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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23507944 No.23507944 [Reply] [Original]

Asking the oldfags if they're getting 2017 link vibes with quant. Honest question, not shilling.

>> No.23507964

na, its in full shill mode which means its gonna dump pretty hard

>> No.23507980

Ethereum vibes? Check.
Chainlink vibes? Check.

Quant completes the trinity, anon.

>> No.23507981

not even close they sound exactly like every .finance scam

>> No.23507997

Kek, like Link was never shilled? They split this fucking site in two because of the Nazi link memes.

>> No.23507998

What about lition?

>> No.23508000

No. Ridiculously inorganic shilling since like 2 months ago. There's that one guy in every thread who says to go buy QNT. The whole thing smells like Auntie Lakshmi's Vindaloo Special

>> No.23508009

no fren
when the shilling is just retards going BUY QUANT IT NEXT LINK
that is a sign they are paying pajeets

>> No.23508011

sadly, no

2017/2018 felt like the real deal and saturated (/ruined) this board. there were genuinely intelligent posts sprinkled in with the insanity

i haven't seen anything like that from quant shills

i saw a little bit of it from PNK but even PNK collapsed

>> No.23508020

Here's the QNT shiller from every thread, too, right on schedule

>> No.23508022

og marine here no. link felt unique from the getgo because of how small the community was yet the memes were unique and original and persistent, they seemed to truly believe in the tech, thats why i bought in. since then i havent seen a project with original memes.

>> No.23508026

Finance is only one vertical, though.
They have energy, IoT, 5g, medicine, manufacturing, transport etc

Try to keep up, brainlet.

>> No.23508043

I've been here 6 months and only saw memes with PNK, could you elaborate?

>> No.23508063

I'm from 2013 and have only ever really held a handful of coins. QNT really is the play of this entire market cycle.

It has a horrendous, toxic community of retards, unfortunately - but a handful who put work in to promote it while the rest try to stop them.

Hopefully with new holders will come a new community away from the Lounge

>> No.23508064

Buddy people called me crazy for saying pnk would reach 3 cents a few months ago and they all mocked it because it had pathetic volume. I even made its price crash a few times for shits and giggles since I had 150k pnk.
Look at its volume now, +700k now and steady. Its all grown up now.
I hold 0 pnk now btw I want to km.

>> No.23508065

Link wasn’t shilled, it develop organic interest

>> No.23508081
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I have at least 8700 RLQNT so ill make it

>> No.23508083

It's the only project that has been shilled here for years which has as many (if not more) breadcrumbs as LINK, solving a fundamental problem, high profile team members, and constant fud. I think it's riskier than LINK because many details about adoption are still unclear but it's obviously not a scam and it has a lot of potential. It just seems a bit dumb to get interested in the project now when it's been shilled for so long at sub 10$.

>> No.23508096

Stop lying fag. This board was 95% shill Link memes, only a handful were organic.

>> No.23508115

Shills don’t create quality memes, faggot

>> No.23508130

oh wow 645k volume...
Wow this piece of shit just can't get past 1 million volume eh?

>> No.23508131

Your nazi memes were banned by 4chan. Imagine being fucking banned by 4chan!
Kek, the state of /biz.

>> No.23508147

lition is a scam clear as daily light

>> No.23508152

Post fronthole

>> No.23508172

well link dumped pretty hard a few times too, why is your precious shitcoin immune?

>> No.23508191
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>daily light

>> No.23508192

Quant isn’t immune to dumping, what the fuck are you on about? It’s bound to retrace a couple of times on the way to $1000.

>> No.23508202

Because we won't have a Big Mac addict systematically dumping 750k stacks on us at every local and non-local high. Well... for now we still do. But not for as long, because the team reserves are tiny compared to Link.

>> No.23508209

Jesus Christ fuck no. Before you ask another stupid question like that maybe do some actual research. Look at the assblaster threads and tell me if your shitty paneer shilling is anything like it.

>> No.23508223

Fuck no, QNT is fundamentally retarded
I suspect their faggot Quamfy Lounge is raiding biz

>> No.23508224

You should check out the councilofquamf TG channel for amazing breadcrumbs anyway, even if there isn't a 4chan larper promising you $200 by March 2018.

>> No.23508232
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>> No.23508257

Council is genius level analysis and breadcrumbs. Better than anything Link OGs created.

>> No.23508283

its easy to make memes when your CEO is a fat autist
QNT's CEO is a literal top government exec level chad. Hard to meme that

>> No.23508284

No. QNT fags are unironical indians.
You dont hear abou QNT for months and suddenly two weeks ago they are all over the place, trying to associate Link and QNT. It's not organic at all.

>> No.23508300

if you can supply me with like 20 infographics and 20 memes on quant on par with what LINK autists were putting out, then I'll buy. Show me, I got 50k if its legit and ill know, i knew link was legit. Link autists had 20 page pdfs floating around on the oracle problem and literally 100s of connections. If there are legit QUANT fags and this is going to be a LINK then show me the receipts.

>> No.23508301

No thanks you can keep your dead 2017 interoperability meme shitcoin

>> No.23508318

Ever wondered if perhaps some of these Quant posters are ex-Linkfags? Sold all their Link to all in Quant?

>> No.23508332

Linkfags are scared.

>> No.23508345

yup, fellow high iq /biz/nizman

>> No.23508387

That's LIT, in fact it's better than LINK was at .30c.

>> No.23508400

Sold my link to fiat at 20 eat my dick

>> No.23508435

No. If you were lurking here in 2018, there's absolutely no way you would sell. The breadcrumbs we were getting made a lot of us cultitsts. That's why I just lost when people say ''im an OG linker but sold my entire stack for PNK, STA, QNT or any other shitcoin''.

>> No.23508451

laugh,not lost*

>> No.23508469

Oh, I sold alright. For a better project with superior upside.

>> No.23508497

Not really. I hold quant but the memes and energy were a lot better during early link. So much better, that someone not in crypto at all during the time put $200 into it

>> No.23508499

Ok then, what is the new LINK, or has 2017 LINK vibes?

>> No.23508533


>> No.23508557
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I honestly think sent is the closest project to early link. Small community that really believes in the tech and a healthy amount of memes

>> No.23508578

>11 posts by this id
You see what I mean when I say inorganic, Manvipreesh?

>> No.23508591


>> No.23508612

QNT holder here (small bag but still). I don't trust the project, the reason I bought was because of the bullish chart and low volume these last weeks. I'll sell this shit soon enough, this project looks like an elaborate scam, but I do think it could reach a nice price and I'd like to make a x5/x10 for once.
But I see 0 usecase so far, just big partnerships which mean nothing.
>one chain to rule them all
yeah fuck off

>> No.23508619


>> No.23508776

nothing right now. i think we'll see another within 5 years.

>> No.23508817

I’m concerned that when the subcontinent discovers Quant, there will be no fucking QNT left for us!
Billions of Indians and their cousins fighting over 14 million QNT :(

>> No.23508832

One chain? Wow, you haven’t done much research, kek. Sell at $30, wait to see $1000.

>> No.23509723


>> No.23510163
File: 120 KB, 2640x266, Screenshot 2020-08-04 at 20.59.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but I do with Lition

proof of being a 2017 ico slack fag.

(doesn't mean quant won't pump, just not a chainlink hyped pump)

>> No.23510441

quant had its pump already

>> No.23510640


>> No.23510777

Nah. The one that gives me a bit of those earlyday LINK vibes is STA. It is basically dead yet people just keep shitting on it hard

>> No.23510824

I investigated about QNT and didn't get it
It connects ledger blockchains and it's cool
What I don't get is the token, what is it for?

>> No.23510875


>> No.23510951

>Auntie Lakshmi's Vindaloo Special
chekt + kekt

>> No.23510961

I’m getting LISK vibes

>> No.23510992

Been in crypto since 2010.

>> No.23511378


>> No.23512330

QNT has worse shilling than some shitcoins of the week. So no, no link vibes