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23582635 No.23582635 [Reply] [Original]

was the lockdown worth it?

do we really need a second lockdown?

look into your heart.

you know the answer.

>> No.23582775

Lockdown again so I can profit from my shorts

>> No.23582823

I’m still waiting for boomers to start keeping over en masse. Any day now

>> No.23582866

>made money from crypto rebound
>stimulus check
>unemployment from my shitty part time job
>found a temp job with the government making decent money

Covid has been bullish as fuck for me

>> No.23582931

Boomers are going to pass their wealth down. Why do you think Boomers will one day all take a dirt nap simultaneously?

>> No.23582975

this, i lost half my portfolio trying to short everything cause of this meme virus.

>> No.23583082

>Boomers are going to pass their wealth down.

Decades from now, possibly. I've seen stories of heirs in their 60s whose 90-year-old parents still haven't bit it.

>> No.23583203

The best way to accelerate this is to spread COVID and take out and cripple as many boomers as we can. They will spend their savings on medical necessities and there will be nothing to pass down.

>> No.23583240

We were promised that the chink flu would ravage the elderly, and boomers are getting up there. Fucking China, is everything they export defective?

>> No.23583304

that's why its critical to go to isolated, rural areas and spread this shit. in all honesty, i see this as an opportunity to take back the wealth we deserve and free our generation from the systematic chains of wagecucking.

>> No.23583326

Yeah except it’s a giant nothingburger. Unless we can get some sort of mutant strain going we’ve collectively shot ourselves in the foot and barely a boomer was harmed

>> No.23584081

>nobody defended lockdowns

i'm impressed. did you retards finally realize you got memed and licked the butthole of the political apparatus?

>> No.23584152

My take on it is that everyone in the know knows this slipped out of a research lab in China. A combination of erring on the side of caution and not letting a crisis go to waste got us to where we are today

>> No.23584306

I profited from it, of course it was worth it.

>> No.23585132

Anything under 75 is not good u tard

>> No.23585166

Who cares? The lockdown only affects normies doing normie shit like going to bars and concerts.

>> No.23585171

What's left to pass down when you've remortgaged your house twice and spent it on a boat, an rv and trips to Vegas?

>> No.23585396

3 million people die from alcohol related abuse per year.

let's ban alcohol. :)

and see what kinda riots we get.

>> No.23585563


>let’s ban alcohol


>> No.23585588

i think it's a good idea too.

however it's a contrast to the "enormous" death toll nuflu has.

we need to protect people from everything if we're afraid of nuflu.

there would be no end to caution.

the numbers are now very clear. status quo must be restored.

>> No.23585934
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