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23522707 No.23522707[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>met a girl on a dating app 5 months ago
>we hit it off.
>very cute, sweet, self-sufficient.
>she is a basic white bitch though. Starbucks, watches trash tv, etc.
>currently, we are boyfriend and girlfriend.
>she has confessed her love to me and will do basically anything for me or to me.
>two days I didn't know much about her family, I knew they were pretty set financially. but not much beyond that.
>yesterday I get to meet her dad.
>I see him pull up in a 2020 Mercedes-Benz. I google it, its worth 220k.
>I google his name, net worth 200m - 300m.
>After meeting him, I say to my girlfriend "I didn't know your dad is rich.."
>She replies, "my mom is richer"
> Google her, 400m net worth. She owns an appliance repair chain and invested in multiple casinos in the early 90s.

How do I not fuck this up?

>> No.23522751

Her parents are never going to approve of you if you’re not some big shot which means you have no chance with her long term.

>> No.23522753

Marry her asap

>> No.23522798

This sounds like that episode of Always Sunny where Charlie meets a hot rich girl that inexplicably likes him. I guess just play it cool and don't give off any impression that you think you're not worthy.

>> No.23522804

They have already approved of me. My girlfriend's last boyfriend was a hotshot who was cheating on her for over three years. I think at first they wanted a hotshot type guy, now they just want her to be happy.

>> No.23522814


>> No.23522830

you not fuck it up by mentally holding yourself like you too are worth half a billion. they can smell the poor on you anon, and it's disgusting.

>> No.23522835

You make larp threads on biz like every other idiot before you. Saged reported

>> No.23522859

Funny story about this. She currently lives in a high rise apartment. Rent is $2200 a month.
About a month ago, she is talking about buying a house. She was dropping hints about be moving in with her. Of course, I thought it was too early to even be mentioning it. Now I am having 2nd thoughts.

>> No.23522881

bullshit. of course they would like someone successful, but more than that they want her to be happy.

just dont talk money op

>> No.23522888

I am successful. Senior software engineer, great crypto holdings (early link holder), and I also own multiple rentals. But yeah, not .5b rich.

>> No.23522962

so you dont need her, which is very good. i know this is probably very strange to say here but follow your heart. her money is not what is going to make you happy, you can care for yourself.

>> No.23522990

thanks anon.

>> No.23522994

Just treat them like family, not like rich people. Literally forget about the money, realize that you can be just as classy as they are since it's just an act.

>> No.23522997

Lame larp.

>> No.23522999

You already fucked up by thinking about it.

>> No.23523067

Chill. Clear your heart of worries and focus back on enjoying your relationship like you did before.

>> No.23523070

I hope not.

>> No.23523143

Oh, ok, I see. Enjoy marrying used goods anon.

Thought there was something strange with this story, some rich white girl falling in love with a biz autist

>> No.23523198

Your confidence is broken, I bet you're already pushing here away unconsciously.
Rich girls are strange creatures and most of them are really low hanging fruits to grab.

>> No.23523247

get her pregnant OP!

>> No.23523248

Tell us about yourself. How much of a loser are you?

>> No.23523326

sigh she’s gonna get bored of you, miss the excitement and uncertainty of the cheating ex and then get distant with you and ultimately dump you anon, that is unless you learn how and when to push those buttons too and quick.

>> No.23523332

If you use the term basic white bitch you deserve to die.

>> No.23523376

Baby trap or eternal regret

>> No.23523462

Be your own man change is natural but don’t rely on gibs from her family. Treat people as you would want to be treated if the roles were reversed. Also listen to what they say, no doubt you will get higher quality life advice from these people than most you will meet in your entire life.

>> No.23523474

Odds are one or both parents are Jews. “White” people are not that successful.

>> No.23523506

Put a baby in her.

>> No.23523630

My gfs parents are rich. She has a couple houses they paid cash for. I got her pregnant and they want us to move near them and said they’ll buy us a condo in the city and one on the beach but my gf doesn’t like her parents that much. They also offered nanny’s if we live close. She gave birth and they keep asking if they can raise the baby til age 5. Will probably let the baby eventually spend summers with them to secure their future inheritance.

>> No.23523689

Wtf is wrong with them wanting to raise your baby until it’s 5? I can only imagine how that could fuck up your kids bonding with you.

>> No.23523725

I agree. I think I need add some conflict to our relationship. I'll download tindr or something.
i already talked to her dad about getting into real estate investing. he is going to set me up with some investors that owe him some favors.
not religious, hardcore trump fanatics
both her parents want her daughters to have kids

>> No.23523738

Anon you know what you must do.....
You must... Kiss... the baby

>> No.23523766

i joined the US Navy in 2010 and served for 10 years. Leveraged my top-secret security clearance to get a software engineer job at Microsoft working on the JEDI project.

>> No.23523791

Just watched that, good stuff

>> No.23524000

Jews are not a religion and there are tons of Jews that support trump.

>> No.23524122
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Read pic related, and then constantly strive to make yourself more marketable in the eyes of the girl. You can do this by
>Getting /fit/
>Knowing multiple languages
>Learn how to cook really good
>Master science and mathematics
>Learn how to paint and present her with gifts
>Pick up an instrument

>> No.23524290

They are planning to kill and eat you

>> No.23524296


>> No.23524484

I am fit. I can cook well. I bought her a gift already.
I need to learn multiple languages, paint, and pick up an instrument.

>> No.23524486

post wallet, and body/face as well

>> No.23524505

make sense. He paid for lunch yesterday and left a $3 tip.

>> No.23524567

wallet could be better. 5 btc, 100 ETH, 5000 link, and other shit coins.
not posting a picture in here. but I am good looking. top 10% in aesthetics, no 6 pack but fit.

>> No.23524595

stupid larp thread. Reported

>> No.23524633

sounds like you already made it, and might make it even more

>> No.23524839

>early link holder

Marry that woman

>> No.23525036

Yeah sorry OP you sound like a retard, that’s only half a make it stack, marry the rich bird ASAP

>> No.23525075

Knock her up and start a family - if you want to know how to play this watch that piece of shot movie knocked up with Katherine zeheil and Seth fat ass Rogan

>> No.23525080

cum in her and push for a shotgun wedding

>> No.23525088

Checked. I'm in the same boat. Pentester link maxi and found a girl who I didn't know was rich. We've been dating for a year and will probably get married within the next two. It's comfy anon. Don't worry about the money at this point. Just make sure you're compatible because either way you're set on your own

>> No.23525090

retard larp

>> No.23525099
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>> No.23525123
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Retard zoomer detected.

>> No.23525131
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Anchor baby that shit right fucking now anon

>> No.23525138

>says early link adopter
>5k link
holy fuck hahahahahahhahahahahahhaha

>> No.23525143

So you’re sterile.

>> No.23525202

What an Ugly looking white family!!

>> No.23525227

Where/how do you meet rich girls?

>> No.23526242

>I think I need add some conflict to our relationship. I'll download tindr or something.
Pretty sure the absence of that is the main thing you have going for you...

>> No.23526552
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Anon I was married to rich girl and this is actually the best advice I think.

You can make a choice about how you actually feel about her without having money in the equation. My ex-wife's father was somewhere in the realm of 150 - 200 so not quite what you are talking about and his money definitely played a part in us getting married. It was fun for a while, felt great considering I was kind of poor at the time but after making my own way (early crypto as well as a small business) and realizing I didn't need them I was forced to examine how I really felt about her, her family etc. They were fine but I realized I wasn't in love and I gave that up for some financial comfort. Which, after you have been there and experienced it, you realize it's not really worth all that much if you're going to be surrounded by people that are just kind of... NPCs? I guess? I don't know how else to describe it. They were all glued to their phones, lived boringly, kids didn't appreciate shit, it just all got so mundane so fast.

I'm way better off now. Dating someone who is super in love with me and vice versa, happier than I have ever been.

>> No.23526566

Ok first of all, you gave WAY TO MUCH INFO. 30 minutes of research could fuck this up for you because you said to much.

Second, marry her.

>> No.23526682

Its a Larp bro, chill. Only a fool would believe anything posted here

>> No.23526869

>5 months
Don't do it. Wait until the honeymoon phase is over. No amount of money is worth the hassle of a fucking cunt that you're stuck living in a home with.

>b-but she's 3/4 billion jewbucks

that may be true, but its not worth your mental health to be stuck in a relationship with a possible shrew of a woman just because you MIGHT get some money out of it.

If anything, telling her you aren't ready to move in will show her you carer about more than her parent's money. Either that, or she'll get pissed and break up with you in which case you dodged a massive bullet.

Once again, no amount of money is worth a pussy that only makes you want to kill yourself.

>> No.23526896

nordic as fuck

>> No.23526949

>follow your heart
faggot kys

>> No.23527623

good advice, thanks

>> No.23527817

What is all this nonsense? If she is physically and mentally healthy then this is great. Just get married and have kids with her. You really want to give this up to keep rolling the dice on tinder thots? Insane. You don't know how lucky you are.

>> No.23527847

everyone is suggesting to marry her. But I need to step back and find the reason why nobody has married her yet. She is 28, cute, sweet, and. comes from a filthy rich family.

>> No.23527913

anon, this post was me asking, how do i not fuck this up? thanks for the support.

yesterday when I found out she had rich parents the whole day was her saying, "I promise i am not one of those crazy rich girls from my sweet 16". (i had to look up what that was)

>> No.23527978

Knock her up and do the right thing.

>> No.23528005

The only thing better than being rich yourself is marrying someone rich. All the benefits of having wealth and none of the draw backs.

>> No.23528154

Why not first move in with her and than decide in an year or two?

>> No.23528167

If you care about her money you already fucked this up. The power balance in your relationship is already broken, there is no way to have a good relationship with someone that has more things that you want than yourself. The human nature is fucked up, she will enventually use what you need to control you. Don't need anything from no one, be self sufficient. People must be by your side because they value your company, and you must not value others peoples company, because people may come and people may go, and that shouldn't change your life.

>> No.23528219

kek this, I was a poorfag student in a 3rd world country in 2017-2018 and still accumulated 55k link.
Also OP I'm also a software engineer (right now neet since why wagecuck), I would never marry a girl for her money, women are all whores, and if she's multimillionaire rich she won't give a fuck about you, you'll have to be alpha chad 24/7, the instant you fail to make her cum or act like a beta and she gets bored of you she'll fuck tyrone, she doesn't need a succesful man she just needs a big dick guy to fuck her good.
>dating app
>her ex
kek if you're succesful you can do better, try to find a down to earth girl with low n count, she'll love you and will love the food you put on the table and the roof on her head.
Women will feel better than you if they have more money, unless you're a 10/10 heroin junky drummer for some band or a painter or some shit.

>> No.23528224
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was her last boyfriend a huge black man?
she will never be satisfied with you

>> No.23528314

If despite all of this you still want to marry her, then you have to talk to her and tell her you want to be sure she doesn't need the filthy rich lifestyle, because you'll do your best to provide for her and your kids but you'll never be ok with her buying 10k$ handbags or stuff like that, ie: let her understand you have your pride, and tell her you won't take money from her parents.
This way you'll have 2 things:
They won't treat you like shit because you're proud and provide for their daughter and are a real man.
Your kids will have a bright future even if you fuck up, since their grandparents will leave them a shit ton of money.
She'll know you don't want her for her money and she'll respect you for it.
Also if you do happen to be a faggot who only wants her for her money, then kys gold digger, maybe start a gay onlyfans account or something, and leave my /chainlink/ board

>> No.23528347

nah, skinny ginger guy.

>> No.23528382

Luckily, she doesn't have expensive taste. She doesn't want kids either, which is fine with me. I have no interest in her parent's money while they are still alive.

>> No.23528528

Just be a good dude anon. Show them you have goals and initiative. If they start to smell golddigger off you your ass is outta there.
Well then youre with the caliber of woman you should be with dumbass. By the time youre dads age you should be independently wealthy yourself. JFC, a thread dies for this fuckery.

>> No.23528571

>G...guys help, a rich girl likes me and I dont know what to do.
>By the way im also loaded myself

fuck off anon.

>> No.23528588

Does here skin show signs of drug abuse?
Something is really fishy when here parents didnt set here up for a marriage at this age.

>> No.23528633

was he fucking other guys?

>> No.23528647

fuck these larp threads. eat my shit outta the toilet you fucking retards

>> No.23528648

Same OP, though I don’t believe her parents are as wealthy as theirs (yours)
>her parents live in James Harden’s old house
>Taco Bell has filmed a commercial inside. I’m sure plenty of porn has been shot there
>have Mclarens and Lambos
>down to earth

The bad
>she’s basic white
>6/10, but in shape
>got cut off after college. So while no debt, she is living on a teacher’s salary. But surviving. I guess that builds character right? Has a fat paycheck coming when she is 30

I’m hodling

>> No.23528702

Always do opposite of what biz says

>> No.23528763

Damn OP I figured she was like 22-23 max

Something is wrong. Porn?

>> No.23528807
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>early LINK holder

>> No.23528818


>basic white bitch

Does that mean you’re a nigger or some other kind of shitskin? You have no chance of getting her family’s approval lel

>> No.23528830

if I didn't know this was biz i'd think I was on lipstick alley or some shit.
I guess anons are gold digging sluts just like women

>> No.23528845

I’m Persian

>> No.23528899

try to be a chad
don't talk about money

>> No.23528907
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Aryan princess' honor: defended

>> No.23528911

domesticate that white bitch make us proud (as long as you're not a persian jew)

>> No.23528918

How many siblings does she have, male ones in particular? They will become your enemies when time comes to split the estate!

>> No.23529024



>> No.23529037

Noce bait faggot

>> No.23529041

Based dating money bros. My gfs dad owns a store with high margins and also has tens of millions from getting FB pre-IPO as well as AAPL early on. He comes to work in raggy clothes in his 2003 beat pathfinder. Absolute stealth wealth goals.

The girl is pretty sweet. Not sure I’m in love with her but nice having consistency in my life.

>> No.23529068
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op if it is not bait thread don't listen to fags recommending you to change, it is big no no
if you change it means you act differently and money became big factor in relationship with your gf
so don't change, since she already fell for current you.

>> No.23529083

You're the one seething at OP though lol
Imagine simping for another guy's girlfriend, do nazis really do this?

>> No.23529135

NEVER talk money unless asked
NEVER ask for anything monetary
ALWAYS look to add value to their lives instead of being a drain
They don't care about money they already more than they ever need and enough for their daughter. Stay woke and be a good husband and father. Dont be a fucking man child which being here tells me you're at a high risk for failure so keep your shit together

>> No.23529315

>just dont talk money op

>> No.23529563

stop making fun of him, he probably has never had sex and this is how he copes.

>> No.23529792

Nice self dox and forever on the internet brainlet. Hope you're larping lol.

>> No.23529816

yeah he is defending a roastie just because her race, ironic part is she wouldn't even lift a finger for him

>> No.23529841

>implement impregnation protocol
Its been 5 months you lazy retard.

>> No.23529874

Stick a baby in her ASAP dude
No prenup
You just made it

>> No.23530063

What if she's secretly autistic, browses /biz/ like OP and is in this thread right now?

>> No.23530140

pre rich people wouldnt browse biz tho,
here is full of poor fags and some rare self made sub-richs

>> No.23530160

lmao at all the retards believing this story

the kids and the father in the pic are jews btw not white

>> No.23530491

Yes, one day my grandchildren will say the same. Only it’ll be .5bitcoin rich

>> No.23530509

Fuck, marry, kill

>> No.23530617

You've hit the jackpot. Do not fuck it up and marry her.