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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23585310 No.23585310 [Reply] [Original]

how much of my credit limit can I use without worrying about my credit card account being closed by the issuer?

>> No.23585334

don't do it, itll be the worst mistake of your life, possibly the end of you. get better bud

>> No.23585337

it doesn't work like that goyim. you only get shut off when you dont pay it back with interest after months, goyim

>> No.23585377

what are you talking about nigger? don't do what?
I'm paying the minimum is that enough shekels sir?

>> No.23585379
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things may be rough now anon, but if you can avoid credit card debt, then things will be A LOT better when they do get better.

>> No.23585412

Use less than 30%
Less than 10% if you want your credit score higher

>> No.23585573

I'm at 70% right now but I will be able to pay it all off in January. can I use the remaining 30% until then?

>> No.23585636

Your score increases faster when you take on and pay off more debt. Higher credit usage is encouraged to increase your score.

>> No.23585665

all as long as you pay the min

>> No.23585763

Amex reduced my CL from 10k to 6.5k because I kept paying the minimum on a $6.5k debt.

>> No.23585778

how long were you doing that for?

>> No.23585838

Only 5 months.

>> No.23585916

in college, I maxed out my 7k limit and only paid the minimum for 2 years. Deferred once cause I was a poor college kid in 2010. I paid it off after I graduated. I had a visa with chase bank.
I teeter between 796-800 now and was always told I had excellent credit since I was like like 19 which never made sense to me. Sorta flexing but also is a factor.