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23557732 No.23557732 [Reply] [Original]

>btc dumps
>alts dump hard, some dump 30, 40, or even 50%
>btc goes back up over the course of a few weeks
>alts still six feet deep
>alts currently plummeting while btc relatively stable
>my best alt only 8% up while still 40% down from august/september

Explain this, faggots. How am I supposed to make money if they never fucking go up

>> No.23557843

bro.. they're called shitcoins for a reason

>> No.23557899

just market cycles. alts will get another run in the coming weeks

>> No.23557934

alts will go up when btc stops going up for a week
trust me

>> No.23557937

You buy BTC... Alts are made to have one ATH and do a XPR.

>> No.23558015

just how based was napoleon, i say extremely based

>> No.23558421

he was a cuck who destroyed europe

>> No.23558506

dont they say the same about hitler? i dont believe it nigger

>> No.23558566

Naw dude. He was liberating Europe one country at a time. You can thank the Limeys for fucking him over.

>> No.23558631

he did put an end to the directory which was plagued with protocommies aka jacobins

>> No.23558777
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>> No.23559085

hitler was based and redpilled. napoleon got memed by robespierre who was the most radical left wing, jew loving, nigger loving faggot in european history.
>muh liberty
you really have no idea how much of a dumb goy you are

>> No.23559124


>> No.23559317

uh, wasnt that dude executed before napoleon even came to power?

>> No.23559536

napoleon supported robespierre. they were both jacobins. napoelon was close with maxi's younger brother. robespierre paved the way for napoleon. after he got guillotined napoleon changed his stance. he still let the jews roam free across europe again so they could practice their usury and suversion.

>> No.23559663

why was he poisoned then? i think he repented later and went agains jews. Also they might have been financing his campaigns thats why he allowed them to roam free

>> No.23559765
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>i think he repented later and went agains jews
not really if anything he just admitted he was a dumbass for letting them free and thinking they could breed with europeans and have normal european offspring. he was a fucking idiot who weakened europe.

>> No.23559839

maybe you're right, but this 'divine-right' to Kingship was also kiked af, are you a catholic perchance? the church had too much power and its also kiked af

>> No.23560010

read the protocols of the learned elders of zion. The divine right to rule held by the monarchy was the last line of defence Europe had against the jews completely taking over western culture and ushering in the NWO. europe began it's decline, "the enlightenment" , on the back of the french revolution. it's been pretty much all downhill from then
>but what about the usa
usa was doomed from the beginning because it was founded upon the ideals of the french revolution "freedom, egalitarianism, liberty". again they talk about this in the protocols of the learned elders.

>> No.23560111

dude the french revolution hadnt even happened when the US was founded..
it was founded on the ideals of the Roman Republic actually..
the jews took over europe with christianity, they were actually pretty comfy during the middle ages despite the many 'expulsions', you can see the catholic rule as a sort of early communism with kikes at the top. They changed the order to liberalism cause people were starting to question, i dont see the enlighment as a bad thing it was quite natural

>> No.23560261

>"the enlightenment" , on the back of the french revolution
the enlightment is considered to have ended right there, it started around 1715

>> No.23560466

us consitution was influenced by frenchmen who were pushing the same ideals being pushed in france. liberty, equality, fraternity. the french republic was a cringe communist take on the roman republic and so was the us.

>> No.23560540

yea i dont buy that, early US founders were pretty aristocratic, its why they had slaves and only allowed whites into the country. They were all masons yes, but masonry got infiltrated by jews

>> No.23560587

ok fair, but those enlightenment ideals are what shaped the french revolution and france today

>> No.23560604

how can a nation founded on egalitarianism have slaves, makes no sense..

>> No.23560636

the enlightment ideals had nothing to do with the egalitarian bullshit.. it was a natural reaction to the opression of the church, under which nobody could read for shit and anything scientific was crushed. It allowed science to progress massively how is that a bad thing

>> No.23560702

yea seems they were cool with all the boatloads of niggers in all those jewish ships arriving on the shores of america

>> No.23560726

they were cool with it, cause they would never mix with them. It was business

>> No.23560741

Look at the longterm picture

>> No.23560799

seeds were planeted since the beginning. usa was doomed from the start. science is the new religion for goyim like you.
lol imagine being this naive.

>> No.23560844

i'd rather have this science religion than going back to feudalism popes and kings having absolute control over your thoughts and lifestyle. You dont even realize how shit things were back then

>> No.23560869
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enjoy the slaughterhouse

>> No.23560874

only a christard would go back to those times, yep you are certainly a christard, keep praying for king of jews jeebus

>> No.23560917

you probably think hitler was catholic like you lololol

>> No.23560949

you probably think the 'table talks' are legit

>> No.23561025

never even read them, i dont even have to read anything to know the inner circle wasnt christian, its painfully obvious. What christian would pick a pagan symbol as a banner, dont be stupid

>> No.23561032
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>absolutely no liquidity in the market on either the buy OR sell side
>everyone fomoing out of alts on their BTC pair pushing its value up
>everytime DXY spikes

Historically based. One could even argue TOO based considering Leipzig.

>t. german destroyer of europe who couldnt capture moscow

checked and emperorpilled

>confirmed germlet cuck whos buttflustered hitler couldnt take moscow over a hundred years after napoleon did

>> No.23561070
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What would he think of France today?

>> No.23561108
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ok schizo
ok rabbi

>> No.23561164

no shit he's gonna say he's christian in a 99% christian country, the man wasnt stupid he wanted to get in power. You are too stupid to see beyond appearances

>> No.23561231
File: 55 KB, 500x394, Nazi Army (Heer) chaplain's hat with silver Christian cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so". - Adolf Hitler, to General Gerhard Engel, 1941

>> No.23561329

yea those massive gatherings with torchs and massive swastikas look so christian.. if there was no doubt we wouldnt be debating whether he was christain or not at all, but this discussion pops up all the damn time cause its not settled

>> No.23561429
File: 34 KB, 500x341, Catholic Bishops giving the Nazi salute in honor of Hitler..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there were plenty of gatherings in christian settings. who cares about torches lmao? as far as it not being settled speak for yourself

>> No.23561468

the church seemed to care, they were outraged by many things the nazis did, why do you think there was conflict with the church at all brainlet

>> No.23561507
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because the church by that point had become extremely cucked and thats why hitler was critical of it. that being said, he was always a catholic.

>> No.23561646

"We will have to deal with Christianity in a tougher way than hitherto. We must settle accounts with this Christianity, this greatest of plagues that could have happened to us in our history, which has weakened us in every conflict. If our generation does not do it then it would I think drag on for a long time. We must overcome it within ourselves." - Himmler, 1942


See i can cherry pick quotes too

>> No.23561893
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well im not denying that quote but the bulk of the evidence and all the of the quotes by hitler himself point towards a strong christian leaning in the party.

>> No.23561953

there were mixed feelings, many were pagans and many were not, what they were trying to achieve, 'de-christianization' of the nation was an extremely long process, they werent just gonna force it down everyone's throat, its why they created a middle step called positive christianity. So yea he was gonna call himself christian all the way to death or he would instantly lose all support and respect of 70% or more of the population

>> No.23561998

do you realize just how strong the religion is, you cant overdo centuries of catholic rule in a couple decades

>> No.23562066


>> No.23562197
File: 127 KB, 432x576, Grave of Alois and Klara Hitler in Leonding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bullshit hitler never wanted a pagan germany. maybe a fringe part of the party did. but hitler argued the decline of christianity in europe is dangerous. he was critical toward the church thats it.

>> No.23562293

>a fringe part
no, the 'outer' circles didnt, the inner circle knew what the real plan was, including hitler. I understand you have a bias cause you are christian yourself, but all serious scholars agree on the paganism of Nazism.
Also you say the conflict with the church was because it had become cucked.. the same church that 1000 years earlier allowed usury for jews but not for christians. When was this church ever based according to you, during the expulsions?
>jews caught doing blood rituals and poisoning wells
>mad people demanding they be kicked out
>church complies otherwise they would be kicked out too
they always let them in back after everything was said and done, cause jews have always controlled the church since the very beggining. You need to study more and put down the bible for a bit

>> No.23562427

you seem to think them becoming pagans would result in the same as atheism, with moral decay and corruption. A simple look at the ancients like the greeks or romans, or egyptcians show you advanced civilization and moral codes are possible outside your religion

>> No.23562511

catholic church has historically been cucked but still not as cucked as sciencegoyim. at least some christian leaders have been explicitly anti jew and drove their expulsion. what has a pagan sciencefag ever done? i understand youre bias cause youre atheist but its very easy to blame all the world's problems on big bad christianity when its really just a case of white man being inherently suspecptible to jewish subversion. you need to study more and turn off neil degrasse tyson on joe rogan

>> No.23562543

go on then dumbass tell me who you'd worship instead. richard dawkins?

>> No.23562605

ancient greece was rife with faggotry and degeneracy. as was sparta. spartans got btfo by a literal fag greek army lmfao. christianity sparked the revival of rome.

>> No.23562614

this sciengoyim made the industrial revolution possible, its why we're even communicating right now.
the antisemitism of the bible is forged, later writes added it to the scriptures, and i can show you evidence of it but you would dismiss it completely cause thats what christians do.
im not atheist, i think i made that pretty much clear in my last comment.
big bad christianity has been dominating the white man ass for almost 2000 years, of course it is to take blame for a lot of shit
white man never was always susceptible, but it was abrahamism that got a real hold of him and put it on his knees
Seriously, read a damn book

>> No.23562667

just tell me how something like israel could exist today without the support of millions of stupid christards

>> No.23562701

i worship the bad man in your story, and so did the hitler and the nazis

>> No.23562757

those were mathematicians and engineers and real scientists, not some freemasonic fags who corrupted it and brainwashed dummies like you with their theories of gravity and the big bang. youre acting like we'd all be ascended beings already without christianity you fuckin dreamer. who is your God?

>> No.23562792

lol luciferian faggot no wonder you're such a disturbed soul. get help faggot.
it certainly wouldnt exist without sataniggers

>> No.23562910

yea no shit suddenly lot of people could read for a chance, outside strictly religious texts, and this things called schools to form, started giving rise to more of that people because of a serious backlash against the church and the feudal system caused by the very thing you are criticizing the enlightment, which was simply thinking people acting rationally instead of talking about jeebus or the apocalypse all day. Who did mathematicians learn from? the ancient greeks u call fags.
You dont seem to realize how much hold the church had on knowledge

>> No.23562979

schools and the education system are brainwashing centres for children and young adults, and an excuse for the state to control your kids, not surprised a sciencegoy would think theyre a good thing. what you call thinking rationally is just an anti christian movement

>> No.23563066

thats what it is now, but not what it was originally or intended to be. Even so you cant deny its benefits, its like completely dismissing technology and science because of the bad aspects, such a basic view of reality..

>> No.23563157
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woops look what this board and soon rest of the world is going back to, stay mad christard

>> No.23563267

again with the
>well whats the worst that could happen?
of course it was always intended. youre just too damn credulous to see it. all the tech you fawn over is materialistic garbage that isnt really making people happier and is ultimately just leading us to the beast system. you have lost your way.
i've already won satanigger. enjoy the fiery lake.

>> No.23563313

yet here you are using that materialistic garbage fawning over crypto which is a tech

>> No.23563385

yeah and it's shit, point proven. imagine drooling over this lame tech like a consoomer virgin. i'd probably be better off without being able to talk to anonymous satanic faggots on this amazing tech

>> No.23563438

so you hate it what you use, its not only crypto retard i dont give a shit about it its the rest of the stuff that makes our lives better, its incredible how stupid you are. Yes you are better off without anything, just go to the woods you alone and your bible, dont go with a woman they're sinful, oh but remember you cant fap either the lord is watching..

>> No.23563466

shutup idiot your life isnt any better cuz of muh amazing tech, youre still a fat virgin eating cheesy puffs in your mom's basement. no amount of tech to fawn over will ever stop you from being a loser.

>> No.23563491

and still here you are replying and using the tech, not having to change a candle every hour, using that wonderful toilet, keeping your food cool, i could go on and on, the loser here is you

>> No.23563523

yeah im not doing productive things that give me positive feedback and release endorphins, instead im sitting here going back n forth with some queer on a mongolian basketweaving forum OMGZZ I JUST FUCKING LOVEEEEEEE TECHNOLOGYYY

>> No.23563527


>> No.23563571

>technology is just cellphones tv and internet
you are doing that because other tech has the rest covered, so you can waste ur stupid time doing stupid shit like me instead of slaving away for some lord and the church, kys and go meet your god

>> No.23563574

people dump alts to catch the btc train, this is nothing new anon

>> No.23563739

you'll be begging for mercy from my God, faggot

>> No.23563794
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maybe if he was real, you got max jewed

>> No.23563816

ok satan

>> No.23564387
File: 93 KB, 538x949, 1603854368832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably bought shitcoins. Here's what a real alternative coin looks like.

>> No.23565321

That does look pretty good desu