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23520843 No.23520843 [Reply] [Original]

Hes 31. Hes a college dropout. Hes been living with roommates his whole life. His best work experience is working 12 years at Whole Foods. He spends any paycheck he gets because he believes money is to be spent. His car was $200 and runs awfully. He spends his days smoking, cooming and playing video games. He doesn’t know how to use anything other than his phone. He isn’t interested in trades because it’s hard work.
Can he be saved?

>> No.23520856

does he hold stinkers?

>> No.23520861
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>> No.23520870

Sounds like a pretty based guy

>> No.23520890



Next question.

>> No.23520914

>not pictured: 30: John Smith #1031 committed suicided.

>> No.23520928
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ALL of these people had strong educational backgrounds and work experience before making it

>> No.23520938
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Those people had to accumulate some kind of experience of knowledge beforehand.
So no: It's hopeless. Accept your loser fate.
After acceptance there might be some glimmer of hope. But don't cling to that shit. Accept that you are a fucking loser.

>> No.23520960

Addendum: Others are also losers. They just don't know it.
At the end of life you give everything away anyway. Pointless to seek satisfaction in material gains. Seek mental liberation. Seek calm, peace and acceptance of what is.

>> No.23521004

in b4:
> muh material wealth gives me peace of mind
No. You are just narrow minded.

>> No.23521069

all people who already had previous exp and were talented to begin with, not some retard neets or low tier wageslaves

>> No.23521100

Your brother specifically? No.

>> No.23521122
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Yes he can
>t. I did

>> No.23521152

The real question should be is someone who works at a grocery store 8hrs/day 5 days a week a retard or that guy who went to college for an accounting degree who pushes paper 14 hours a day and hasn't had a day off in years...

> But the accountant can afford property and nice stuff!

Nice stuff he can't enjoy cause he's too busy.

Stop worrying about ur brother, if he's happy then that's all that matters.

>> No.23521188

Or you learn a skill that is also 8 hour days and pays significantly better and is far more bearable than a fucking life long store clerk.

>> No.23521208

No he cant? What question is that?
If he is okay with cooming, vidya and not doing anything to better his life, if he just wants to live for the "moment" then there is nothing to be safed. Because he is not looking for help. And does not want to change from within, otherwise he would started it already.

>> No.23521210

Ideally sure, but once again it depends on where OP is located and the apprenticeship opportunities.

>> No.23521237

200$ car? Fuck yeah he can be saved whoever is able to get a functioning car for 200 bucks is a God among st plebians

>> No.23521265

I dont see the issue here

>> No.23522167

still being a fan of cuck boi incel pandering sam hyde rather than ascended charls carroll is how I know you're a faggot bitch with no meaningful opinions

>> No.23522302

Change your mind, act those thoughts out, check results. I believe the thoughts you pick are vibrations of a higher order.

You can not save anyone unless someone wants to be saved, you need to be on a similar wavelength

>> No.23522382

Sam hyde lays it out real, he doesn't fuck around and tell you love is the answer to your problems, it's not - fixing your shitty choices is what will get you anywhere.

There's nothing more faggy than blaming your problems on the world and letting bitch niggers hang around you.

OPs brother is ngmi unless he wakes the fuck up and realise he's a deadbeat.

>> No.23522993
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>Jan Koum
hahahahaha based last name

>> No.23523125
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>married before 25