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File: 414 KB, 1242x1152, 17A9A7CD-0383-4E2D-8A84-59232EE28F13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23516442 No.23516442 [Reply] [Original]

Such a beautiful display of support for our President and our Country. I’ve just put my life savings in to Trumpcoin, and other election related investments, where I have a guaranteed 3x return on my money. Then I will put it back in the strongest stock market in history. Why aren’t you doing this?

>> No.23516495

Based. It is your patriotic duty to go all in on a trump victory.
Not only is it a guaranteed victory, but you'll be taking money from the libtards.

>> No.23516520

Amen Brother. Glad to meet a fellow Supporter, even in passing online!

>> No.23516610

Absolutely based! I spent $300 on my Trump Merch from a local stand on Friday (supporting a local Patriot and our President in one go) and took part in a similar vehicle line in my state on Saturday. Loaded up the Wife and stepsons in my to my F-250, blasted some Creedence and had an amazing drive. Truly a wonderful time to be an American

>> No.23516666

Agree. Make sure you donate to israel afterwards. Love my fellow based Americans

>> No.23516672

Have sex boomer

>> No.23516692

Donate to Israel?! They don't even believe in Jesus

>> No.23516719

Hey, Israel is all right in my book. If Trump trusts ‘em, so do I!

>> No.23516748

Why are they doing this?

>> No.23516754

But they're trying to keep Christ out of Christmas

>> No.23516805

Wrong my friend. They mind theyre own business, but when they come over here to visit, they sure say the right greeting when coming in to our businesses! Love theyre support

>> No.23516808

no that's starbucks! FUCK those red cups!

>> No.23516836

Your thinking of the dems

>> No.23516842

Amen brother, no business that doesn’t stand around Trump 100% does not get my business!! My hard earned money deserves better.

>> No.23516888

hell yeah! I walked into a hardware Store the other day with my Trump hat without a Mask, and the Manager came running immediately, chasing me with a little ziplock baggie filled with. masks! "Sir you have to wear this to shop here!" No I DON'T I said, it's my constitutional RIGHT! He told me I need to leave, and I cussed him out! He was a probably a democrat and I don't support communist businesses!

>> No.23516889

this thread is all glowniggers and idf kike shills

>> No.23516898

Are they sure they are all headed to a Covid rally? Some of them could just be stuck in traffic

>> No.23516923

LOL I love it! I love when you can use logic and facts to stump these idiots. I’d like to buy you a beer friend!

>> No.23516939

kek, you walked into his shop Anon. He has the right to refuse service to anyone he wants, just the way you have the right to not bake a gay cake for yourself.

>> No.23516954

shut the FUCK up democrat! this is AMERICA not china!

>> No.23516977

fuck u onions baby!!! go eat fried rice lol

>> No.23516979

Anon, if you dont want your gay cake, then dont eat it..This is America.

>> No.23516997

ching chong nip nom lol STFU rice baby USA! USA! USA! USA!

>> No.23517004


whoa, now THIS is an epic reddit moment. Upboated, my friend!

>> No.23517018


>> No.23517024

you missed one>>23516997

can you do it again so i can see all of them in one post?

>> No.23517032

Wait, why did the site replace onions with onions? Some weird autocorrect? Going to be sad if this site went the way of pelosi with censorship

>> No.23517041
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>> No.23517053

Historically the economy does better under democratic presidents

>> No.23517061

yeah because the republican before him builds up a good economy. then the DEMOCRAT has 4 to 8 years to fuck ita ll up

>> No.23517073

now this is the epic reddit comedy I come here for. Have a reddit gold , good sir.

>> No.23517128

Kek, You keep telling yourself that Anon.

>> No.23517160
File: 35 KB, 324x548, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I swear you fucking redditors get stupider every year. You fucking cockroaches should stay on your disgusting shithole echo-chamber site and should be ashamed to show your faces here. You stick out like a sore thumb.

Fucking awful posts all around. Disgusting bugs.

>> No.23517162

>he thinks Israel is anything but a loud mouthed vassal state.

>> No.23517247

seethe a little more trumpfag

>> No.23517281

is this bullish for C42L and clover42? many more poor = many more gamblers.

>> No.23517312

BLUE VS RED "My side is better than your side!" "Your side is filled with pedophiles!" kek, thats why your poor and will always be. None of this game matters....Dems will print to eternity and raise asset prices, then Reps change tax laws to save the money people made while under dems. Down you understand that the only person getting fucked its you? its a cycle, Anon.

>> No.23517418

epic reddit moments.

>> No.23517988

This is the gayest thread I’ve seen all day and there was one up earlier that was literally about men sucking eachother’s cocks

>> No.23518021

Satan demands shekels for Israel

>> No.23518044

I hope every nigger posting in this thread gets aids and dies

>> No.23518720

Its as if there is a political party in America that doesnt cuck to Pissrael
((dual citizens)) shouldnt be allowed in positions of power

>> No.23518807
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>> No.23518824


>> No.23518831

>((fritz springmeier))
>it is those luminati i swear!!1

>> No.23518841

I have to laugh at how this phenomenon is so totally new and yet the media says nothing about the enthusiasm and passion, they just treat it as a non-story.