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23552538 No.23552538[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Should I kill myself?

>> No.23552550

We can start with "why would you?"

>> No.23552581

For the tenth time, YES
Now stop posting this

>> No.23552615
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>> No.23552656

not yet frend, might as well see what can happen

>> No.23552703


>> No.23552759

I don't experience joy anymore. I'm 32. My future is non existent. I am merely surviving

>> No.23552771
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At least wait until after the bullrun

>> No.23552772

Na don’t do it

>> No.23552776

No. This is the only time in life you can experience clown world, (if you're American) a possible civil war, whites completely dying out due to out-group preference behavior.

This shit is hilarious. Take the clownpill.

>> No.23552804
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no anon. why the fuck would you even say that?!
get a fucking hold of yourself!
also, watch this video, it kind of helped me when i was depresed.

>> No.23552864

what did you enjoy in the past? months or years ago

>> No.23552874

Does wet pussy still give you joy?

>> No.23552893


>> No.23552908

Then fucking kill yourself already loser or you know maybe fucking do something about it pathethic fucking faggot literally just stop being a faggot

>> No.23552924

Maybe you should stop doing whatever you're doing then. Cut your internet/game/tv time (outside of work) down to an hour a day and see if that helps.

>> No.23552925

The only thing I enjoy is eating
I have never had a gf. I have fucked many hookers but for the past year I haven't even had the energy to fap. I go on week long nofaps but not from choice, just because I don't want to. I am just existing, there is no reason for me to be on this planet

>> No.23552956

I am thinking ur probably right
It's easy to say not so easy to do

>> No.23552986

Do some coke

>> No.23553008

it's impossible to want to kill yourself. you have just spooked yourself into thinking that. Do minor stuff that will improve your situation if you're too tired to do big stuff right now. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF and your life WILL improve.

>> No.23553030

didnt say now, what did you enjoy in past months or years

>> No.23553068

shit like brush your teeth, make your bed, go to sleep on time at a normal time, call a friend (maybe tough idk), eat a non shit meal, clean your room, do your laundry idk there are tons of stuff to do even if its just to keep your mind preoccupied

>> No.23553075

Maybe you have low test.

Start TRT.

>> No.23553077


>> No.23553113
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>Does wet pussy still give you joy?

>> No.23553201

Hey anon, if you're truly in a bad place, this helps me a bit

>> No.23553204

This too desu. Go start doing the /sig threads on /pol/, op. If you do everything they prescribe for a year, you'll no longer want to kys. I promise.

>> No.23553343

or take a shroom trip you'll learn a lot about yourself

>> No.23553363
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I am dead inside bros. Thanks for your advice but I'm so tired. I just wanna rest

>> No.23553432

its all in the mind body system. best way to look at this is you're gonna be gone for eternity anyway, might as well play this out a bit longer and see if you can small step your way back to enjoying life decently overall. many depressed people have reversed it. because when you're enjoying things you don't even question "why bother", you're just lighter and life is worth it for its own sake at that point. fuck all the hopeless bullshit that depressed part of your brain generates when its active, feed mind with positive helpful intake & move body bit by bit. get small shit written down that can give you a little spike in feels for doing even if its tiny you are overcoming stasis, kaizen style. its an emotional state that fades & you can accelerate the process.

>> No.23553548

This, OP we're counting on you

>> No.23553585

exactly. OP, you need to MEME your way back to a non-depressed state.

>> No.23553648
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You owe your life to God anon, it is not yours to take. Instead of worrying about your personal happiness diminishing, look inside yourself and ask what God wants you to do with your life, then do that. Pray if no answer comes easily.

Get on God's path and your thoughts of suicide will go away on their own.

>> No.23553684

why is this board so fucking suicidal? its all fake monopoly money. nothing matters. go for a walk. grab an iced cream cone, pet a dog.

everything will be okay

>> No.23553712

dont actually do this though. things get dark after the high

>> No.23553719

You should live yourself

>> No.23553760


id like to suggest throwing a little excersice in there. ruining unironically saved me from a deep rut i was in for years. and thats all it is anon, a rut. we fall in and dig ourselves out. its a part of life

>> No.23553778

>fake monopoly money
it's monopoly money when you have it, but when you're broke and homeless it suddenly becomes real.

>> No.23553783

I feel trapped. Like I'm enslaved to a system that expects me to give away my youth and then die old and alone. I'm trying my hardest to escape this rat race but I can't help but to feel that I won't be able, and the idea of having to keep working until I no longer can and they just barely survive scares the shit out of me.
Sometimes I wonder if it would be better to just stop struggling, give up and cease to be.

>> No.23553784

No, let something else kill you, more fun that way.

>> No.23553785

Kill as many of (((them))) as you can, and stream it

>> No.23553827
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Not that you'll do this, but...

>Buy a cane (or crutch) or make one.
>Take ace wrap and, starting at the lower thigh, completely wrap around your extended leg, to your calf so the joint is completely immobilised.
>LARP as a crippled person for a minimum of 1 month

You won't do this, so why should I tell you why you should? There is only one way for you to find out

>> No.23553906

who is...

>> No.23553991
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last thing before im off, try to eliminate toxic influences on your body-mind system 1 at a time, experiment with small manageable constructive steps that might help EVEN IF THEY'RE TINY whatever you are willing to try, & as long as its not complete stasis you are doing well. this is what ive been going by to climb out

we are not here to suffer until we're gone there is cool shit here still to tap into when connected. have a watch of this or maybe read the book 'feeling good' by david burns. peace out:

>> No.23554033

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.23554114

So you have no job and just go day to day doing the same routine? That sucks dude, I was like you once. I only woke up to play video games, wait the hours to go by from 6am-5pm, fetch gf, go to bed and stare at walls all day and rinse and repeat. Didn’t help that my parents were narcissists and psychopaths and I had people surrounding me who were abusive.

That sucks man. You’re just literally waiting to die :(

>> No.23554291

No you should not kill yourself. There's no reason for anyone to be on this planet. Consider reading philosophy.

>> No.23554350

No. Instead, learn to appreciate your suffering. This is but one phase of existence, you will truly be a better equipped post-human lifeform if you suffer as a human.

>> No.23554381

Have you seen a Dr?

>> No.23554465

Yes, do it here and don't worry about the mess, janjans get paid enough to clean it up

>> No.23554487

lift weights

>> No.23554509

No, I have a job. I work in the family business. I just don't have fun anymore. Ita groundhog day everyday. I don't think il ever get a gf let alone a wife

>> No.23554718

try to tame the monkey inside your head thats trying to kill you.
good luck.

>> No.23554736

Why? What's the point?

>> No.23554770

This is why Never. Fuck. Hookers. Ever. They transmit some kind of loserdom virus that science hasn't yet detected with science

>> No.23554856

Also, don't drink alcohol. That should put a floor under your depression so that you don't end up suicidal / fucking hookers

>> No.23554987

Hold are you

>> No.23555035


>> No.23555814


welcome to adulthood, enjoy the ride

>> No.23555872

I sure ain't enjoying it. Why the hell do people bring babies into this world if this what is in mind for them (unless you're rich)? 10-18 years of enjoyment and then all of that gets taken away and you're forced to contribute to a society that you don't care about.

>> No.23555897
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