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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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23559912 No.23559912 [Reply] [Original]

embarrassing, really

>> No.23559937

i am... forgotten

>> No.23560013

It'll bump to at least 419. If it can manage to get to 420 (dude lmao) then it'll moon. It should rise tomorrow as it did with btc's last rally. Eth seems to be a day behind the run as of late.

>> No.23560122

Do ethies really believe 420 is some sort of psychological milestone that will trigger their fellow dudeweedlmaobros into putting more in.

>> No.23560137

please stop being so mean

>> No.23560162

Anything that can be done on ETH can also be done on AWS. Ethereum is not needed.

>> No.23560276

imagine being so addlepated that you believe 420 weed memes will save eth

>> No.23560551

just because 420 is a number associated with weed doesn't mean it has anything to do with anything else. Its just a number you dumb niggers. 420 is significant with ETH because it never hit 420 last run...it hovered at 419 but never broke that resistance level. Its the same with btc hitting 13.8 right now.

I love how misinformed this board has become. Let's me know all the zoomer normalfags are waking up to crypto. Keep dumping your retail dollaroos into btc at 13.7k when i bought at 4k.

>> No.23560642


ETH is pure spaghetti code. ETH was without a doubt a great idea; I will not deny that at all. However, most people in crypto don't have the comprehension or knowledge to be able and look at the code-base and identify flaws that could be catastrophic, both in terms of economic, security, and overall functioning in cost signals.

Vitalik is smart. However, he's the most retarded smart person in all of crypto. He's a fucking child who doesn't own up to his inability to produce a creation and has longevity. Him and his cronies wrote shitty-ass code. It can't scale. The only way it can scale is constant upgrades each time they feel things are getting congested. This is where the problem lies. It is impossible for ETH to implement a scaling solution to where it doesn't need upgrades anymore. For ETH to work, it will need constant upgrades of ETH 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, so on and so forth for an indefinite amount of time - just kicking the can down the road. Off-chain scaling won't work either because ETH's security is already shit on a stick. Making something more complicated that is already a piece of shit is 100% pointless. People can never steadily develop something on ETH because with each 'scaling upgrade', those who are creating on ETH will have to pivot each time to ensure their product is compatible to work on ETH. To sum it up, each time ETH decides to upgrade to scale, it just gets worse.

For ETH to work to the level needed, the amount of ETH in ever single wallet needs to be known after each transaction. Since ETH cannot implement SPV, it's impossible for ETH to scale because it does not have the capabilities to know the exact amount of ETH in every single ETH wallet after each transaction at a massive scale.

The only way to permanently fix ETH would be to roll back the chain to the beginning almost. Vitalik is just your average Russian retard who can't produce anything of value.

>> No.23560706


>> No.23560711

hey dumbshit, it was over 420 by quite a bit for quite a while just this year

>> No.23560785

I'll sell you my eth at a premium bastards

>> No.23560918

If eth2 is released this year without a hitch we will see some useful DApps and defi become a reality. Flippening in 2021 is very possible

>> No.23561383

What are you bitching about? Eth was $250 4 months ago

>> No.23561441

Lol dumb nigger. Why hasn’t bitcoin scaled with layer 2 when it has existed since 2009

>> No.23561442

Eth 2.0 to the moon

>> No.23561494

>embarrassing, really
up 5x since march

SORRY SIR you cant (((make it))) with your $10 pocket money from ur mom

>> No.23562181

Is 233 ETH enough to make it ?