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23555053 No.23555053 [Reply] [Original]

I want to move out to Japan. Is it really easy to find a cute, submissive japanese waifu out there? Not trying to be a cringy weeb by posting this. I am just not really attracted to white women- they look like men to me. They also act like witches. So I want a japanese girl that I can boss around. Is it easy as a white american to go to japan and find a girl that will stick by my side?

>Anybody on here successfully find japanese girls to date or marry in japan?

>> No.23555102

inb4 /pol/cels come in here crying about racemixing

>> No.23555161

The same rules that govern who you end up with are even more prominent in Japan.

If you spoke Japanese well, you would increase your likelihood tenfold

If not, and you're not good looking / don't have money, I would not advice you to ever even try it.

Also, getting a girlfriend might not be that "hard", depending on your pickiness, but maintaining the relationship is the hard part.

>> No.23555169

They're okay with japs, and their boomers always end up with a fat flip anyway when they decide that no white woman is worthy of their seed

>> No.23555177

the same guys that cry about racemixing are the same ones with an asian fetish. its astonishingly hypocritical and these guys dont even realize it

>> No.23555226

can you imagine tying up and blindfolding your submissive QT Asian waifu, fucking her until she can't even squeal anymore, and then as your about to cum, whisper in her ear that you're going to impregnate her.

>> No.23555313

They just don't want the inferior races.

>> No.23555407

yes senpai teach me your ways

>> No.23555412

i get to do this for the first time in two weeks from now when she gets off work. im so excited

>> No.23555451

Planning on studying japanese for 4 years intensively and having money. I want to maintain a the relationship. I guess the other hard requirement is that I need a japanese GF that is spiritually woke. Gay as that sounds I am a huge occultist so I need a GF that knows whats up

>> No.23555457

Please move there OP I look forward to your thread in the future about having all of your dreams shattered

>> No.23555496

Explain. I'm moving there with my girlfriend who is ok with open relationships so I am not going to be as disapointed as you think.

>> No.23556026

Don't expect it to be like a third world south east asian country where women throw themselves at the gaijin wherever they go. Japanese women don't need money or visa.

>> No.23556089

How is it in thailand?
Give me your experiences anon.

>> No.23556108

the meme that women are exactly the same worldwide is true

>> No.23556139

And i do this with my white wife and have white children who look just like me. Yellow fever bois are the definition of cope.

>> No.23556171

So I still gotta game women hard in japan or is it easier because they are more submissive over there?
I'm only into submissive women. Sounds cringe but some dudes I know are into beef cake warrior type women.

>> No.23556219
File: 23 KB, 680x485, 1599592938549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hard cringe

>> No.23556295


>> No.23556298

I used to live in Japan and might move back in the future. I'm Scandi and probably considered a 7-8/10 here. In Japan I'm literally a 11/10. I would constantly have girls eye fuck me, girls approach me, groups of girls scream "kawaaiiiii"/ "kakoiii" (handsome) when they saw me etc. I'm not exaggerating, it was insane. I could easily get 10/10 jap cuties anywhere I went without any effort. I don't even really speak Japanese.
On the other hand, I met a 3/10 fat chubby Britbong who complained to me about how it was impossible to find a girlfriend in Japan kek. He spoke Japanese fluently btw.

tldr; if you're white, good looking and not a complete fuck-up then it's very easy to find a good jap girl.

DON'T try to larp as a Japanese guy. Be polite but embrace being different. Jap girls don't want a white guy larping as a jap the same way you don't want a jap girl larping as a white girl.

>> No.23556361

Legit? Normal women like that? I lift and juice so I sometimes feel like strangling a bitch, but i just end up strangling my own dick.

>> No.23556376

se.. senpai..

>> No.23556384

makes sense anon thanks for the info. does height matter to the jap girls? I'm 5'7 but not a fuck up and pretty handsome.

>inb4 manlet is not handsome

>> No.23556538

God I despise sexpats.

Putting that aside you do realize that finding a cute submissive white girl or whatever race your country is would be easier than moving to japan/ finding a job/ learning the language/ socially integrating (probably the most difficult part) and then finding a jap waifu?

>> No.23556586

I am not just moving there for the women. I am moving there with my girlfriend who doesn't care about open relationships. I want to learn the language, enjoy exploring, the food, things to do and learn the culture.

You act like you have an open mind but you have a judgemental and closed mind.

>> No.23556590

>Is it really easy to find a cute, submissive japanese waifu out there?

Sexist pig white man

>> No.23556620

and do you realize what is the future of say 20-40 years in european countries or in america?
Compare that to the future japan has to offer you.
My sons and daughters will be going alone to school.
Maybe the for those people the japanese future is a better investment.

>> No.23556653

You're moving to Japan with your degenerate girlfriend because you expect open-minded people. Please tell me this is subtle baiting.

>> No.23556654
File: 38 KB, 866x600, 1594521534651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> /pol/ is one person


>> No.23556716

>Compare that to the future japan has to offer you.

Serious stagflation due to falling population and growing retired age bracket?

>> No.23556721

My girlfriend is no degen. She is very selective about what she does. She only has eyes for me.
I do not expect anyone to be open minded in japan. You are a negative nancy LOL


>> No.23556765


Japan isn't a fairy wonderland, moving to another country is really hard.

>> No.23556812

don't make me post the wise words of jap anon... please rethink your argument

>> No.23556825

I'm really tall (194 cm). I'd say height matters as much as it does in the west but you'll be fine. Japs are shorter than whites on average.

As I said, if you're white, decent looking and not a complete fuck-up then you won't have any problems finding a girl. Even if you're slightly below average looking you should be able to find a girl (but you might have to settle).
A few tips:
> be polite and do you best to follow Japanese customs
> DON'T larp as a jap, act white e.g. be a "gentleman" (overdo it, Jap girls love it)
> Avoid gaijin hunters (girls who fetishsize white guys). They're the equivalent of white girls who only fuck black guys/ middle easterners, they usually have issues.
> befriend a lot of Japanese guys ASAP. This will make life a lot more fun and you will meet a lot of normal jap girls through them (a lot of the girls at bars/ clubs aren't great for long term relationships)

Also, I should probably mention that you NEVER will be Japanese or fully "fit in". You will always be an outsider/ "that white friend", people will stare at you, people will treat you differently (usually in a good way but sometimes bad). Make sure you can live with that before you decide to move to Japan.

>> No.23556835

He's baiting you.
Pretty sure no one on /pol/ is into yellow bugs that look like boys,even if if there are different people who browse the board. If they were into men with vaginas they'd date a white tranny. At least that's how I see it.

>> No.23556850

Can't answer any more questions, I gotta go. Good luck.

>> No.23556857

Shoo negative nancy! You think I don't know it's going to be hard? You sound like my mom. Always being negative and trying to shit on other peoples dreams.

Here I will tell you my plan:

>Already have enough money to buy a house
>Enter in a japanese learning school for 4 years to fluently learn the language
>Learn the social customs, culture and norms
>Rewire my brain from the american culture into the face value japanese culture to learn how to be respectuful of others.
>Learn how to integrate myself

I never thought it was going to be easy anon. I though it was going to be challenging. You sound like a typical wojak poster that has such low depression that he takes it out on others. Why are you such a negative nancy? I want the challenge. I WANT SOMETHING HARD AND DIFFICULT IN MY LIFE. Just because you are depressed and want to put me down doesnt mean you can put me down!

>> No.23556886

Thanks friend. i am prepared to be the outsider for 40 years in japan if I have too. Peace!

>> No.23556893
File: 24 KB, 220x220, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look like Chris Hemsworth, are confident, and have a good job then sure. But you are an incel weeb with cargo shorts.

>> No.23556903

You will never integrate yourself into Japanese society. You will always be a foreigner. But besides that, it sounds good. You you should probably go to Japan for a few months before you decide to move there though. Not everything about Japan is amazing, e.g. their work culture is pure wagie hell.

>> No.23556905

Go back to /x/ nigger, the subset of /x/ schizo japanese girls who would settle with a gaijin and you in particular is probably empty, also even if not empty it's small enough that you'll need many lifetimes to find her.

>> No.23556958

Yeah I would not move there without money. I would NEVER work as a wagie there or for any paid position that wasn't being a craftsmen or something.

Have you ever encountered any spiritual or "woke" kind of japanese girls? Those are only the real girls I vibe with. Spiritual submissive girls that is.

>> No.23557010

thank you for your time

>> No.23557133

how is this remotely on-topic?