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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 203 KB, 2000x1412, espers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2355056 No.2355056 [Reply] [Original]

Invest to Espers and u will not regret.

We have a few systems in place, to enchance security on the chain. The goal is to create fully secure chain, and sidechains where new tokens can be created, like ETH style. We have more cool features coming too but the mainstream goal is that, sidechains where other tokens can be built and run from. If you want to know more about our current security features, here's a few whitepapers.


We have custom masternode system coming in eventually, not a copy from dash's system. Android wallet is coming this month, iOS wallet later sometime. We will have encrypted messaging on chain too.

>> No.2355084

What advantages does this have over eth? Why would anyone use ESP2 over it?

>> No.2355095


Proof of stake

>> No.2355113

Isn't ETH already going to be PoS sometime "soon"? It's the biggest development people are waiting for m8.

What exactly can Esp offer that already isn't or hasn't been announced to be released in the future for ETH?

>> No.2355114


but seriously tho, i have faith in ESP2. longer period hold.

>> No.2355125

Atleast the devs dont seem to be 15y olds like verge devs.

I'll buy a few.

>> No.2355134

Hey where can I buy this? I see people post coins all the time but after looking into their website, just wow... ESP2 looks amazing can we expect too see Espers at any events say London or Berlin soon? I am from Europe and would be interested to see more.

>> No.2355140
File: 86 KB, 600x600, 1496889966852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding Espers, this thing has a ton of potential and I'm glad it's had good growth this weekend


I would be really grateful to anyone capable of sending me some, thjanks

>> No.2355152

Try getting some on Coinexchange.io

Send some BTC over there and trade for it. You won't regret it man

>> No.2355154


BUT don't buy from Yobit.

>> No.2355196

Because lord vitalik can "Just delete" your ETH balance at will

>> No.2355382

But is that really enough reason to drop eth? Atm it isnt a problem, but i can see the centralization issue.

>> No.2355701
File: 106 KB, 1200x750, C7ijKyDXwAIfQ5Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2355739

Read Bitcointalk on Espers....bunch of Argentinian scammers lmao

>> No.2355742

Nice meme, but Im concerned about the future of this coin. If all it wants to be is an ETH clone, then it will never stand out unless ETH fails, which i dont feel is likely given its amount of traction.

>> No.2355759

NXT already does that. ESP2 is just as much a scamcoin as ESP1.
Don't fall for this shit anon.
The LAST thing the cryptospace needs is another point and click token creation making it easier for scammers like yourselves to manufacture pump and dumps.

>> No.2355796

Bought 2 million ESP2 at 9 satoshi, gonna hold for a years, Imagine if ESP2 ever hits even one dolhards, gonna be lamboing then

>> No.2355803

Got 500k esporinos

Will keep for a couple months atleast

>> No.2355955

For anyone who are interested about history and tech behind Espers:


The lead dev identity is public so anyone who accuse Him of scammer is just Pajeet trying to FUD and get this coin for cheap.

>> No.2355967

I got 2 million of this coin.

Of course this coin is great.

>> No.2355970

Well i dont think this coin is a scam, but im unsure of its future.
Are my main concerns, other than that i love the community.

>> No.2355985

Then don't invest, only invest in a coin you believe has future.

For me personally I don't mind losing few hundreds $$$ for a chance to get 10 Grand plus in a few month.

Risk and Rewards ratio make me jump in on this coin.

>> No.2356990

this guy gets it. 10% of portfolio for the massive potential.