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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23512695 No.23512695 [Reply] [Original]

the more I think about it, the more tears that come to my eyes. Never before has something been so perfect. We won. We really won.

>> No.23512739

I have over 50K LINK and I have 2K+ comment karma, get fucked idiot

>> No.23512777


nice larp but you have to go back

>> No.23512948

i need a poo

>> No.23513301

You really fell for the 'divide and conquer' meme, huh?

>> No.23513318


>> No.23513351
File: 66 KB, 750x749, 1603667561706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with reddit?

>> No.23513361
File: 163 KB, 559x745, F9CEF5BE-D6C6-4A6A-91C4-6BCA997AB14D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's why keeping reddit out of Lition is essential. Just look at this thread /biz/ FUDDED into oblivion. This gave minimum wage /biz/raelis 2 more months to accumulate.

Lition is the new LINK and the brakes come off.

>> No.23513452

They segregate themselves into sub groups and ban people/down vote people they disagree with. Because they post in a system that shows them no opposing view points they have no frame of reference for how the real world works.

This is why 4chan is superior because people are free to arguments about any topic. Also having everyone being anons means you need to argue about the topic and not about each other. Every users is equal because every user is anon.

>> No.23513474

It was rhetorical, anon.

>> No.23513536

Whoever linked here should be executed

>> No.23513572

I guess being on 4chan also means being very gullible and taking the bait.

>> No.23513575

>the value of my opinion is quantified by my social credit score
redditors are shells of humans

>> No.23513620

nigger have you ever scrolled through reddit?
its a fucking embarrassment to mankind
leme write a Ph.D. thesis on why fox news is bad thats reddit

>> No.23513632

although you took the bait, it's good to explain that from time to time to the lurkers.

>> No.23513638

reddit is an echochamber, overall it is a leftist echochamber, but any surviving right-of-center subs are also echochambers. every sub that isnt political is an echochamber for elitist/establishment/normalized views on the subject of the sub. IE; in general, dissent is banned on reddit, in any form, from the mainstream normative agenda of any topic.

>> No.23513837

They're teenagers duh, everyone is a cringestein monster at that age

>> No.23513871
File: 180 KB, 1280x853, dog-2890078_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i helped convince hundreds of redditors that chainlink was a scam and now I'm rich and they're still broke

>> No.23514201

umm sweaty that's embarrassing as hell. Maybe fix yourself

>> No.23514272

It was kiked and pozzed for link to price everything in within two weeks after holding for years like a fucking sap

>> No.23514462



>> No.23514539
File: 1.74 MB, 4816x1960, 1586193270980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks we won
what the FUCK have we done bros... that's some faustian shit

>> No.23514564

In all fairness LINK would be at $300+ right now if we didn’t do what we did but yea it’s pretty fucking incredible that Reddit never got the opportunity and now never will.

>> No.23515484
File: 211 KB, 960x977, BE3062A4-CA5C-46C8-B700-8DC532A5DF2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw u ain't been a /biz/lurker since president nigger and missed your chance to make it.
fuck redditors.
i guess i'm ngmi either.

>> No.23516320

checked and based
fuck reddit

>> No.23516818

so this is where the posters came from who cringe when we post FUCK NIGGERS

>> No.23516848

>never will
from $12 to >$10k is still a pretty big payday you dingus

>> No.23516895

not happening anytime remotely soon