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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2359925 No.2359925 [Reply] [Original]

So now that the pumped up, over-hyped shill-coin Digishit has been exposed as the pump-n-dump scheme that it is, what's your excuse for not owning the real gaming coin.

>$0.05 to $1.15 in 6 months from ICO
>hasn't hit Polo yet
>only 85 million tokens in circulation
>smart contracts running on Ethereums blockchain
>just entering beta
>full focus on real implementation in a burgeoning e-sports environment
>Dota 2, LoL, CS:GO etc
>Genuinely getting eaten the fuck up by the Chinese because of the market it's targeting

>1 private unofficial autistcraft server
>another blockchain "currency" wannabe in a sea of "the next bitcoins" bullshit
>pumped up by a /biz/ created "its going on steam" rumor when it was 100 sats
>was actually a /biz/ joke to pump this shit up to all the newfriends on bullshit claims

The gooks and nips are going to hold the lions share of this genuine token while Amerifats get dumped on by shitcoins hyped up on nothing but "maybe it will win some arbitrary contest" meme.

If you're involved in e-sports at all and want a piece of token that you will ACTUALLY use, not just gamble on, go here
Read the whitepaper and then tell me why you wouldn't grab as much of this as you can right now and hold for 12+months

>> No.2359996
File: 195 KB, 600x954, YO ADRIAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont understand why these autists act like they want to be poor.

This is going to be a new phenomenon

>> No.2360013


im in

>> No.2360062

This is a shitcoin that has no uses

Kys shill

>> No.2360069

yea, look at orderbook. its filling up since yesterday. looks like its exploding soon.

>> No.2360081

What's more ridiculous is they will happily put actual, real money in


And a million other absolute shit-tier fucking scams without never once reading a whitepaper. Putting money into something ONLY because it go posted on this board more than 3 times with no understanding as to what the fuck its supposed to be

But won't take 5 mins to read a whitepaper based on a technology actually applicable to them in a scene they actively participate in. A token they would actually use, not just speculate in


>> No.2360085

read about it fuckhead. it has alot more use than most coins. and it has use fpr one of the biggest markets. (asian) gamers

>> No.2360089


>> No.2360108

where do i get this at and what is the symbol

>> No.2360116


Lol @ butt ravaged shills

This coin is not being used for anything.

It's even worse than dgb, because at least those shills have an autist minecraft server.

This coin has nothing but empty promises

>> No.2360168


But even beyond the whole 1-on-1 high-stakes gaming side of things
>two shitheads sperg out and actually play a 1-v-1 for $1000 with no middle man required

Anyone, literally ANYONE can bankroll a tournament in any competitive game. Or get paid for running node software required to process these contracts.
Own as many tokens as you can now and see real returns. This project will happen.

People can genuinely make a living in competitive gaming without needing a large organization or sponsors behind them because of this. This IS the e-sports equivalent of the professional poker boom except you get paid for getting a slice of it early.

>> No.2360181


>buttblasted DGB bagholder trying to cope

It's alpha is over and the beta is starting in Dota 2
The fuck does DGB have? 1 empty private, unofficial autismcraft server.

>> No.2360182

wow listen to this fucking retard

hes all like:
>blah blah blah reading is too hard for me

Go watch some youtube interviews with the dev team if reading makes your little brain hurt

>empty promises

they have the alpha out RIGHT NOW
Beta is being released THIS MONTH
They constantly have PAID video game tournaments, one going on RIGHT NOW

The community is all over this project
The asians are alll over this project

>but muh DGB
it's going to 1 cent you fag

>> No.2360183


You can already do this with fiat

You're solving a problem that doesn't exist

>> No.2360196



spotted the newcoiner.

>> No.2360197

>People can genuinely make a living in competitive gaming without needing a large organization or sponsors behind them because of this.
>This IS the e-sports equivalent of the professional poker boom

That's how I see it as well, thanks for explaining it better

>> No.2360203


You guys will be still be shitting in the streets after this coin is dead in another month

>> No.2360221

>hurr durr
>Hey let me bet with this russian guy on this DOTA match, if I win you give me $5 if I lose I give you $5, honor system!

>> No.2360238


>betting against third worlders to begin with

Wew lad

>> No.2360248

/biz is too bizzy shiling POS coins like ruby and dgb to disocer a real opportunity when it shits them in the face

wagerr and 1st are gonna be YUGE

>> No.2360250

not understanding the power of the internet and how many Esport Millionaires there will be after this project is released

stay poor nocoiner

>> No.2360263


>esports millionaires


>> No.2360265
File: 41 KB, 716x675, participation award.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you can't you dumb fuck.

You and I can not right now bet on the outcome or the circumstances of our match in any game at any time. We can only bet on a tiny segment of the gaming community through a central agency on limited terms.

You can only make money if you're signed to a team, and only when a decent sized tournament is organised. Even then you only get a few chances a year and need to finish high enough to get a decent cut.

You can't run a tournament

You can't participate in thousands of tournaments happening simultaneously.

This will bring paid gaming and e-sport gambling to EVERY player on the planet. Not just the 0.01% who made a pro team.

Pic related is what digishits got for their money. Zero place in the autism awards

>> No.2360269

only 85M coins..the fag boys on these threads only go for coins that have ungodly high amounts of coins in circulation so they can buy up a shit ton, hype the coins then sell it off in chunks as it raises. they wont know what to do with an actual limited supply coin

>> No.2360277
File: 9 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw holding both 1ST and DGB

>> No.2360290

just a reminder that this coin does 5 MILL volume every day on Yunbi

just a matter of time untill it does 10x more on bittrex

>> No.2360319

You wouldn't? Why? Don't you TRUST these people?

If there was only a way, some kind of token, that automatically checked the results of matches, and then distributed the stakes accordingly, with no need for trust...

>> No.2360369

Like a contract, but a contract that was like...smart
that existed on a distributed, decentralized application network


>> No.2360370


How is Ark a scam?

>> No.2360397

Yessir. I'm convinced /biz/ is full of fucking retards, and the responses in here as well as the usually threads confirm this. Let them stay poor chasing their memes.

And damn, I'm all in with Wagerr right now, but 1ST would be my second choice. Their software blows anything away right and it's already exploding in Chinese markets.

The stupidity here never ceases to amaze me. DGB is the real shitcoin that has no use. Their CEO couldn't even put together a half decent presentation (a 5th grader could have done a better job).

People want to talk about the uses of 1st, go look at the CS GO skin gambling industry right now. Honestly, what in the fuck does DGB offer? I've been asking and reading and no one can tell me, it's always >muh minecraft. Fuck minecraft. dota 2, league, cs, sc2, as well as their following will shit on minecraft... and lol, all they have is 1 private server? What in the fuck is wrong with the retards on here? Bagholders (of $50) who are constantly shilling their shit coins (XVG, DGB. SC). Honestly, suicide watch will be in full blast once these newer gambling cryptos get their platforms out... the little shits on here have no idea, mostly because they don't hasve the attention span to read.

>> No.2360399
File: 36 KB, 796x445, Screen Shot 2017-06-09 at 12.45.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orders are pilling in boys

>> No.2360421

Have some common sense on the house, no gayming shitcoin will be successful by any means until crypto becomes normie tier, you're welcome faggots

>> No.2360424

Are you talking about a wall?

>> No.2360431

Ding ding. It's on its way to normie tier, which is why we are investing in this. Good luck with your shitcoins that have no future (or use).

>> No.2360436

Only think stopping me from buying more of this are the withdraw limits on exchanges. I can't physically get my money out of Polo fast enough.

As long as it hovers around the $1 mark I'll keep putting my ETH gains into it.

>> No.2360445

It seems more likely to me that gaming will be the first alley for crypto to enter the mainstream

>> No.2360448

And the reason I mentioned SC, is because if you have more than 2 brain cells you'd know that they have nothing on IOC, which is another sleeper that people will wish they got in on early.

>> No.2360575

How do betting coins like this detect when player A has won a match and betters have thus won their bet? Is this coin tailored to certain games? Can it be adapted to any online game, even smaller ones?

>> No.2360621

Games like Dota 2 have APIs that let you pull the data you need. All those stat tracking sites that show match histories etc, they use these APIs to get the info they need.

It will probably start there, but why not get fully integrated into the games UI itself? You think Valve but hat boxes and Blizzard jumped on the loot box bandwagon because it was cooky fun?

No, the companies are public listed and are in the business of making as much money as possible.

>> No.2361059


Can confirm, 6,000 dota matches played. Don't judge pls.




Christ this is going to leave the stratosphere.

>> No.2361929
File: 501 KB, 1281x993, 0 9kWl5dgOM_KM1OfH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They already have DOTA integration with their app. A little bit more robust than your typical wallet, don'tcha think? I don't like posting this shit here because I need a few weeks to put $10k into it. But judging by previous threads, it'll fall on deaf ears anyway.

If you half have a brain, you'd be accumulating as much as you can of this.

This is the type of thing that will bring cryptos to the mainstream. Instead of betting skins for GO, people will be betting via first blood because they don't have to pay some kind of tax to valve or sellers... or just through hoops to convert it to fiat.

>> No.2361958

Imagine them going one step further starting their own league? Not just for dota, but for lol, sc2, and go? If there's only a few cryptos that'll suvive when BTC goes to the moon, it'll be this one... since it's targetting a very niche market, but massively untapped market.

>> No.2361967

(Sorry for the errors, been up for nearly 2 days, I need more coffee)

>> No.2361979

this is the lambo way, good job anon

>> No.2362594

just put in half a btc. Lets see how quickly it crashes now that I've bought in

>> No.2362614

There's already a huge platform like this but you use fiat instead of some shitty crypto currency. Why would the normies choose this over that?

What an incredibly bad idea

>> No.2362631

>massively untapped market.
it's not, check out FACEIT, they literally handle the Dota 2 open qualifiers on their platform, there's no way something called FIRST BLOOD will ever do anything in that space

>> No.2362679

It's not; anon is just salty he didn't get in where we did

>> No.2362743

>There's already paper money, so Bitcoin is useless! What an incredibly bad idea

>> No.2362792

Nice argument. I'm sure that will get people to buy your bags lmao