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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23600794 No.23600794 [Reply] [Original]



Website: https://www.unfederalreserve.com/
Sister Company: https://www.residualtoken.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/unfederalreserve/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Unfederalreser1

Traditional financial analysts enter the Decentralized lending Market using farming. Completely transparent team all with heavy financial backgrounds and the project has already secured banking relationships.

The current market cap at the time of writing is ~1M$. https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x7ba9b94127d434182287de708643932ec036d365

Very strong team, intelligent, highly experienced in finance.

Currently, the project is very unknown in the crypto community as they have been doing meetups with financial-based analysts and market lenders. They are currently preparing for a heavy media push with major new outlets. The project is completely undiscovered and likely one of the most promising defi projects to date.

>> No.23600852

it’s actually having a second chance if you missed LINK. you don’t deserve to make it if you miss out on this too.

>> No.23601180

This. But /biz/ won't buy this before it's 900x, lmao. Every. Single. Time. And then they blame da j000z.

>> No.23601299

Wow we are so early. Just aped in with 10 eth. Ez 5000x. Under the radar gem. Don't miss out!

>> No.23601645

Exactly this. I've posted a few times about this project as well and was accused of being a shill. Ok, fine by me! Anyone can DYOR and go into the tg channel to see for themselves that the project is legit.

>> No.23601648

I know. It's very exciting. I feel alive again.

>> No.23601675

This. It's 100% legit and 100% criminally undervalued. People knowing about this but still not buying really must hate money.

>> No.23601739

They are too busy jerking off to Sergey LINK threads, thinking of how they can make a 5% return by buying the dip, or participating in STA and PNK threads.

>> No.23601754

What does it do? brainlet here, also why is the token needed and how does this fit into the defi boom?

>> No.23601921

Read the white paper.


>> No.23601957

>he doesn't know
Better ape in fast, anon. It looks like it will 5x soon. CT is picking up on it.

>> No.23602043
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>> No.23602070 [DELETED] 

Whats the circulating supply?

>> No.23602124


>> No.23602223

circulating supply is just over 300 mil

>> No.23602234


>> No.23602260

270 mil currently, with a cap of 400 mil. No more than 400 million will ever exist. Market cap is a measly 1 million dollars now, lmao.

>> No.23602859
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>> No.23603841

>Howard Krieger
It is not proven that the real Krieger is behind this. admin in TG is called Howard Krieger, which doesn't mean shit.

20 followers, Some big shot Director is using cryptoKriegerU as a handle??? Ok fuck off.

Also I went into their Telegram and asked 'Howard Krieger' for proof he is the person he claims to be. No flaming, or arguing, just to be sure before I bought in and they banned me immediately.

shitcoin's contract, #6 is a mint function so that this already huge supply could be x1000ed and dumped on your retarded asses.

This is gonna rug and it is gonna do it FAST, pajeets are not planning to keep pretending to be Howard for long, it is not possible. Sell now or go for 2x but it is not going to last for more than 1-2 days. You've been warned. Also I will be posting this in every eRSDL thread, suggest you do the same. We should help each other in spotting scams like this one.

If you value my research and this PSA you can thank me

Or dont, but always DYOR before investing even 0.1 ETH, it sickens me that so many people invested in this obvious scam.

>> No.23604104 [DELETED] 

You're that same guy that's been fudding VIDT back in the day, STA threads, etc. Text analysis is word for word the same. Must live a shitty life that you have to sit here in /biz/ constantly fudding projects. lol

>> No.23604112

Retard. Their company is https://www.residualtoken.com/

You can check his linkedin. It is him. Same with the other dev.

Reported for begging.

>> No.23604484

VIDT, STA ???? I have literally never written about any of this wtf. I just try to warn people If I see something that looks like an obvious scam. More often than not I am right. Not this time though, I contacted Howard directly through his cbiz email and he responded, confirming he is involved in this. Sorry for the confusion but biz is a fucking minefield so ofc Im going to be skeptical. In short, Howard Krieger is definitely involved, the real one

>> No.23604562

Wow you're an enormous faggot

>> No.23604568

Cool. No beef then. You should seriously consider throwing a couple of shekels after this project. If you like money, that is.

>> No.23604581


Appreciate that, anon!

>> No.23604629

He at least admitted to being wrong. I like when people are able to do that.

>> No.23604693

already did, also considering that biz is using his face as the face of eRSDL, there should really be an attempt to connect Krieger with this coin. It is legitimately hard to find a connection that doesnt look fabricated. Again biz has made us like this, 50% of everything new rugs, so putting an actual face on this project would benefit eRSDL alot

>> No.23604739

pretty sure this is him so he probably plans to stream something at least at some point
