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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23553262 No.23553262 [Reply] [Original]

Clover brings the liquidity, iykwim

>> No.23553290

Mhm I could go for some liquid ass right now

>> No.23553301

thats a man

>> No.23553330

COMING SOON: Partnership between CLV and Hanes underwear

>> No.23553349

Wen moon

>> No.23553421

Fuck this scam, buy link or btc if you want to make it

>> No.23553441

It wasn’t a scam just a failure. No need to care.

>> No.23553598

This failure has a strong community behind it. Pretty autistic too, so I don't believe they'll just give up on it anytime soon. Shit's literally just getting started.

>> No.23553693
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>> No.23554028

I am holding on for dear life. Am I stupid or smart

>> No.23554086

mmm liquid shit

>> No.23554112

It had a strong community until they all got banned from the telegram. Now it’s 6 cucks jerking off some random Nigerians

>> No.23554141

Very stupid

>> No.23554213
File: 15 KB, 292x103, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart. We're at a pathetic 70k market cap right now and this right here is the source of all the problems since the paypal news. Fagmin has a lot of BTC. Cryptofrog twitter nigger pulled out over 1k c2d today. It can't get much worse than this.

>> No.23554315

You and me both, I sold most of my stack at $10 and got in last night at $6, woke up to it at $3. Unless all the diamond handed autists like us immediately sell off all at once, this can’t go down much further. Literally 2 or 3 ETH would pump is back to $6 or $7

>> No.23554385

The admin practices game theory. He’s probably broke or will be soon

>> No.23555005
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yeah i'm thinkin we're back

>> No.23555806
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This is what happens when paperhanded faggot twitter whales dump. We pump above where their autistic dump started. Well done cloverines

>> No.23556600

WAGMI frens

>> No.23556785

>yeah i'm thinkin we're back
>pathetic pump from $2 to $3.5
>was worth more than $25 a week ago
>pumped to $50 at one point
Stop listening to trannies in tg groups like a retard, next time just sell when it pumps.

>> No.23556828

Hello retard. The $50 pump was entirely because of twitter whales. It dumped to $20 the same day when they sold. It's below $20 now because of the VRC fiasco and when BTC cracked 12k, everything else bled like no tomorrow.

>> No.23556843

literally obsessed. now is unironically the perfect buy for the inevitable 2-3x from here.

>> No.23557013
File: 57 KB, 550x467, 1C94D3C5-DDF9-4D7E-AD8C-C76CEC0B8C75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you the fag in the other thread who said he was a “biz guardian?”

>> No.23557441
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Brandon is the guardian of /biz/

>> No.23557483

>The $50 pump was entirely because of twitter whales.
Doesn't matter, afterwards it pumped back to $40 and it stayed at that price for a while.
Admit that you retards got persuaded by trannies in a tg to hold a /biz/ shitcoin instead of selling it, for a "4chan-centric coin" I have barely seen the dev interact or post here on /biz/, you faggots just jerk off random nigerians and other niggers in your tg group.
Now you are trying to shill the coin to quickly sell, you are all pajeet tier retards.

>> No.23557560

>I have barely seen the dev interact or post here on /biz/,

>> No.23557567

Fuck the jannies

>> No.23557612

This. Even VRC wasn't a scam, just a retard developer.