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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23580810 No.23580810 [Reply] [Original]


Website: https://www.unfederalreserve.com/
Sister Company: https://www.residualtoken.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/unfederalreserve/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Unfederalreser1

Traditional financial analysts enter the Decentralized lending Market using farming. Completely transparent team all with heavy financial backgrounds and the project has already secured banking relationships.

The current market cap at the time of writing is ~400k$. https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x7ba9b94127d434182287de708643932ec036d365

Very strong team, intelligent, highly experienced in finance.

Very new. Currently, the project is very unknown in the crypto community as they have been doing meetups with financial-based analysts and market lenders. They are currently preparing for a heavy media push with major new outlets. The project is completely undiscovered and likely one of the most promising defi projects to date. While normally, a lack of traction might be concerning, in this case, because they are so new, this is incredibly promising.

>> No.23581361

I agree. This will moon so hard once it gets a bit of attention.Takes nothing for it to go 50x. However, the devs have explicitly said that they focus more on getting work done than hype atm. Which I understand, cause hype without a working product is just hype and it does more harm than good in the long run.

That being said, I think hype is inevitable with this project. It's only a matter of time before people see it. So ridiculously cheap, lmao. It can literally do a 1000x. Wouldn't even put its mc at a billion dollars.

This is the gem everyone is looking for.

>> No.23582269

For once I am actually in on the ground floor. Holy mother of God.. only took me 3+ years. Better late than never I guess ffs.

>> No.23582592

Visited the tg today, both devs were present, answered every question eloquently and profoundly, i guess op is correct, this is it.

>> No.23582758

Welcome fren. We'll make it. We'll fucking MAKE IT!

A make it stack with this one is literally only 20k. I have 200k, lmao. Contemplating buying more. This could go to 1-2 dollars the next couple of years. So excited about this project.

>> No.23583133
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Easy money. Smart money knows

>> No.23583477

Checked and kek'd