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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23508950 No.23508950[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Niggers recently moved into the house next to mine. Not decent black people, actual niggers. They have a hideous car on 22 inch rims in the drive way and little niglets running around everywhere, trash all over the porch, the whole deal. The rest of the neighborhood is white except for a Hispanic couple who are well-mannered. How fucked is the value of my house now?

>> No.23508992

sell before the niglets start stealing

>> No.23509014

Sell your house asap. When you have an open house put some (fake?) KFC coupons in the nigger household mailbox. Alternatively make a long trail of watermelons that will distract them long enough while you have viewers over.

>> No.23509030

of course they do. why do you think kikes want to shove them into predominantly white neighborhoods

>> No.23509035

Unironically it’s over for you. If they got the place, that means they got a govt loan for it, which means that your neighborhood is now considered a hood with the government. Gg wp

>> No.23509045

>he thinks it stops at one family
it's only a matter of time before the extended family moves in, or the uncle/brother/step son/etc. gets out of jail and moves in.

niggerdom begets niggerdom.

>> No.23509051

You've likely already lost 10%, and it'll only get worse as they destroy their own home

Either get out now or plan on burning their house down and selling when their insurance is building the new one

>> No.23509075

have some respect for my car you motherfucker, im your neighbour and im gonna fuck yo shit up, yes i browse this shithole too u thought us niggas didnt know about link and shit? you better lock yourself up real good nigga

>> No.23509078

Swat em

>> No.23509088
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>have some respect for my car you motherfucker, im your neighbour and im gonna fuck yo shit up, yes i browse this shithole too u thought us niggas didnt know about link and shit? you better lock yourself up real good nigga

>> No.23509099

>Not decent black people, actual niggers
At least your not a pure racist fren

>> No.23509192
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>you're a heckin racisterino!

ask me how i know you wear the muzzle and took the knee like a good goyim.

>> No.23509405


>> No.23509676

anon the value of your house is effectively going to go to 0. But ill take it off your hands for a good price to help you out

>> No.23509835

They're just people you fucking scumbag. The only difference between you and them is their skin tone.

>> No.23509859

get out now anon
soon there will be 5 generations of nigs living in that one house
maybe pay for them to all go on a cruise while you have people come by to check out the house

>> No.23509905

Nightmare. Good living in Germany in middle class town without many ethical differences.

>> No.23509928

>things that never happened

>> No.23510623

this is what they call nigger pushing forgot the name of how they do it, basically they wait for a house to free up in a white neighbourhood and after they buy it they sell it to a negro family and usually target real negroes which will lower the prices of all houses around them then people start selling their houses for very cheap to get out before the price drops to hood status and they buy them all up and sell them with a huge profit.

basically sell as soon as you can the price of the house will be in the mud soon.

>> No.23510716

Niggers needs to be purged just like white trash.

>> No.23510854

we have niggers here who got foreclosed on 2 years ago and still are living there rent free. what a fucking nightmare. nothing worse than nigger neighbors. hopefully they are evicted soon.

>> No.23510957

you fell for the "put most of your wealth into a single asset" meme

that's why I rent and diversify

>> No.23510960
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I'm here to collect your 80% tax burden.

>> No.23511011

We also have niggers living next door, in a 1 million house. The son and daughter literally moved in just as their mother was dying of cancer. They are low IQ and I try to keep interaction with them to a bare minimum. Living in a Capital city is a meme you pay over the odds to live next door to subhumans. Once my RAMP stack matures, I will sell my house and move to an area with only white people.

>> No.23511636
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>things that never happened

>> No.23511761

>Not decent black people, actual niggers
They're the same thing, OP.

>> No.23511790

yes. i sold my last house the moment niggers moved in across the street. i literally walked outside one morning, saw them, walked inside, and ordered a for-sale-by-owner sign on Amazon, paid extra for shipping as i was not a prime member at the time, to get it the next day. sold it for 80% more than i had paid for it 5 years previously, so i'm not complaining. very happy in my new area, but will unironically do the same thing if it happens again, which im sure it will. you do not want to be left bagholding real estate in a nigger-infestation zone, OP, just some advice from a homeowner who has seen some shit.

>> No.23511821

The first ones in the neighbourhood generally aren't the problem specifically, they are fleeing the relentless theft, crime and murder that comes around living in a black hood. But once you get one family in, whites immediately begin to move out, and other blacks move in - of worse quality, until you end up with a black hood where all the whites have fled.

Eventually once its run down into the ground, jews will come along and buy up all the foreclosed property and pump tons of money into gentrifying it and flip everything for 10x the profit.

>> No.23511823

What state?

>> No.23511876

time to move

>> No.23511913

Yeah! Judge them not by their skin, but by their actions.
By their massive overrepresentation in violent crime including armed robbery and rape.
Judge them by the average income of their areas. Judge them by their plummeting test scores. You can even judge them on their atrocious grammar.
But never, EVER base your judgements on skin color, you fucking racist.

>> No.23511964

she cute

>> No.23511973


>> No.23512068
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>The differences in human subspecies are just skin deep
Back you go

>> No.23512104

This has been debunked

>> No.23512166

On the contrary, with the popularity of Kanye West and Travis Scott Burger YOU are lowering THEIR property value.

>> No.23512234


>> No.23512235

Of course they do!! They increase the crime rate and poverty levels too

>> No.23512805
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this thread is scary. imagine being racist or pronouncing the n* word in 2020. the world has moved on already.

>> No.23513016

Its like an inversed gentrification

>> No.23513041
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you fucking brainlet, you degenerate politically correct fuck, fuck you, kill yourself.

>> No.23513078

Time to get a new place anon. Don't raise your kids around them.

I hope you have enough money to be sending them to an all white boarding school also. Do not bring your kids up around blacks. Even your sons.

>> No.23513087



>> No.23513099


>> No.23513193

Listen, Detroit Parkway anon, your happiness will increase proportionally to the distance from your current location. You owe it to your future you.

How's the kebab shop at the bus station? Or the shisha bar and beauty saloons at the market square? Or the droves of "refugees" at the train station? Or was it close to the mosque? Ah, I don't remember.

>> No.23513412
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no anon
love thy neighbor

>> No.23513469
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nice bait fag, now go back to plebbit

>> No.23513909
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>> No.23513960
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This should help, just edit the expiration date.

>> No.23513987

So everyone's solution to this is to just run? Keep running forever from the nigs? You know eventually they will catch up to you no matter what.

>> No.23514040

If you're not selling, get a gun

>> No.23514111

Dont act like this can't happen here
You can see in which hood the turks live when looking at rent/property prices and they are spreading

>> No.23514258

You have no idea how much 2 houses of them have done to my small suburban community area.

>> No.23514291
File: 107 KB, 1080x1080, F19DE9C5-B9A4-47C3-9E5C-06CDF641CD72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not refuting the evidence presented in your graph. Race doesn’t mean we have sub-species. We’re one species, if we weren’t then we would not be able to produce reproductive offspring. Furthermore, I do not think that the information presented is accurate because samples are rough estimates of a population. Also, I think that culture plays a heavy hand in the academic achievement of a group of people than what they’re genetic composition is. People like you make me sad.

>> No.23514301

Sell your house OP

>> No.23514386

worldstarhiphop dot com

>> No.23514535
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Requesting the multi panel pic where nogs move in, the cracka houses adjacent to it get sold, nogs move into those, more cracka houses are sold, the area is run down eventually.

>> No.23514634

>tfw my neighborhood full of eastern euros and chinks

Its pretty based besides the one rican single mother next door. Constant police presence because of her. Not even kidding no idea what she does

>> No.23514695

Probably slanging or seeing drug dealers