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23499352 No.23499352 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me.
>Performing maintenance on my mining rigs and doing TA on Chainlink on a Saturday night.
>Knock knock.
>It's my boomer neighbor.
>Wants me to walk to the bars with him.
>Reluctant, I'm go anyway.
>Cringe evening. Lots of cold shoulders. I approach lots because Idgaf anymorw. Roasties on Zuckbook and twerking to mumble rap.
>Tell white girl I like her dress. Ask her if she's Morman or something.
>Tells me after a long pause to "Back the fuck up."
>I'm redpilled and a crypto millionaire now, so I stand my ground and tell her to look up a compliment in the dictionary.
>Tries to push me.png.
>Her friends hold her back.
>Just shake my head and leave.
Fuck these people. We are all going to make it. These vermin may receive 12-36% of our capital gains taxes, but they will fuck it up anyway and nmi. They will never make it, no matter how much they get. Fuck niggers. Fuck invading Mexicans. Fuck the white fags who root for them. And don't fuck the racetrading whores who have their AIDs. That's all and have a good night.

>> No.23499370

Also, I feel you anon

>> No.23499371

based. All these normalfags are going to be sent to die in WW3 anyway, I'm not too mad

>> No.23499386
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Based. Don't be sad, I'm proud of you.

>> No.23499396

You had me up until fuck invading Mexicans, jk tho it’s hard making normie friends.

>> No.23499414

Are you an "invading" Mexican? The non-invading ones are fine, the invading ones are not

>> No.23499436

Bro she had the hots for you you stupid cunt why the fuck did you leave retard

>> No.23499454

I was born in the U.S. so yah...

>> No.23499462

the world needs a good culling. like 6-7 billion or so.

>> No.23499478

Why would in my early twenties I used to be the kind of normie retard who would go get drunk at bars on Saturday nights. I’m so ashamed of how much money I wasted buying shitty, overpriced beer and liquor and the drunken sex. I’m so lucky I never got an STD, false rape accusation, or a child. Also, the type of woman who goes to bars disgusts me now and I don’t want to talk to all the simps and cucks at bars as well.

>> No.23499486

> incel who can't chat up women

Yesh its the worlds fault you're an autistic fuck with no game. Kek

>> No.23499522

Thanx frens. My boomer neighbor is a good dude and that's why I went. Even he told me that things have changed. No one wants to have fun anymore. Everyone's hostile and zogged af.
Well my boomer friend was talking to some Hispanics (they are like 70% of the population here). They say something in Spanish and he says he doesn't speak Spanish. Innocent enough. They walk away and turn around and start yelling "Fuck you!" at both of us. Some white knight Redditer says fuck you too. They start yelling at him and he's like, "No, I'm on your side." Like, what a cuck. He would give away the shirt on his back if it meant a thumbs up.
Was thinking this too subconsciously. Oh well she lost out man and she doesn't even know. I'm going to church tomorrow and I'll find my waifu there. Someday.

>> No.23499539

you dumb fucking cunt you lost out you fuck how the fuck does she lose out you retard

>> No.23499565

What made her so special? There are millions of other girls

>> No.23499589

Yah it sucks, your boomer neighbor sounds like a decent dude but unfortunately we live in an environment where there is no unity anymore. At this point I’ve been taking the neutral pill and not giving a fuck in general.

>> No.23499608

no one will ever know and neither will you because you fucking left like a cuck. you better cut that shit right the fuck now or youll always be a miserable bastard like you are now. you could of told her to buy you a drink or a million other things for starting a fight and had fun but no now you sit in your self supremacy you stupid shit when you are just like every other retard out there lol

>> No.23499631

>no social skills
>comes on /biz hoping to be consoled for being rejected
>tries to appeal to the dregs of /biz
Sad, man

>> No.23499746

I'm making it and love life. She was a hostile cunt.
This is the Soviet we live in, anon. These are the people who want you to pay 90% taxes because you're white, hetero and rich. Then again, you do sound like a tranny.

>> No.23499770

mfw in my country they receive 52%

>> No.23499826

You’re a simp

>> No.23499923
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You learned the hard way.
Unless you're above 6ft women will not give you the time of day.

>no game
Doesn't exist. PUA go through massive gymnastics to get laid. If you are above 6ft. you just do. That's the reality.

>> No.23500177

> Short guy seething detected.

Quit worrying so much about shit you can't change anon, if you're genuinely interesting and funny women will be interested. Women tend to want to date guys taller than them which is true but the average height of a woman is like 5'5 ...if you're short and have no luck with women, chances are its not your height that's the problem

>> No.23500202

I'll take 'things that never happened' for $500 Alex

>> No.23500239
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>if you're genuinely interesting and funny women will be interested
No they will not be. You can be an absolute trash of a person, but if you are born above 6ft' then women will be interested in you. That is the reality of this world.

>if you're short and have no luck with women, chances are its not your height that's the problem
No it's the height. It has nothing to do with personality, looks, etc.

You're the coping manlet telling himself that it doesn't matter when it obviously does.

>> No.23500267

Actually sounds like a good night OP, further solidifying your world views by providing first hand primary evidence.

>> No.23500273

>Ever selling link.

Are you retarded? Just take out a loan with a portion of your link as the collateral and live on that loan.

Chainlink is going to go up in price for the next 30 years so the gains will cancel out the interest on the loan and you won't have to cash out or pay tax in order to enjoy your chainlink gains

>> No.23500285

>born above 6’ tall

>> No.23500385

6'2" here

Women mainly just want you to be taller than they are but if you are under 6' your options are more limited as demonstrated by that chart.

>> No.23500437

Nah, I'm 6'3 and good looking. I'm sure you need an "in" with most women these days. If they don't know you on Faceberg, they haven't screened you and are usually hostile.
I know, I know. Was just looking to swing with 500 LINK because we've been bouncing between $10-12 for the past couple of weeks. Not touching my make it stack.

>> No.23500456
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>pedantic idiocy

>Women mainly just want you to be taller
Not true. They want you to be a significant amount taller. Average height of a woman is 5ft'4" in the USA. If you are below 5ft'8" you have zero chance, but if what you said is correct then people who are 5ft'8" would have very little problem.

>Nah, I'm 6'3
I'm sure people like you for who you are. Just keep telling yourself that.

>> No.23500505

Youre the problem.

>> No.23500633

You have serious issues buddy. The fact you have all those images saved on your computer is hilarious. I'm 6'2 and have never had issues with women but I also have shorter friends who also do well .... you clearly have no personality so you're spending all your time blaming your height. Height really isn't your problem, your personality vacuum id imagine is far more important

>> No.23500668

5'8'' and banged over 100 women over the last 15 years

>> No.23500697

There are millions of men shorter than 6 foot on earth, all of them getting pussy RIGHT NOW. Imagine not comprehending this even on a basic level, keep coping lmao

>> No.23500708

>Women mainly just want you to be taller than they are
I always figured they wanted you to be taller than other men. Isn't a woman's attractiveness relative to other women?

>> No.23500737

Height and attractiveness are different though, someone who is taller isn't automatically more attractive. Women just want you to be taller than them to feel safe. They want to know if you're walking home and some dude jumps out on you the woman won't have to do the fighting.

>> No.23501484

So, no amount of money can get you a personality then? Got it.

If you're a millionaire, look into UNN and supply zoom boom that shit with me at public sale. Gonna be a good time.

>> No.23501729

Imagine citing these worthless opinion articles as proof. You're either a coping manlet or just an asshole. Definitely blue pilled.

Anon's remember that not every woman cares about height, honestly it's 50/50, the one's who 'despise' short guys are not worth your time anyway.

>> No.23501843
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>Ask her if she's Morman or something.

Senpai you fucked up, to a norman above sentence translates like "you look like some pale non fashioned amish girl".