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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23560579 No.23560579 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong, bros?

>> No.23560615

What do you mean? I'm so bullish I'm seeing red

>> No.23560652

The constant pajeet shilling of a shitcoin

>> No.23560664

Institutions are picking OCEAN over iExec

>> No.23560669

you had 19 years

>> No.23560721

Iexec has had Oceans tech since v3 lmao

>> No.23560822

But they're picking OCEAN. Mercedes picked OCEAN, banks are picking OCEAN. We are totally fucked

I'm afraid i'll have to wait for another 19 years

>> No.23560974

Ocean holder FUD larper gtfo, iExec is the standard, Ocean is a nice pilot program, nothing less nothing more

>> No.23561012

iExec doesn't care about the data marketplace because any cave dwelling pajeet can make that tech


>> No.23561047

I hold RLC but i'm afraid of OCEAN mooning and RLC remaining stagnant.
Check CMC, OCEAN is rank 62 and iExec is rank 114. Looks like all enterprises are moving to OCEAN

>> No.23561073
File: 65 KB, 526x388, Screenshot_20200919_224510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bought motherfucker?!
That's the reason why I am not rich!!! I told you, piece of shit, don't jinx my oil!

>> No.23561082

And? I expect much larger than Mercedes with I Exec.

>> No.23561112

Switched to Ocean a couple of weeks ago thank fuck

>> No.23561142

Feels bad. Iexec has never had a competitor before. I can't wait to see what Iexec does now that they have competition and way better tech and connections. Damn this is getting good.

>> No.23561162

Should I dump my RLC for Ocean? I'm worried as fuck. We're getting nothing and they're killing us in the Ocean threads.

>> No.23561177

The main problem I see is that iExec is always hyping and underdeliving while OCEAN doesn't hype and always overdeliver

Blair bragged on Twitter that all enterprises would adopt iExec and what did we got? A shitty school in Thailand.

>> No.23561208


>> No.23561210

if you are considering OCEAN over iExec you're a fucking retard, so just do it already and quit shitting up threads

>> No.23561232

I don't know dude, i'm thinking about buying a small bag of OCEAN just to see what happens. If iExec remains static then i'll start slowly dumping my stack and i'll probably move it to OCEAN or buy more LINK

>> No.23561267

lol they know what they are doing, there is no substance to their FUD whatsoever it's ridiculous. They aren't even real competitors, except for the fact that iExec also does what Ocean does.

>> No.23561285

Taiwan, not Thailand. And it's a major University.

>> No.23561337
File: 495 KB, 585x781, ie new dop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it's so incredibly weak lmao

>> No.23561390

"presentingwork & use cases alongside Google in the near future"

>In 2 months eRLC is introduced

Yeah you guys have fun with Mercedes and Shitbank. I'll take every tech giant in the space.

>> No.23561401

I literally did exactly this. Sold ALL my RLC for Ocean

>> No.23561447

those shitty companies and that shitbank probably only consider the Ocean project as a pilot program to discover more about data and blockchain applications, it's a big step for them to actually use the Ocean Protocol on a large scale for real, and even if they do the token is not needed. It's not like the token is digital oil like ours. NSMDO

>> No.23561451

The wild card. This could be like xrp just cruising sideways forever.

>> No.23561453

Small brain play.

>> No.23561459
File: 244 KB, 431x420, sheik2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure why the bogs are being so kind to me, letting me accumulate so much under $1.
I am so close to 50k barrels holy fuck I can't believe it

>> No.23561476

come back next year Pajeet FUD larper

>> No.23561481

Just checked 3 Telegrams: QUANT, OCEAN and RLC.
While QUANT and OCEAN are very active and bullish, RLC looks more like a ghost town.

>> No.23561500

Big brain anons get it. DYOR

>> No.23561513

based digital oil sheikh pooping 1 dollar bills is based!

>> No.23561527

Because RLC's entire community just realized it's over. They're too busy selling

>> No.23561587

RLC had never been that popular. It became popular like 2 months ago. Pumped to $2 then went back to the regular sideways motion.

>> No.23561649
File: 78 KB, 2164x1286, 1_COBs8x7u1wag3h8XF9Z9Kw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RLC's TG has always been a ghost town.
You can guess why.
Then why am I not selling for Ocean? Lmao.
I get it, Mercedes and Deutsch Bank. Thats great, I get it. Businesses and banks see value in monetizing datasets.
Why wouldn't this just make me more bullish on Iexec though?
Iexec has collaborations and networking with almost every tech giant, and JUST got it's AMF visa and is JUST now introducing it's eRLC on top of a fully furnished matketplace, with better tech than Ocean.
Why tf would I part with my digital oil to fomo into some lesser shit? Use your brain lmao
And lastly, get ready for the acceleration. But just remember, if you sell, you won't be there for it.

>> No.23562108

Because the German Federal Bank just stated that "ocean was the only technical solution that was beyond the conception stage" dipshit. Let me translate that into low-IQ vocabulary for you. The German Banking Empire selected OCEAN for their project objectives because no one else was equipped to do so. This includes iExec. First-mover advantage. I shouldnt need to school you on the importance of getting there first. Godspeed

>> No.23562175

I'm not feeling so good bros

>> No.23562185

Iexec is about to be "equipped to do so" in about 2 months son. With way, way bigger players.

>> No.23562251

I don't really see Ocean and RLC as being competition. Seems like they are trying to do different.

I remember people use to say Link and RLC were competition as well.

>> No.23562434

many first movers have ended up in the trash heap. Ocean is flexing right now with the big names, but iExec is still like Goku who hasn't transformed into a Super Sayan yet. Anyway Ocean and RLC are two different projects completely so I don't understand the urge of Ocean Pajeets to come shill and FUD in our threads. Are you that insecure?

>> No.23562482

Read into this news all you want, what it translates to is the end of a sub 0.40p OCEAN price. Stock up on those bags now, it doesn't matter that they were half that a week ago. OCEAN is the King of disruptive technologies, in that it is not creating a new industry, it is cannibalising existing ones at its core, the idea to commoditise data that has no intrinsic value, other than to owner is a masterstroke, with the right direction and partnerships, this will be the biggest altcoin in terms of affecting human interaction in the near future. Buy a bag now, or the chances of dying poor grow exponentially.

>> No.23562525

The names that Ocean is flexing with, it doesn't matter, they are not going to pay ridiculous prices for some statistics, and the data they value the most they probably won't sell. With iExec on the other hand if big companies, instutions etc. want to use the World Computer and all of its applications they need to use digital oil e(RLC). With Ocean it's not even clear if and how the token is needed.

>> No.23562570

besides, I am sure iExec will offer whatever Ocean is offering as well. Perhaps that explains why they are so insecure they come here to defile our fhreads every single pajeet day

>> No.23563411

This. Reminder that if OCEAN was so much better than RLC they wouldn’t need to be constantly shitting up RLC threads

>> No.23563514

isnt that the bank that is at the brink of bankrupcy? It's stock value is nearly worthless right?
This smells like an exit scam, they're trying to pump and dump that ocean shitcoin son.
Germans are pretty sneaky fellows.

>> No.23564379


>> No.23564818

>OCEAN thread
>150 replies, 50 IPs

>RLC thread
>45 replies
>18 IPs

The numbers speak for themselves

>> No.23564853

yeah youre right that means i should go buy more rlc instead

>> No.23564945

Yep with 3x marketcap it speaks for itself.
I am going to sell my ocean, too many threads on /biz/

>> No.23565264

No you are thinking of DB

>> No.23565370

what went wrong?
we didn't sell at $2
so now we have to hold our dicks and wait for the next pump