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23593291 No.23593291 [Reply] [Original]

$1 EOY

>> No.23593499

>$1 EOY
with 3B supply.

>> No.23593511

3B is fud

>> No.23593630

This shit changed crypto and almost no one has really understood it yet. Millions aped into it over the Summer had no fucking idea what its potential is.

>> No.23593678

this, people still don't get how huge this will be

in a year or so, when the bullrun ends, there will be a lot of demand to cash out, and ampl has to have a big enough mcap in time to handle it since centralized stablecoins won't be able to handle the demand

so it HAS to reach tether's mcap, which would be something like 150x from now, and potentially another 100x during the next bubble

>> No.23593694


AMPL is not schizo, AMPL 1$ eoy is very much in touch with reality.

>> No.23593696

You know this 100x'd and left a wake of rekt bagholders right? Might never hit ATH marketcap until 2022-2023. Why bother?

go look at the DMG chart and think about what mTokens will do + DMM

>> No.23593698

>Evan Kuo will unveil his creation today (29th)
>MC will be at least $2billion EOY but will correct to circa $1billion until the next bull run catapults it to ATH's

>> No.23593710

dumb pajeet, you clearly don't get the tokenomics behind ampl, it's way underpriced

also consider that binance and coinbase listing will come eventually, that alone is an easy 10x that will put it to 1b in less then a week

>> No.23593736


You think there will be that much fomo? I dont. I think AMPL will stay in positive rebase around the current levels. Which means a ~60-100% gain for eoy. so it willl be between a 200-300 million dollar marketcap. though it will be 10 billion eoy 2022.

>> No.23594077

it mathematically can't stay at the current level for that long, it will either plunge sub 1$ (which is extremely unlikely since it already corrected a lot) or moon way past 2$ and stay there until at least 1b mcap

either way we'll know this week

>> No.23594511