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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23508405 No.23508405 [Reply] [Original]

This board is absolutely dead, there must only be 4 of us on here right now

>> No.23508427
File: 90 KB, 700x518, 1596920149179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s just you and me here anon. Always has been, always will be.

>> No.23508444

coom coom coom coom coom coom coom coom coom coom coom coom coom coom coom coom

>> No.23508470

It’s only you. All responses are programmed to your prompts. A study is currently being conducted on your opinions, beliefs, and actions. Your data is valuable. Please continue to post.

>> No.23508486

we are all bot but you

>> No.23508487

Wrong. There are five, including me.

>> No.23508491

This is a gem! X10 soon

>> No.23508506

iam here fren so board is fine

>> No.23508508

Board stats say 1,137 people browsing /biz/. And 17 browsing this thread.

>> No.23508515

Ok that's 7 of us including me

>> No.23508532

fuck that ass is disgusting, like i get it, anal or something might be great, but i'd feel disgusted trying to grab that man's jelly flaps

>> No.23508535

There more but some killed themselves over XRP still being dead 4 years later

>> No.23508548

Make that 9, not tooo bad then ..where are the board stats?

>> No.23508637

I've posting in this thread from 4 different IPs kek

>> No.23508807

Biz has always been better when this dead, enjoy the calm before the storm boys

>> No.23508838

I am all about bouncy, buy this is just too much OP...
>still do her

>> No.23508841

yeah it's amusing. even the frequency of scams and shill threads are declining. get ready for the second wave chink flu market crash. i'm cashing out on monday.

based and twilight zonepilled

>> No.23508875
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anon take a couple seconds just to...

>imagine the smell

>> No.23508878

niggers are gross

>> No.23508925
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>> No.23508931

coconut butter, skunk weed, and sweaty asshole with notes of nigger shit.

>> No.23508958

>sergey posting
>fren posting
Regular anons get caught up in that which blurs everything. Narrative pushing intensifies

>> No.23509015

Just because most white women dont clean their buttholes well i can guarantee every black butthole ive smelled had no shit smells. Its amazing what using water instead of paper does

>> No.23509058

please don't ever post this again. the urges i get from watching this are immense. thank you.

>> No.23509065

what a magnificent shitter

>> No.23509119

I thought exactly the same thing and then some fucking Slovenian thread popped out and a bunch of faggots starting popping, suddenly it was filled and I think it reached bump limit. I don't know where is Slovenia. Same shit happened when a TCG thread pooped out and some actual experts were there. I think most people are lurking and that's that

>> No.23509136


>> No.23509159
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>> No.23509181

I only really come for /smg/ anymore, but even then I leave when the entire board starts incessantly chimping over the pnd of the month (GME currently) and drowns out actual market conversation.

>> No.23509224

Do stocks actually pump & dump like crypto? Whenever i see stocks with their 1% daily movement I just this "boring"

>> No.23509326

it's 2 pajeets and 1 chink posting from 100 different IP's shilling their latest scams

>> No.23509382

Biz iz kill

>> No.23509387
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>> No.23509506
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>> No.23509569
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>while she has your entire skull locked between her thighs

>> No.23509580
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>> No.23509582
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>> No.23509585

youre literally samefagging all the samefags you just copied. faggot