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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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23573751 No.23573751 [Reply] [Original]

Just sold 650 LINK for a down payment on a house. I had 6800 now I have about 6100. Feels so bad bro’s my rank moved from 3900 to 4300. Still comfy tho,

What’s your rank?

>> No.23573852

Whats 15500 link? Cause thats my rank

>> No.23573945

lower 2000s, became a top 1%er a couple weeks ago. now its like top .9%

>> No.23574158


You are rank 1549 sir out of 280k holders

>> No.23574283

Hot damn ive always felt like i had a baby stack. Wish i was top 1000

>> No.23574342

top 1000 reporting in
enjoy the ride to 60 dollars faggots

>> No.23574392

>Assuming people keep all of their Linkies in one wallet.

>> No.23574422


Lol putting it in perspective is nice. There’s not that many people in the world with a stack as fat as yours

>> No.23574456


It’s still a good frame of reference.

>> No.23574499


Only $60 sir?

>> No.23574735
File: 131 KB, 1280x1810, 1602395582598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Link of x people only shows up as 1 binance wallet
thousands of holders are represented by a couple of binance wallets. So keep that in mind when talking about your rank.

>> No.23574801


Imagine CZ holding your linkies

>> No.23574865

I think OP meant 1949, still good


>> No.23574884

WTF kind of house has a down payment of 7.5k?

>> No.23574892

What rank is 8k?

>> No.23575087

this also excludes people who have link on DeFi
such as AAVE

>> No.23575097


My brother and I split it, I used linkies he used fiat.


You’re right thanks for correction

>> No.23575133


About 3600

>> No.23575148

You were dropped out of the top 4k a month ago. I know because I have a little more link than you do and I got moved out a month ago, even though I've kept buying small amounts.

>> No.23575199


I’m comfy as long as I’m too 5 or 10k

>> No.23575719

lmao I'm actually going to make it.

t. top 3000 wallet

>> No.23575781

How much was the house?

>> No.23575886


Put 3.5% down

>> No.23576022
File: 46 KB, 480x270, Hide_concern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What rank is 514 linkie fren?

>> No.23576080

Top 750, used to be top 800 in August, looks like lots of OGs sold. Sucks to be them lol.

>> No.23576123

how much will you end up paying in interest by the time it is paid off? monthly payment?

I've been wanting do get a mortgage but feel like I'm going to pay a 1.5x premium over the price of the home before I pay it off, making me consider buying land and placing a temporary home for cheap while I build a larger one. Fuck jews

>> No.23576166

My interest rate is 2.75%

Getting a jew mortgage is prob not the best idea but I just wanna move out my mommy’s basement so bad

>> No.23576346

It wasn't hard to get a top 300 wallet 2 years ago.
Now I am too lazy to divide it into smaller parts and don't want to create whale alert tweets by moving it...

>> No.23576484

One day 1000 LINK will be a whale alert.

>> No.23576645

That's true.
I now also feel gratitude to Sergey and don't want to affect the market sentiment by reducing my Link stack size in my main wallet.

>> No.23576764



>> No.23576911

Top 200

>> No.23577016

if someone had two wallets:
both might be larger than you
both might be smaller than you
one might be larger then you and the other smaller than you
These scenarios work to cancel eachother out so the rank should be pretty damn accurate

>> No.23577094

>I'm going to pay a 1.5x premium over the price of the home before I pay it off
over 30 years. your oppourtunity cost is going to be much much more than that if you buy a house with the money upfront. interest rates are at ATL. literally inflation is greater than the interest on mortgages right now.

>> No.23577192

I'm within the top 1,000
feels good but I still wish I had more

>> No.23577214

knew a guy who bought land had a house built, sold it all for profit bought bigger lot next to it and built an even bigger house.

I'm thinking jews can fuck off

>> No.23577271

yes but there is value in knowing you are not just a slave to a debt contract.

>> No.23578191

>knew a guy who bought land had a house built, sold it all for profit bought bigger lot next to it and built an even bigger house.
This isn't contradictory to what I said. the smaller his down payment the greater the profits he made.
>jews can fuck off
the fact that so many people are averse to debts is the reason jews refer to us as goyim. you can never hope to escape the middle class without leveraging debt intelligently.
fair enough. personally i like safer debts on things like real estate (not on things like automobiles or education) but we all have our own means of making it.

>> No.23578252

pajeet general

>> No.23578333
File: 59 KB, 673x528, 4L_KuYModef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw top 700 holder
I had 3 years to be top 100 now I am priced out. Do I just kms now?

>> No.23578351

If I have 1800 LINK what is my rank

>> No.23578367

Top 250. Linklets.

>> No.23578784


You can check on ethplorer, search Chainlink and hit the holders tab. Then just scroll through the pages until it gets down to 1800

>> No.23578847

my rank with 10 000ish linkies has dropped 100 ranks in 2months feels bad, I had hoped I would gain ranks as price plummets but I guess lots of peeps have picked up 10k stacks

>> No.23578886

started in july, close to breaking into the top 15,000. Feels good to get in late and still have a chance to make it.

>> No.23578914

youd be stupid to not buy a home in a white area that allows u reasonable commute to work

>> No.23578946

you can just go to tab 2, then edit the URL at the end to whatever page you want. If you have 1800 LINK then you're around the top 10,000 holders. So edit the URL to tab =100

>> No.23578950


>> No.23579298

Rank 3450 out of 250k+ ill take it

>> No.23579364
File: 24 KB, 460x345, 51D3086D-3D7B-450A-8E09-8E2E6FAE89E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only 200 linkies I bought for $15 each
I’m a fucking retard who had three years and didn’t listen