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23585380 No.23585380 [Reply] [Original]

The Virgin Akropolis
>inferior defi project on Polkadot
>claims Delphi is for normies, makes you go to FAQ to input some complex equation to figure out APY which normies won’t know how or want to do
>exact rewards are vague, interface is weird
>dark colored website which statistically don’t do as well
>team info isn’t readily available on website, have to dig around
>already pumped a lot, still 15-20x up from all time low so a lot of people sitting on big profits and can dump at anytime

The Chad Mantra
>superior defi project on Polkadot
>APY is shown for everyone to see along with the exact amount of OM you’re earning daily
>lets you claim rewards daily
>only 20% up from all time low, no one is sitting on big profits so no incentive to sell
>less than half the MC of Akropolis, way more room to grow
>more Uniswap volume than AKRO, smart money knows the deal
>easy to use interface, light and eye pleasing color scheme
>team info and LinkedIns are in plain sight on website for everyone to see

Once I came to this realization that AKRO is utterly useless as an investment compared to OM, I dumped all my bags and sold into the Chad MantraDAO. Now I’m a top 150 wallet and unironically make ~150 OM per day right now. Couldn’t be comfier.

>> No.23585808

Are Akroplets just coping or what? These facts are undeniable

>> No.23586192

Unironically earning $300 per month just from staking. I’m so comfy bros

>> No.23586619
File: 2.72 MB, 4032x3024, CEA03118-2796-444C-9FDD-8A5FA1747EA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy. Only reason why it says 0 days is because I just staked some more today

>> No.23586719

Unironically earning more from staking FIS

>> No.23586909

The Stafi website looks terrible and the team is only like 6 asians who look like a bunch of autistic nerds who wouldn’t know how to market. The MantraDAO website looks much more professional, has a friendlier interface and the team has some chads on it who look like they know how to market well. 88.8% APY is still plenty good too so I’m good with OM anon

>> No.23587271

Bump for MantraChads

>> No.23587316

>6 posts by this id
>7 posts in the thread
Cringe pajeet

>> No.23587655

Here’s 7. I bought the literal bottom so am max comfy