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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 32 KB, 1040x117, retire in 40 years.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23578697 No.23578697 [Reply] [Original]

This is just sad...

>> No.23578749

Post his face when he realizes that he actually lost money when you factor in inflation (while making the fund managers even richer)

>> No.23578804

Fuck work. I’ll keep quitting until I find something that is practically doing nothing.

>> No.23578810

living life as an american must be hell on earth
>constantly afraid of being shot/mugged/killed by police
>consumerist culture
>shithole coastal capitals or hick backwaters
>never retire
>no healthcare
>no social services
and people pat this poor sap on the back and tell him he's wise for "investing" in his future at 23

>> No.23578980

Eurocuck please, Im Americand and I don't have to worry about any of that shit.
Those are the burguers that you are talking about, they are barely american anymore their blood is convined with niggers and muslims and they have no identity at all, we the central american masters feel petty for the poor gringos, eurocucks, sand niggers and chinks

>> No.23579062

Better than living in a 60% taxed, turk filled police state where you need to drop 400k on some 500 sq ft. commie block apartment.

>> No.23579160

>be bugman in china
>get taxed 60%
>live in commie block ie. community neighborhoods
>police WELDS your door shut to stop you going outside during COVID-19 lockdown
yeah.. pretty much

>> No.23579197

why are millennials and zoomers acting like the boomer paradigm will exist in 40 years?

>> No.23579438

singaporean conscription is a joke

>fall for the "work hard and learn as much as you can" meme from mother
>land as a clerk
>show too much initiative
>gets shit piled on me
>shit supervisor that has no EQ
>gives me shit to do at 5:55pm when work ends at 6pm
>overtime almost every day without proper compensation (off in lieus, no extra cash since salary is fixed for the duration of conscription) while everyone else goes home early with less stress
>have to pretty much beg for supervisor to give me off in lieus
>threatens to court-martial me for "going home early" on a promotion day when everyone else is doing it (some unspoken rule? i'm not 100% sure, but if it wasn't a thing people wouldn't be able to go home)

fast forward to this april
>finally snap
>report him to the head of the organization
>investigations ensue but ends just as quick without any resolution

i'm pretty sure he hates me at this point, but i don't give a shit. how do i ruin his life after my conscription ends? i have a tape of him asking me for information about family-related matters that i wasn't comfortable sharing because i "applied for leave without 3 days in advance", is that ammunition i can use?

>> No.23579512

Take him out and get him really drunk 'as a way of burying the hatchet'. Spike his drink with cocaine and have him have sex with a trap prostitute which you film. Report him for cocaine use

>> No.23579565

If you’re poor: europe>US
If you’re not: US>europe

>> No.23579636
File: 128 KB, 1366x768, 8xiShsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell my coworker wagies that i will retire before 30
>pic related.jpg
>"you got 40 more years to go anon! hahaha!"

why the fuck is retiring at 65 okay? why is it drilled in their heads to work for 40 years to make someone else rich?

>> No.23579649
File: 3.21 MB, 2518x1666, UnnBridge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be retiring approximately 3 months after the Union.Finance sale.

Sucks to be a wagie.

>> No.23579716

Youre a retarded weeb autist entitled faggot thinking your 0 effort IT or whatever shitfuck job you have should let you retire in a decade too, you know.

>> No.23579765
File: 648 KB, 1500x500, never revealed ZORA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy ZORA to retire ASAP

decentralized oracles built for DeFi and have 100% privacy
also free to use

read here
