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23592853 No.23592853[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm just wondering... is /pol/ right? How will "white genocide" effect the next 30+ years in terms of the markets and family life etc

>> No.23592875

Pol believes trump will win this election, so no they are not right

>> No.23592878

Yes, /pol/ is always right.
By 2030, every goyim will be literal nigger cattle. The Great Reset will have become reality and you will eat bugs and live in a 150 sq ft cell.

>> No.23592884

The middle and lower class whites will become the brown slave race through interbreeding with Hispanics and blacks
The upper class whites with breed with jews and rule the brown slave race

>> No.23592909

Just look at how much they follow the culture, and what their source culture produces. This gives us insight as to outcome if they are allowed to propagate and spread.

>> No.23592928
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>> No.23592964

You can't have consensual genocide lmao. Hitler didn't let 6 million jews marry black dudes and that's what we call the holocaust.

>> No.23593004

*affect. stay on /pol/, you'll fit right in

>> No.23593014
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>> No.23593032

Affect refers to emotions. You're an idiot.

>> No.23593079

jfc you're so dumb it's not worth explaining to you how you would use the word "effect" as a verb correctly. but the good news is: you are so retarded that you most likely will never construct a sentence where it would be used, so if in future the question comes up whether you should use "affect" or "effect", just always go with "affect" and you will surely be right.

>> No.23593106

from the 2040s onward it will be a permanent Democratic government, which itself will be largely minority run by this point and will push for more and more immigration

>> No.23593133

I used it correctly and now you're embarrassed hence the paragraph. It's okay sweaty :)

>> No.23593165

continued slow decline of the west. also, remember, the jews dont want to genocide whites, they want to mix whites with shitskins, and create an overall mulatto population which has an IQ lower than whites, but higher than generic shitskins, which can be more easily controlled.

>> No.23593179
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it happens to them too tho

>> No.23593180

>seething so hard over a word

>> No.23593231
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it wont matter, the human population bubble is about to burst anyway due to rapid climate change globalisation capitalism destruction of nature death of biodiversity and ocean phytoplankton increasingly scarce resources and increasingly dogshit and overfarmed soils.

get rich off crypto while you can and learn how to farm, forage, survive and live without electricity and running water.

>> No.23593236

But that's wrong.
Why are you so smug while being wrong?
White genocide is real but I hope we get to hang you from a tree before we go.

>> No.23593257

hop on google maps and take a look at the favelas in any poorer country south of mexico. Thats a glimpse into your future unless chinks take over.

>> No.23593317
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you changing IDs doesn't make me wrong

>> No.23593722

Genocide is the elimination of the genes, not of the people that carry them.
Sterilizing a people but not killing a single one and letting them live the rest of their lives would still be genocide.

>> No.23593795

that's a noun, you are using it as a verb you complete idiot. i can talk for hours with you about that, since this mistake alone invalidated every potential talking point you wanted to address in the OP so educating some midwesterners about their own mother language is the best use for this thread.

>> No.23593813

1st of all i'm French not some Anglo faggot
2nd of all I used the word right

>> No.23593857

>not being able to tell from research trump is gonna win


>> No.23593910

no, literally everyone hates niggers (blacks as a whole in this case), including you. you and your ilk just act like youre friends with niggers because it gives a hug box comfort you from your inferiority complex towards whites

>> No.23593948

I can smell this thread.

>> No.23593983

No, /pol/ doesn't have a developed enough class consciousness to really parse what's going on. The whole race thing is a total sideshow to massive wealth and income disparity. Climate change, widespread automation and mass migration from desolate lands to resource-filled countries will lead to global economic collapse, but the rich will be fine. "The rich" might include rich countries who implement universal basic income and close their doors to migrants, who knows, but that's the problem facing us, certainly not race. Really, it's like Romans worrying about the racial purity of Italy as their empire collapses around them. It's a historical sidenote that people will forget about when they study the collapse of this civilization a thousand years from now.

>> No.23594009

okay but real talk. there is no "white genocide" per se. this is just shitskins getting uppity because they saw a power vacuum since whites are currently in disarray due to the WASP demographic die off/collapse. since theres no real central authority holding whites together we've devolved into infighting meanwhile niggers upgraded from segregation in the 60s and spics/chinks upgraded from spic land and chink land. shitskins literally cant sustain prolonged warfare against us. theyre too lazy and primal. the second a cohesive identity emerges around sound economics and socially center with modern cultural awareness and barring all the religious muh history muh heritage bullshit and aborbs the majority of whites, its gg no rm for shitskins. oh yeah and celts/meds need not apply

>> No.23594898

Demographic shifts will mean that investments with longer time horizons will be much more profitable. Think 3-10 year macro calls.

>> No.23594981
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"What about the exceptions?
Less frequently, affect can be used as a noun to describe emotion in a psychological context. Example: A sad affect may be a symptom of depression. Affectionate is a related term with the same root word as affect. Effect can also be a verb meaning “make happen,” but that use is less common. Example: She effected her test score by studying hard. The phrase effect change relies on this verb."

>> No.23595034

lookup google trends for "Banks" and "Ocuupy Wallstreet", then compare them to "Diversity" and "BLM". Its just a bait and switch by the powerful because they were scared.

>> No.23595134

by that logic a bunch of incels playing video games and getting so obsessed about south african crime statistics that they never get laid is genocide

>> No.23595196

This is inevitable but no one talks about it.
>slow decline
You will see. There will be a catalyst for a black swan event in our lifetime. Probably once the boomers die out and gen z fully enters the workforce.
>jews dont want to genocide whites
Bluepilled, also what youre saying is genocide.

>> No.23595208

White genocide is real, the statistics are there, the projections are real. I'd say the election is 60/40 in Bidens favor.

>> No.23595216

Yeah, but race matters. Don't you get it yet?