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23558156 No.23558156 [Reply] [Original]

>be me stupid brazilian poorfag 3rd worlder
>have a friend tell me about bitcoin back in 2012
>invest my whole savings account into it
>steadly accumulating this whole time never sold
>decide to use a trading bot last year
>consistent profits
>decide fiddle with it despite not knowing how to program in python

>> No.23558190

play stupid games ect

>> No.23558219

I'm genuinely sorry to hear that anon.

>> No.23558230
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so sad!

>> No.23558250

>dump everything you have in btc and dca all through those years
>10 btc
Ok buddy

>> No.23558251

I lost 781 thousand BRL I fucking knew better...
At least nobody knew about my investments so I won't have to deal with the shame.
I'm aimlessly browsing faucets trying to get at least some satoshis back

>> No.23558266
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just as it was about to start. that fucking sucks man.

>> No.23558282

Why the fuck you didnt run a test run first?

>> No.23558308

I was a kid in 2012 all I had was 3k USD
I managed to accumulate 10 BTC by trading. I hopped on the XRB bandwagon, then on the HOT bandwagon... nothing but profit until this fatal mistake
I'm so sad I can't even cry!!!

>> No.23558311

If you arent larping you are a fucking madman? What trading bot? Where did you obtain?

>> No.23558384
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Why not try it out with 0.0001 btc first?

>> No.23558480

>3k usd in 2012
>10 btc
Ok faggot

>> No.23558549

You don't know your btc history faggot. That's perfectly plausible.
Not everyone is LARPing, schizo.

>> No.23558573

BTC was never 300 dollars in 2012. You mega fucking retard

>> No.23558601

He said he was steadily accumulating you stupid fuck

>> No.23558642

Motherfucker it was like $180 - $250 at some point because I bought some - ETH was around $8.

>> No.23558703

Read the thread you daft fuck, he said he went all in with everything at 2012, THEN accumulated after. He said that initial buy-in was 3k.
I want to kill you

>> No.23558712

>accumulating since 2012
>go "all-in" with a fucking trade bot in a chink exchange
>go ahead with it even without knowing how it works
>lose everything

Nobody is that stupid.

>> No.23558736

Yeah, dont keep all of your eggs in one basket, dont use dodgy trading bots.
Do buy xrp. The train just looped and ended back at the original station. Are you going to get back on it?

>> No.23558778

eth 2012

lmao hahahahha

>> No.23558966

oh boy, i am a brazilian fag too.

Lost almost 1 BTC in 2018 in the Atlas Quantum scam.

It wasn't very painful back then because most of it was profit from the bullrun from 2017, but now it stings a bit.

Since then I have 1,3 thanks to link and being ultraconservative ( even have tether, anything is better than fucking REAL). You will recover too, eventually. Remember, we are still early in the crypto world.

>> No.23559110

atlas quantum
I managed to dodge that bullet fuck dude...
I can't even eat rn I'm so fucking depressed

>> No.23559184
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I was blinded by greed and got pusnished for it

>> No.23559270
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I lost around ~330btc. Conviced my parents to buy me a bunch for my birthday in 2010, and then I forgot about it till 2017 when I saw btc in the news. Feels bad but at least I'm prepped for the eth 2.0 bullrun.

>> No.23559301

I think I have like 2 ETH or something in my meta wallet not enough for anything :(

>> No.23559346

Hey man, that's pretty decent. I've consolidated around 10eth, built up from 300$ initial, not much but enough to pay for a decent chunk of land in my country once the bullrun happens.

>> No.23559379

I pray that you are right anon.. but rn I'm devastated

>> No.23559406

How do you invest in BTC all the way back in 2012 and manage to lose that much money?

>> No.23559432

I got greedy and lost my mind

>> No.23559614

What ever happened to it? I'd scour the fucking Earth if I lost something worth well over $4m.

>> No.23559758

Its larping, anon.
Nobody can be that stupid. Its a lot of money, and a lot of time. You cant waste 8 years of solid investment into trading bots.

>> No.23559771

I know the feels of losing money brother
I lost my life savings because I had saved up everything in the banks

>> No.23559798

I lost 5 years worth of savings because of banks so I might believe OP honestly

>> No.23559835
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Built a new pc in 2012, tried bringing over the old hard drive (that had my bootleg exchange passwords on it) but it was having read/write issues so I used it as a coaster. 2017 hit and I realized what I had done, tried hooking the hard drive up, but it hadn't survived the years of coffee spills. Was pretty suicidal for like a week but here I am now.

>> No.23559852

what'd the banks do

>> No.23559857
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I lost more than 5k last month and I was seriously considering roping. I can’t imagine how I’d react if I lost >100k. I hope you manage to make it back somehow

>> No.23559907

Lebanon's economy started crashing
politically affiliated people wired all their USD abroad to offshore accounts because corruption
hyperinflation started thus life savings are worthless and we can't withdraw any USD, only our monopoly money
had saved up around 10k in 5 years planning to gtfo of here but after crisis started am stuck here lmao

>> No.23559931

holy shit 5k in a month
I know how you feel
how you holding up anon

>> No.23559941

Why would I larp about losing money and not making money? Besides, if I was going to larp I would be begging for money like other ppl here do.
If I neck it I will be 100% sure I will never get that money back and I'm still young.
thx fren

>> No.23559987

Fuck.. my first job was at a bakery owned by a Lebanese family.
There are more Lebanese ppl living here in Brazil than in Lebanon and I have nothing but respect towards you guys.

>> No.23559990

Did your bot malfunction or did it just trade suboptimally because of the parameters you gave it? Did you lose it all in one flash or over time?

>> No.23560028

I always knew bobo was only about showing glee over the misfortune of others, not about taking market positions.

>> No.23560031


>keeping all your eggs in one basket

you reap what you sow

>> No.23560126

yeah a lot of expats managed to go there especially in the civil war
now corruption and sectarianism fucked it
years waging for nothing man
thank you for your words though friend

>> No.23560146

Lmao I still have my laptop from 2008 and make sure it's still in proper working condition in case there's something on it I can go back to. Have you ever dredged through memes from 2008? I sure did and still considered that garbage worth holding onto. Let this be a lesson to horde, anon.

>> No.23560235

lost it all in a single trade.
I respect hard working people. The bakery owner I mentioned he got here with 4 kids and 10usd in his pocket and now he owns 3 bakeries, one of his daughters is a dentist and his younger son became an engineer.

>> No.23560262

Yeah man, that's totally fair. Shitty thing is, even if I had gotten that hard drive working again I wouldn't be able to use it because I stored my btc on fucking mtgox.

>> No.23560267

but like the times of war were different
now we can't gtfo or anything
but civil war might happen soon so I will gtfo as a refugee and re-establish myself
based LebBro

>> No.23560284

Fuck about.Find out

>> No.23560314

Wasn't it still pennies in 2012? I remember it getting shilled on /b/

>> No.23560451

Where will you go though? Europe is fucked, the US is fucked, south america is fucked.. your only hope now is prob Uruguay. If you are catholic you can go to Russia, Poland or Hungary but don't expect govt assistance there.

>> No.23560475

same fellow lebanonbro
I can't even buy milk baka

>> No.23560597

I know man it's shit
how you holding up?
falling for the baka trap lmao

>> No.23560612

what do you mean by government assistance
I would not be elligible for US and the money I had might have been enough to France to study and establish myself
am a catholic and looking up Polish scholarships because I can barely afford a plane ticket now lol

>> No.23560665

ma btitkheyal ade 3am fakir inti7ir w ikhlas ba2a sara7a
ayri bi hal dawle

>> No.23560692

My Lebanese boss was the first one who redpilled me about the jews (he is catholic). At first I didn't believe him but I saw some videos of a possible Israeli drone strike on your port and after years of browsing /pol/ I gotta say the jews dun fucked your country anon.
Wish you best of luck
I mean welfare, housing, job programs.. if I were you I would try a scholarship and then an intership that pays at least minimum wage.

>> No.23560742

yeah of course it's why I am aiming for scholarships
dude I would wage all my life at least I wouldn't lose my money
keynesian jews will get the rope
yeah they did indeed

>> No.23560767

Hard drives can often be recovered by professionals.

>> No.23560789

I had em on mtgox

>> No.23560878
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If this is true, you are a dead man walking. There is no way I would not kill myself in your shoes after watching the price pump to 250k next year. All you had to was just sit and wait.

>> No.23560927

can't you get the settlement or something?

>> No.23560941
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>> No.23560956

jesus christ were you shorting BTC 100x or something

>> No.23561018

I lost 5 BTC last bullrun because I got Greedy. Oh well Anon. Count your losses and start again. I have 0.8 BTC right now but I'm content.

>> No.23561069

8mBTC here and content

>> No.23561106
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Good luck fren. I will mourn for days get my head straight and start over. feeling sorry for myself solves nothing.

>> No.23561262

Bullshit. For 4MM you'd pay anyone, any amount to recover it.

>> No.23561384

Post some of your vintage memes please.

>> No.23561602
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What am I gonna do, chase after the mtgox guys? Already tried that, didn't receive any correspondance. Never tried to recover that hard drive either. Just doesn't matter to me anymore.

>> No.23561611

Exchange passwords can be hacked. There was no 2FA in 2010. You can brute force easily or just ask the exchange to help. Also the HDD can be recovered by professionals.

>> No.23561635

Do you still have the HDD?

>> No.23561636

Did you tell your parents about it?

>> No.23561683
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I’m calling LARP. 330 Bitcoin was worth about $33 in 2010. Did you parents really only give you $30 worth? And you didn’t try to recover the HDD?

>> No.23561762
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seeth retard faggot

>> No.23561768

Sitting in my parent's house somewhere.
Nope, I told them I sold it all at $1.70. Too embarassing.
I was 11 years old man. That HDD is pretty fucked, when I shook it I could hear the broken plates rattling. Can that still be recovered?

>> No.23562136
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>> No.23562279


offer to split the profits with hard drive recovery guy if he recovers anything.

>> No.23563307

Yes. HDDs are stronger than you think. There is a reason that glowies wipe HDD multiple times

>> No.23563437

>I was 11 years old man
Wtf mods ban this underage

>> No.23563465
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Meua migo...
Se for verdade, sinto por você. Mais alguns meses e seria um fodendo milionário.
Não se deixe abater. Se você quase conseguiu dessa vez, conseguirá da próxima.

>> No.23563480

j u s t

>> No.23563529

weak bait

>> No.23563583

I hurt myself today to see if I still feel

>> No.23563644

Sim é verdade. Já estou no segundo charuto com o litrão de glacial.
Amanhã volto para o grind.
Red candle.. digs a hole the old familiar sting... try to cope it all the but I remember everything...

>> No.23563649

is there a single exchange from 2012 still alive? I can't think of any. everything around back then was fly by night and most of them were "hacked" and disappeared.

>> No.23563726

post proof of loss faggot

>> No.23563732
File: 65 KB, 750x421, extreme-damage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the data is quite likely recoverable anon. pic related was rescued ffs. if you still have it you should seek out a data recovery specialist....not talking about the mf geek squad, but a real professional. people who don't know what they are doing can potentially just fuck it up.

>> No.23563776

remember that guy who was in the news a bunch during the 2017 bullrun...dude threw out a hard drive with thousands of BTC and has been combing the landfill for years trying to find it. he's looking for it after years of being in the god damn landfill because he knows that the data is still potentially recoverable. so you had a few coffee spill....

>> No.23563799

the exception would be if you deleted the data and it has since been saved over. once the memory has been written over its gone for good...but deleted data that hasn't been written over is still recoverable too.