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23589325 No.23589325 [Reply] [Original]

Once you are rich , what are your plans? Are you planning to improve yourself? Have a family? Pay off debts? Grow a business? What would the first steps be when let’s say you achieved 5M USD (Don’t adjust for inflation)

>> No.23589336


>> No.23589340

im getting a vasectomy

>> No.23589425
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Hookers and rifles. A season to find the soul and another to bury it.

>> No.23589443

you need 5B to own that castle, OP

>> No.23589449

House and travel.

>> No.23589451

Pay off parents mortgage, taxes, buy land

>> No.23589457

>IVF for 3 Boys
>buy a ranch
>grow a business on the side for fun but dont scale it too far to where it consumes my entire life
>dedicate a large percentage of the profit I would have reinvested to scale back into helping the local community
>try to provide a great life for my employees
>hang out with my wife
>get old
>be happy, fulfilled, relax

If God saves my soul, hopefully, I'll go to heaven.

>> No.23589469

I’ll dedicate my life to fighting the Jews

>> No.23589497

I’d like to be some sort of consultant with my own schedule and ability to charge outrageous fees

>> No.23589510

Own a home
Knock up my gf at least 5 times
Buy a couple of cars, boats, and a plane
Own real estate to rent out
Travel around the world
Send a video of my lifestyle as a fuck you to everyone who'd done me wrong.

>> No.23589545

Live up to old age without working for others, living a comfy life from crypto savings.
There is knowledge to acquire.

>> No.23589555

Yeah they don't build them like they used to.
All the best Ubermensche
Ok E.Y
Make sure you sign a prenup.

>> No.23589589
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Castles can actually be quite inexpensive

>> No.23589621
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>generate lots of passive income
>buy a farm, a very isolated one
>buy lots of guns
>grow lots of food, have lots of animals
>if society comes knocking on my door, I'll knock back

>> No.23589622

eat healthier than now
maybe get a property
car or two ( probably just lease)
after resting for a while, start up philantrophy
give back to biz

>> No.23589638

They cost a lot to maintain.

>> No.23589664

This is actually the best idea.
Don't lease. Just buy it out. I'm planning on buying a bunch of toyotas.
Castles are nice but have you considered a airplane hangar?

>> No.23589704
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thanks fren, toyotas sound like a good idea, theyre super reliable in my exp.

>> No.23589860

can confirm. i own a 40 year old toyota and it's still running strong with proper maintenance

>> No.23589896

Make a nazi compound like in the movie "Greenroom" (minus the heroin factory).

>> No.23589915

Yeah, we don't have to worry about this guy making it. kek.

>> No.23589985
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We could get together tho, fren. I'm somewhat of a national socialist myself. A training camp for martial arts, lifting, gun tactics & training, home made bombs, cqc would be nice.... Hehehehehehe.,... I wanna kill some people of interest, fren... holy fuck, i'm getting insane

>> No.23590287

That's their aim.

>> No.23590334

Pay off debt, get a small house enough for just me, get a couple properties and rent them out, live frugal.

>> No.23590341


>> No.23590351

keked and checked.

>> No.23590403

Pay off personal/family debts, establish multiple streams of passive income, set up family with some sort of passive income, buy house, start own family, start business, help good people

>> No.23590418

Also go off grid for a couple months with specialized trainers in order to get fit physically, cognitively, spiritually, etc. Try to hardwire the habits in hard

>> No.23590422

Originally I wanted to buy some small properties in places I like to travel to so I can live there a few months per year. I accidentally got my gf pregnant so now I’m a stay at home dad while doing crypto and my web projects in my little free time. I’d probably get a larger house so my parents and her parents can come stay and watch him as well so I can claw back more time for myself. I want to get back to language learning and then traveling after the pandemic.

>> No.23590469

make musical albums/record others...
learn how to develop blockchains
breed asian 3rd worlders
read a lot more
perhaps write a book
use weed more
cook 5 star meals

>> No.23590737

this is the real cost. it's like owning a yacht

>> No.23590839

fund a movement for decriminalization of all drugs and a network of community mental health centers incorporating organic gardens, vocational schools and psychedelic therapy housed in renovated historic properties across the US

>> No.23590875

>airplane hangar
Might as well live in a big barn, anon. They don't seal from weather worth a FUCK.

>> No.23591977

I will retire on 500k and live a quiet frugal life in a country with low cost living. I only need books and one video game per month to be happy.

>> No.23592122
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First thing I'll do is quit being a wagie.
I will try to get my sons, if that is not possible, then I will leave wealth for my two sons that were stolen from me, to find when they are older and free from the clutches of their putrid sadistic mother.
I will travel around and do whatever the fuck I please.
I will not maintain a fixed address, I will live comfortably within my means, and I will attempt to sever all of my ties to the globohomo clown world serfdom.
I will live like a ghost, and nobody will ever truly know who I am, or where I came from.
And then I will die, and everything about me will be forgotten, even by my children.

>> No.23592267

What is there to maintain it’s just a bunch of stone bricks?

>> No.23592675

I am going to leave my parents. They can go fuck themselves KEK. Still, I will leave them 100k bucks at the door before I leave and cut all the bridge, change simcard, etc.. It will be funny as fuck because they always see me as a broke loser while I actually have 4.73 million tusd in crypto.

Am 25.

>> No.23592781

why leave them 100k? just ghost them u retard

>> No.23592841

The example of the Othmer couple investing in Berkshire Hathaways and continuing to invest in it without cashing out inspires me.
Making it is the reward in itself when you understand what money is and a proof of the world that you learned a valuable life lesson and that you found something more important to do in your life.
I may continue my life without any big change, because knowing that I have money will allow me to do what really matters to me and to be happy even if I don't use it a lot.

>> No.23592856

That 100k is to change their perspective on me, also to make them not worry about me anymore and as a slap to their face for always saying my neighbour/cousin/their young coworker/etc. Is better than me.. well can they give you 100k?

Any parents here? Stop comparing your offsprings to another's, not even among themselves (siblings). Instead, find their own strengths, grow it, make them realize it, teach them about finance, hang out with them, treat them like adults, etc. Most important of all, lead by example.

I will thank my mathematics lecturer before I leave this house for teaching me about crypto and motivate me to achieve financial freedom.

>> No.23592861

First thing I would do is Pay off my toyota. Secondly buy some land build dream home for my family. Lastly buy one of them American mid engine corvette with bald eagles on each door.

>> No.23592898

>cut all the bridge
Why? after all the shit they did for you

>> No.23592901

Ray Dalio wrote in one of his books that power has a cost to maintain.
When you buy something like a castle, a yacht or even smaller things, it will take your energy to maintain and your space and time too.
The things you own own you and make you their slave in some way because you need to expand energy to keep them.
If you make it, it's because you learned that there was something more important than money.
A wish to make the best use of your life.

We should keep this in mind after we make it and should continue to allow money to make us free and give us new opportunities instead of enslaving us.

>> No.23592902

Research how to invest the money properly o I never have to worry about money again.
Then buy some cool toys.
I am actually very happy with my current life.
I just need more money without compromising anything else.

>> No.23592953

buy a nice painting

>> No.23592985
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Picture related. Only high IQ green pilled anons will understand. ;)

>> No.23593067

Green pilled.
I lean towards minimalism as you are right , the things we own will own us. I've come to conclude that life doesn't need us to be adding baggage. Money is a tool , and it should be used carefully. Take time to really enjoy life. We only die once so i'm living everyday.
Don't use weed more. Grow your own weed so you know what you are getting. Weed now is significantly stronger than before. But go do it Anon.

>> No.23593073
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I'm going to start a fake company, interview a bunch of chads, niggers, shlomos, and stacies and reject them all.

>> No.23593156
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>> No.23593734

>put half of it in 1 million in corporate bonds like TSLA that pay 5% fixed income.
>buy a mansion in delaware for 1 million where property tax is really low.
>grow some business that takes advantage of govt credits like solar farm
>start creating social capital by making an online presence to make money off ad dollars

>> No.23593854

is feeling better about yrself more important than letting yr shithead parents know you have money? stealth wealth my friend

>> No.23594049

All of my friends and the lecturer advise me to get the fuck out or run away from home when I tell what they did to me
Yeah, I might actually do this. That 100k thing is just a made up scenario in an ideal world where I am the hero. I am fucked in the head, the ungrateful son, raised by narcissist parents that is obsessed with titles, validations, and materialism. Death to people like my family. I also chose to not marry or have a family, I am afraid I will raise another bad person or a person that will hate me.

>> No.23594601

just ghost em...mine were the same narcissist scum. Its not worth the temporary revenge happiness

>> No.23594842

funny my narc mom used the same phrase on me lmao "ungrateful son". what a dumb sick cunt shit she is.

>> No.23594874

those are manlet "castles"
give me dover

>> No.23594944


I buy 4m worth of rental properties, make 240k worth of rent a year

Invest 500k in bonds and stocks
get 25-75k a year from that

keep 500k liquid for emergencies and business opportunities

maybe buy an suv and a Van Minnen plus some nice furniture for my apartment

>> No.23595004

>Buy a serious amount of land in Montana
>Build a buffalo ranch
>Get a wife and 6 kids
>Live that life

And if i get tremendously rich
>Start a Bob Ross foundation
>Provide 100% free painting lessons to kids and adults, and not just one free lesson per person, but infinitely free lessons for anyone who likes the art

Build churches and reintroduce renaissance style art back in to society like commisioning marble art and fresco's

>> No.23595023

Based and redpilled

>> No.23595048

For the first full day of being rich I think I will just lay there and do nothing. Just lay there all day and live in that experience of what it is to be truly free.

After that: two chicks at the same time. I think if I were a millionaire I could hook that up.

>> No.23595100

Sorry to hear that anon. How are you now?

>> No.23595218

>IVF for 3 Boys
Just do it normally, it can cause all kinds of defects in your children.

>> No.23595262

>ovement for decriminalization of all drugs and a network of community mental health centers
Ah, genius. You make people mentally ill with the drugs then they're forced to come to your health centers.

>> No.23595268

>Any parents here? Stop comparing your offsprings to another's, not even among themselves (siblings). Instead, find their own strengths, grow it, make them realize it, teach them about finance, hang out with them, treat them like adults, etc. Most important of all, lead by example.
Thank you for these advices. I am a father of 3. They will reach their young adult phase soon. Didnt know people like you exist, and I dont want them to be like you. You made me love my children even more now.

Btw the advice you gave is a long term advice or what one should practice since their children's birth, is there any short term? I mean like what I can do right now?

>> No.23595283

Are you me? Replace sons with daughters and we are pretty much mirrors.

>> No.23595306

Why dont you research those things now. Would it not help you prepare. Get you into the right frrame

>> No.23595343

first year i'll focus on (sex) tourism by traveling and living in hotels, while also looking where should i move

then once i found a decent place to build my base i'll move there and start buying business and shit to do enterpreneurish stuff

>> No.23596281

That's a man

>> No.23596352

> 5 million
> "rich"
Okay boomer.

>> No.23596734

a comfy house near the sea with 10gbps connection and pieces of lands everywhere in this planet

>> No.23597197

I will buy my family houses and once they are all comfortably living I will buy my own house and land and autistically train like Goku every day in the woods with no need to go and wagecuck

>> No.23597714

Okay grammar nazi

>> No.23598047

Literal cuck

>> No.23598104

alright you sold me. lets do it. WAGMI.

>> No.23598118

The second you get found out you're camp will be firebombed and the survivors will serve life sentences. Be careful