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File: 684 KB, 1545x2000, Bitcoin1MillionClub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23591018 No.23591018 [Reply] [Original]

If you're a millionaire already is there any reason to buy anything besides BTC with a bit of ETH on the side? Seems like gambling in altcoins really just increases your chances of losing money.

>> No.23591093

Good rule of a thumb is that white people buy Ethereum and Bitcoin. Pajeets and negroid races buy altcoins because that's all they can afford

>> No.23591186

yes. new investors hate btc because its very expensive and they think they missed the boat and their .008 for their bimonthly $100 investment doesn't look good on the balance sheet. bitcoin will be 6 figures next year, its going to happen. the difference is investing NOW and getting .008 for your poor man 100 compared to next year when that 100 will get you .0004. is you do not own multiple btc right now you will be likely priced out. this is our generations gold rush. and even scraps right now will be worth a lot. i just don't understand how more people don't realize how big of a game changer bitcoin is. you think a 800 daily candle is a lot, wait 'til we get the 2000-5000 daily candles coming up in the near future. final thought: there are very very few btc left on exchanges and available in general. remember when link (us old fags) went from .22 on average to the 1.5-3$ range and everyone thought holy shit thats the top and yada yada, this will happen with btc, it will be a very fast rise to 50k or whatever that number is, then then people think ok its done, it'll have another huge push. you think the worlds elite financial institutions, hedge funds, companies, soon to be govt and ETFs and us regular folks have enough BTC to go around? wait till the US and CHINA trade is settled via BTC. by then btc will be over a few mil and that sooner than you think. I'm going back into the capsule. use this info and enrich your life. good bye.

>> No.23591227

Thanks anons. This is what my intuition tells me and aligns with my current strategy. It's hard not to feel a bit of fomo with projects that get more aggressive gains, but my brain tells me to get Bitcoin while I still can as it's one of the only coins truly built to last.

>> No.23591308

If you’re new here the consensus is that LINK is also on par with those two

>> No.23591353

Yeah, LINK has an insane chart. Makes me feel like I may be late to this run up, but who knows. Early days of the other coins would have looked similar.

I may buy a small stack of that too.