucking NEET faggots.

>> No.27318


>> No.27938

It would be if it would be an unhappy life chasing after illusions, which it surely would be for me. I'm more about that Timon & Pumbaa life.

>> No.28026

This. Those faggots have /adv/, /r9k/ and /jp/ to blog in

>> No.29949
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/pol/ and /g/ are 2 of the best boards and /adv/ is a good idea but plagued by "help me with my gf" spam

/pol/ + /g/ + /jp/ + /adv/ = good recipe for a good boar