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23579710 No.23579710 [Reply] [Original]

If I buy a bunch of penny stock shares from one company, that company moons, and I now have 20 million dollars worth in shares, can I trade all my shares and take my money out right away or do I have to do that in segments? Is that called/depend on liquidity?

>> No.23580115


>> No.23580240

so then the answer is that it depends, that if it has high liquidity i can take it all out at once, if it doesnt i have to do it pieces, correct? thanks for answering

>> No.23580350


>> No.23580389

Correct. But why stocks tho? Crypto is the most volatile instrument on the planet right now.

>Idk how
Just avoid any project related to finance (usury), gambling, and entertainment (music, movies, sport, gaming, etc.). Pick the projects that focuses into the blockchain tech, oracle tech, payment gateway tech, etc.

But if you still want to trade stocks, up to you.

>> No.23580465


>> No.23580503

One more thing on picking the project, you might want to trade only the projects that is majority teamed by white/west because if you get dumped, at least your money is swimming around the west country instead of flowing outside to india or china which makes you super stupid because not only you got scammed but you helped our enemy/competitor and also imagine getting scammed by other races.


>> No.23580517

>doesn't deny it
kys shitskin

>> No.23580579

I'll add to your question if you don't mind, OP.
What determines the liquidity of a bitcoin? I know the obvious answer is how fast you can sell your bags, but is there any metric to help determine that? Is that 24 hour volume?

>> No.23580692

>doesn't deny it
kys too shiterskin

>> No.23580939
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>> No.23581074

question anon, how often do you hear people making millions off of shares from one company (all eggs in one basket), i know its a huge gamble, but just curious how often people moon like that, (regardless on your opinion on stocks vs crypto) thanks

>> No.23581501

>how often do you hear people making millions off of shares from one company
The common people? Extremely rare, anon.. but the VC and angel capital that have access to all the early knowledge and all the hidden/private/secret startups? That is another story.

>its a huge gamble
Yes when it comes to stock, you dont want to put all your fiat into one stock. You want to scatter your money around.

Lets say you want to invest in the power company; you might want to allocate based on your confidence on the outlook of the future by putting a small amount of fiat in a solar company, medium into petrol, and most of your fiat into battery.

Above is when you want to invest, but if you want to trade, rely on the buyings and sellings numbers (technical) instead of the future outlook (fundamental). You want to go for penny stonks so i dont think you will be trading.

>> No.23582413

Your broker will usually not allow you to sell in one block. You have to sell using what is called a block order, which will space out in time the amount you're selling, and you have to do so depending on the stock liquidity and price, i.e. in such a way that you don't cause the price to either dump or pump.
That's why you may see volume patterns in charts that look like identical volume blocks every 5 minutes starting at precisely, say, 15:30 and ending at, say, precisely 15:45.

>> No.23582501

so for a common person to make millions off of one companny, while highly rare, penny stocks would be the main option since they are so cheap to aquire and hoard right?, i know theoretically you could buy non penny stocks but its much more expensive and will require a much higher price surge, thanks

>> No.23582529

so how long does it take between segments of selling, minutes, days, weeks?

>> No.23582840

It depends on liquidity and amount of shares. If there's a 100m share bid at $100 then you can sell the whole $20m worth of shares into the bid without moving the price at all. If on the other hand, the required 200k shares (around this pricepoint) span a price range between $200 and $50, you're going to have to meter your selling based on the order book. Maybe there are 10k shares on $99 and another 10k on $98, then nothing until $95, in that case you can buy the two $99 and $98 blocks but no more until something else pops up.

>> No.23583523

can you convert those examples to estimated time wait just to get some understanding, thanks for your help

>> No.23583907

No, because that requires access to an order book, volume and price figures. It's also subject to normal market price action. Without data, there is no way to convert optimal rate to wait time.

>> No.23583944

So no one will answer this? Is it that hard of a question? I'm not sure why I can't just learn the answer myself though I've been educating myself about crypto for over 6 months now and I still don't understand exactly what controls the prices and liquidity.
Do devs control liquidity by minting more of their tokens, or token holders control it buy buying/selling? Or both?

>> No.23584417

there are no 'devs' you fucking MORON
liquidity is the amount of stuff you can sell at market without the price dumping
ergo the more people buying/selling, the more liquid the product
what controls prices is the interplay of people buying and selling
what controls liquidity is the AMOUNT of people buying and selling i.e. VOLUME and OPEN INTEREST

6 months and you can't figure it out? kill yourself you dumb nigger

>> No.23584963

oh ok thank you for clearing it up though

>> No.23584990

relax you spaz