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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 59 KB, 218x235, Screen Shot 2020-10-27 at 2.32.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23556212 No.23556212 [Reply] [Original]

Do you trust this banker to run a crypto project? I do and I'm fucking rich! He has deep ties into banking and finance and recently launched the undiscovered eRSDL.


>> No.23556251

Holy shit... That guy fucks. Buying now!!!!

>> No.23556270

Fucking guys. Again and again, just fucking with my apy.

>> No.23556476

cry about it bitch. ersdl is the next fucking bzrx

>> No.23556730

Id trust that man with my money!

>> No.23556821

Why shill a project you can't even buy? And in case I'm wrong, where the fuck do you buy it?

>> No.23556884

this a hidden gem, when this is found by one influnecer this will fly hard

>> No.23557086

https://uniswap.exchange/swap/0x5218E472cFCFE0b64A064F055B43b4cdC9EfD3A6 buy it ho

>> No.23557326
File: 6 KB, 250x140, worldonersdl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23557333

He's looks like a trustworthy banker to me

>> No.23557390

What's the total supply? Just quickly read through their light paper, and it says something about 50 million, but with a price of 0.0018 dollars per token, that would put its market cap at only 90k dollars, can that be true, or am I missing something here?

But I don't think I'm buying just now. It just mooned 100% in a couple of hours, lmao. Not buying the top, kek.

>> No.23557760

buy now, cry later. do whatever suits you

>> No.23557868

total supply is 400M

>> No.23558005

Total supply is 400M, from the Dev's mouth (Ryan). They are very very active in TG. Constantly updating.


Good luck.

>> No.23558047
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>> No.23558064

Thanks. Still puts its market cap at around 800k. It's literally nothing.

>> No.23558120

Am I the only one who doesn't understand the hype of Uniswap? It's fucking shit. Tried several times that my trade didn't go through, but was still charged the net fees, and generally, it's way more complicated than IDEX or even Etherdelta was.

>> No.23558134

Total supply isnt 400mil yet, so mcap is under 400k right now.

>> No.23558160

Yea, very jewish, but whatcha gonne do about?

>> No.23558184

Can someone post a proper guide to Unishit? I seriously don't get this retard exchange. Idex was much better.

My trades rarely go through, and even when they do, it takes forever.

>> No.23558217

brother set your slippage up and make sure you set your gwei price to be 5-10 higher than what's listed on ethgas or etherscan

>> No.23558280

But how come it's been hyped so much? It's fucking crap. 1/10 from here. Utterly fucking useless shit exchange. But somehow everyone loves it, I don't get it.

Finally went through. 49k for 95 dollars. Wish me luck. Fuck buying the "top", when the mc is so ridiculously low. It could go 10x in a day with this mc.

>> No.23558298

You click 3 times for confirmation. Before the last one click on "edit", choose fast option. Set slippage to 2-3%. If buying Statera for example, just buy whole numbers, no decimals.

>> No.23558309


>> No.23558348

Thanks. It resolved itself. I'm using uniswap as little as I possibly can. I really don't like it.

>> No.23558356


>> No.23558377

I hate it, its expensive, laggy, intransparent, a little bit shady i.e. frontrunning etc. and jewish, but it made me wealthy so ...what can i say

>> No.23558469

Pretty much how I feel about it, lmao. Although it hasn't made me rich.

So anons.. What's the price predictions for this project?

>> No.23558542

Medium to long term 1.80-2.60.

>> No.23558545

yeah, whats a make it stack?

>> No.23558613

Holy shit. I hope you're right. Cause then I just made a ton of money. What's medium term to you? 6 months, a year?

>> No.23558653

Look at the roadmap, read the wp.
2022 ish.

>> No.23558696

Will do. As an eternal poorfag, I'll end up selling way before it hits a dollar, lmao. Probably at 20-30 cents, but that's also one hell of a good return.

>> No.23558787

Take initial out, reward yourself on the way up, never sell everything. Good luck fren.

>> No.23558810

How the fuck is this project so old and now today ive seen 4 threads on biz...

>> No.23558849

Yeah, will probably take out more than the initial the first time, since I've only invested 95 dollars, lmao. If I can make a couple of k on it, that would be sweet. But thanks, and you too fren.

>> No.23558863

400k mc to 72m mc in ‘mid term’....don’t get too carried away anon

>> No.23558934

This has been shilled here for weeks

Don’t play with my dopamine like that. We need to organically reach 0.005-0.01 first before making those predictions.

>> No.23558936

Its been long enough, i saw the first bread end of sept. on biz, since then every 2-3 days one or two, i made 2 myself, but no replies, rugpull mania was in full swing, today some coomer decided to open the gates with low tier shilling and cheap whores, so be it ..

>> No.23558983

I got those numbers from the white paper. And desu sub 100mil mcap is reachable within 2-3 in the gbr.

>> No.23559014

>organically reach 0.005-0.01
Agree. No one needs lunatic moon bois right now.

>> No.23559043

It's seen before. Never write it off. I don't count on it, but hope for it. No matter what, this project is criminally undervalued right now.

>> No.23559269

Take my money Howard!

>> No.23559322

Howard will make us all rich!

>> No.23559348

Ok i am in. Probly dump start cause i bought

>> No.23559355
File: 73 KB, 1567x743, unfedcronje.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the discord admin bragging about linking up with Andre Cronje. Enjoy getting rugpulled faggots imagine trusting a project that is so stupid they cant even do DD into who Cronje is. Notice the price pumped a lot in the last hours after they started shilling here so expect a dump as well

>> No.23559369

His last name is Krieger. It literally means Warrior in German. We need to make some memes. Any ideas? I'm pretty good with photoshop.

>> No.23559468
File: 116 KB, 600x688, 9C1D1C6EF3A94EFB821EE71B00AA5D82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(((kireger))) is strong german warrior just look at his profile and nose!

Tell your TG buddies they arent welcome here. Only reason there's so many bots and faggots posting is cause they are rewarding tokens for providing screenshots of their posts on here. What else do you expect from people who claim to "love andre cronje!" lmfaooo

>> No.23559470

Seems like we just forgot YFI overnight.

>> No.23559545

Totally not true. I shared out of the kindness of my heart.

>> No.23559555

howard won't cronje you. look at his beautiful face

>> No.23559597

ryan definitely seems retarded

>> No.23559622

Ryan needs to learn that backspace is a thing that helps when typing.

>> No.23559727

>Totally not true
Why do you lie? just scroll up on this thread and see how many shills are posting just to claim their tokens

>> No.23559862

not true go to their discord you noob

>> No.23559867
File: 104 KB, 540x704, Der Krieger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23559991

You just won the internet!

>> No.23560062

I’m uni-SWAMPED in these fucking gains. The gas prices can suck your moms dick.

>> No.23560087

Hi plebit. Why are you defending people who look up to the scammer Cronje and try to pretend like you belong here?

>> No.23560486

Cronje fucked your mom and I watched!

>> No.23560681
File: 79 KB, 1416x712, trustmerchants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>simping for Cronje the scammer
lmfaoooo pic related. You shills are doing a FANTASTIC job convincing us this is totally legit and that Cronje the nigger dindunuffin

>> No.23560707

>price dipping means it's a scam
Holy shit!! Sell all your cryptos! ETH, BTC, all alts, everythiing! They've dipped once = SCAMS!!

>> No.23560728

It's literally meaningless making a pnd this small. Not a lot of money to make with such a low mc.

>> No.23560778
File: 86 KB, 749x772, andre emn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>price dipping just when 3 coordinated shill threads get posted on /biz/ after team tells TG trannies to post proof of their posts in exchange for tokens is totally normal goyim

You dont belong here. But of course, what can be expected from Cronje simps. I bet you fags were sucking Kirby's cock as well. Go tell the admin that defending cronje wont get him anywhere in here, stick to shilling the reddit boards or find a new strategy

>> No.23560787

Don't tell me where I belong, you immense faggot. Get the fuck out of here, you retarded fudder.

>> No.23560968
File: 515 KB, 498x512, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You obviously dont belong here if you think your posts dont give you away, and if you think we're stupid enough to not notice you making 3 rsdl threads and flooding them with tg shills. Are you the discord admin by anychance? Why are you so angry when we tell you defending the known scammer Cronje the nigger in /biz/ isnt a good idea when it was us that exposed Blue Kirby and made him quit social media? If your goal is to advertise "without looking scammy" then defending a known scammer isnt the way to go. fuck outta here retard.

>> No.23561055

>imagine being this schizophrenic
I'm Danish and I'm in no way affiliated with the team, you paranoid faggot.

>> No.23561119

then go on the discord and tell them to stop associating themselves with scammers if they want to shill on /biz/ or to just stick to reddit and to reaching out to youtube crypto pumpers that charge money for featuring your project. You are doing the project a terrible disservice btw your posting is horrendous I was convinced you were canadian

>> No.23561199

Not my business. Just a tiny investor. Why don't you stop thinking you own this fucking board, you intolerable insect? This is the second time you tell me what to do. Go fuck yourself, or even better - neck yourself. If you're equally intolerable irl, I would understand why you're lonely.

And you're obviously a mutt, since you think you can boss people around by telling them what to do. Knep dig selv, din svans.

>> No.23561317

thats what I meant when I said you obviously dont belong here. Cant even handle banter. Get the sand out of your vagina my man Im a great guy irl but I hate scammers, so I will definitely shitpost on /biz/ if I see a shill thread thats made by a team that defends cronje after all the bullshit he's pulled

>> No.23561405

You don't belong here. I can handle banter, but that's not what I'm ITT for. I highly doubt you're a great guy irl, lmao. You're a fat, disgusting, suicidal, neckbearded incel fag with micropenis dysphoria. We all know, Patrick.

>I will definitely shitpost on /biz/ if I see a shill thread thats made by a team that defends cronje after all the bullshit he's pulled
More like acting like an internet cop. You don't get to decide shit here, you larping cockroach.

>> No.23561979
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Im sorry I hurt you sven :(

>> No.23562592

You guys are staking this right? 385% APY returns.

>> No.23563314


>> No.23563666
File: 69 KB, 883x588, photo_2020-10-22_08-59-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23563756

Your loss

>> No.23564200
