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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2349629 No.2349629 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck.

I had no idea how widespread shilling shitcoins really is, there are literally 50+ discord groups and IRC channels were faggots (read: 5-6 admins) literally scam a bunch of morons and let them hold bags while they sell early.


>> No.2349654

Why can't we, /biz/ as a whole, become a shilling team on our own and troll normies and pajeets from our cozy threads? Man can dream, though...

>> No.2349674

This man. Why are we all fucking eachother over.

>> No.2349686

It's a dog eat dog world

>> No.2349687


Cause' there is always that one greedy asshole that ruins it for everyone else. Every. Single. Fucking time.

>> No.2349706

because you guys are a bunch of faggots that came from /pol/ and we don't like you

thanks for the money faggots

>> No.2349718
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Can confirm, I do this

>> No.2349719

Karma my man. Those who trick simple people end up getting their served them later. You don't want to be like the jews.

>> No.2349749

How dumb you got to be to buy stuff without preforming basic investigation.

>> No.2349750
File: 451 KB, 554x692, smugg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daytraders and pump&dumpers are fucking retarded. The crypto formula is simple as fuck:
>Research for coins with actual potential
>Put money in
>Forget about it for a week
Avoid shitcoins like the plague. DGB, Moon, LMC, etc. A simple search through bitcointalk reveals how fucking garbage they actually are on an innovation/competence level.

>> No.2349770



Pick one

>> No.2349788


kill yourself in real life nigger shill

>> No.2349796

>muh citibank
enjoy terminal velocity after tomorrow

>> No.2349804

This, fuck you newfags. Go back to /pol/ or /b/ or whatever shithole you came from.

>> No.2349807
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>mfw waiting for sia to go back up

>> No.2349814


Mooncoin is going to moon again soon. We're accumulating, I'm predicting 50 sats within a month. Buy now.

>> No.2349819

It took me a couple days of lurking to realize this. It sucks because there are some legitimate coins to invest in, as evidenced by DGB's recent mooning, but most of it is just pump and dump scamming.

This board really needs some moderation to delete scam threads. Also there should be a one thread per coin limit, that would help alot.

>> No.2349831

Listen, nobody cheats anyone without their consent. Once you enter the crypto game, you sign an invisible contract: "yes, I can lose everything, yes, this is a gamble, yes, there is no guarantee". People lose money consciously, this is different from actual fraud when you STEAL from people

>> No.2349835

>holy fuck, someone PLEASE buy my fucking bags!!

>> No.2349840


fuck you nigger I'm going all in on ETH and BTC you and shitcoins can fuck itself


you need to kill yourself in real life

>> No.2349841

Shills shilling shills

ayyy lmao

>> No.2349867


No honor among thieves. Same principle applies here. If you set out with a group to scam another group, you (or someone else in the group) will eventually attempt to scam their own in-group. Wherever trust is built, it will be exploited for temporary profit.

Of course, this is even worse on the Internet with anonymous users you can't hold accountable.

>> No.2349887
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Nice cognitive dissonance.
Man up to being a kike instead of trying to justify your actions by saying they somehow agreed to getting fucking baited.
Insider trading in the stock market is a criminal offense for a reason.

>> No.2349987 [DELETED] 

Do you know why people get into crypto? Not because they want meticulously work like wagecucks. They want to get rich quick, and off of others!

There should be ethics. That is, don't screw other person without his consent. But if you're a gladiator on an arena, you either win or lose, as simple as that. This is a game that has its champions. You don't like that - quit crypto. There are many other legit things to make money with which don't require anyone else losing to you.

>> No.2350016 [DELETED] 

Do you know why people get into crypto? Not because they want to meticulously work like wagecucks. They want to get rich quick, and off of others!

There should be ethics. That is, don't screw other person without his consent. But if you're a gladiator on an arena, you either win or lose, as simple as that. This is a game that has its champions. You don't like that - quit crypto. There are many other legit things to make money with which don't require anyone else losing to you.

>> No.2350033

you don't honestly fucking trust people THAT much right? If they say pump to 100%, then you cash the fuck out at 40%, obviously right?

Don't be fucking stupid anon lmao, how can you be so naive?

>> No.2350048

Do you know why people get into crypto? Not because they want to meticulously work like wagecucks. They want to get rich quick, and off of others!

There should be ethics. That is, don't screw another person without his consent. But if you're a gladiator on an arena, you either win or lose, as simple as that. This is a game that has its champions. If you don't like that - quit crypto. There are many other legit things to make money with which don't require anyone else losing to you.

>> No.2350064


>> No.2350156

Is it possible to right the wave of these pump and dumps? Or is that risky? Holding a stock for maybe an hour and let it climb and then sell, is that hard?

I have no idea how the dynamic of trading works, cuz I haven't actually participated in trading.

What I'm hesitant about with all, is how easy is it to sell your stocks before they dip?

>> No.2350195

>colluding with others to artificially inflate prices for your own gain
>gladiatorial combat to the death

take your (you) you filthy animal

>> No.2350212

>Or is that risky?

You shouldn't be buying coins with money you're scared of losing.

Most of these well-shilled coins WILL make you a profit if you jump in early in the shilling period.

>> No.2350223
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/pol/ owns 4chan, deal with it schlomo

>> No.2350244


they're now shilling DGB like there's no tomorrow

this is why regulation is coming and government control

>> No.2350273

This is a game, and it has rules. All fluctuations in coin prices give you data, and if you're smart enough, you can always quit before it bombs, you can always spot if some trickery is going on.

If you can't, why did you get into crypto in the first place? Get out, that is!

>> No.2350293

Buy InPay

>> No.2350319

I'd just hate to become a sucker, it's not really the money, just the feeling that I've been cucked out of money when I could have blown it on some... who knows what? I just sold my cs go inventory for 300 dollars and I was planning on putting that money into concurrency.

But after lurking /biz/ for a while, I've gotten cold feet cuz I see all the jewing and double jewing that goes around here. I'd hate to see a cent of my money go to some retarded edgy discord kid or a pejeet.

You can't win if you don't play they say...

>> No.2350363


just buy ETH and BTC and forget about these fucking faggot shills

>> No.2350375

Check out byteball. The thread in bitcointalk.org.

>> No.2350415

you can spot their posts a mile off, stink of desperation. i think there is a lot of genuine camaraderie on biz too which can be mistaken for shilling but is sincere (see; dgb, ark VS crap like vox, 1st, KIDS... etc). look at the measly buys before a coin gets targeted to see the sort of level of operation we are dealing with.

>> No.2350417

good, get the fuck out

>> No.2350442
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I fucking love nu/biz/.
Even if the credibility of anything read here has gone to 0.0, I can't stop laughing at this shit. May be because I have so much money hanging on this, but that RBY shit had me in tears. Hadn't had so much fun on 4chan since godknowswhen.

>> No.2350473


fuck you faggot that shit made me lose so much money

>> No.2350477

Kys you browned skinned pejeet piece of shit. If you're on 4chan and you're not down with /pol/ then get the fuck out you fucking worthless paki.

>> No.2350489
File: 66 KB, 653x592, 1454135120943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it possible to right the wave of these pump and dumps?
>Or is that risky?
>Holding a stock for maybe an hour and let it climb and then sell, is that hard?

The buy walls that you are "tearing down" are the PnDs bags, you will always be left holding unless you get other suckers to hold your bags

Avoid all shitcoins, avoid all clones or copies, avoid all "businesses" that couldn't raise a single cent if they weren't hitching their wagons to crypto

>> No.2350500

>had to sell your video game inventory to get money to invest

seriously please leave

>> No.2350512

It was a textbook pnd

>> No.2350535

Awww look at that it's /pol/'s 2nd day ever on /biz/.

And how are you enjoying your stay, goy?

>> No.2350603

I didn't have to do shit, I just bought the hydra operation package, and realized how shit cs go was and how much of a time waster it is, trying to rank up some elo ladder with some random eurotrash faggots and kebabs. I just had enough of cs go and sold inventory.

Never implied I didn't have other cash laying around you dumb cunt. You're so fucking dumb, it's kinda depressing to see how fucking stupid and sub human your brown ass is.

>> No.2350697

>had to sell your video game inventory to get money to invest

You fundamentally misunderstood what I said you dumb fuck! In cs go there are virtual items, some are worth a bit more than others. Seriously fucking kys kid. So fucking dumb, I ain't even mad but I just wanted to let you know that you're not as snarky as you think you are. You son of a dyke cunt! You're human garbage son. You fucking mouth breather you no good for nothing faggot, not contributing anything of value to society other than internet pyramid schemes.

>> No.2350724

I lost 2 cent how ever will I recover :'((((

>> No.2350852

but dgb seems like it's really smth else, should I really not invest?

>> No.2350988


invest in ETH and BTC forget these meme shillcoins that keep getting pushed by faggots that want to earn and leave you with bags

>> No.2351377
File: 23 KB, 303x317, 1483035444669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple rules for making profits from crypto

1. Hold 80% of your portfolio in BTC and ETH
2. Research altcoins thoroughly before buying, don't buy if it's just some dumb copy of BTC or ETH with a meme on top, only buy altcoins with solid ideas and potential for growth
3. Don't daytrade
4. Don't panic sell if your altcoin dips 10%

>> No.2351391

>don't buy if it's just some dumb copy of BTC or ETH with a meme on top
any examples

>> No.2351438

Shit like Dogecoin, Mooncoin, DGB etc.

If they're just reskinned BTC they are literally worthless and they will plummet to $0 the second any sort of market correction happens.

Stuff like Sia (cloud storage), Augur (market predictions), Golem (cloud computing) are worth considering because they're not just BTC copies, but provide solutions to other problems. I'm not saying any of them will necessarily succeed but that they have a shot at growing into something big. That's what you should be looking for with altcoins. And only invest a % of your portfolio. Like find 10 altcoins with potential and put 2% in each.

>> No.2351442

Yeah I usually come here to laugh after daytrading. and then I cry myself to sleep

>> No.2351458

Too bad some one cant program a smart contract for a pump group.

>> No.2351521

yeah im actually so stupid
i bought aliencoin and kidscoin
can i get some dgb pls


>> No.2351537

>falls for meme shit
>asks for other meme shit

based retard

>> No.2351573

fuck off bag holder srsly

>> No.2351617

ill pay it back when esper hits $1

>> No.2352507

bump faggots

>> No.2352906

>got x4 on KIDS
>wasn't even part of whatever pump group was doing that
Git gud faggot

>> No.2353198
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>consitently highest volume coin against BTC on bittrex is a shitcoin

>> No.2353416
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1. Never purchase a coin which is exclusively available on Yobit
2. Never create an account on Yobit
3. Hide all Yobit coin threads
4. Sage all Yobit coin posters
5. Ignore all Yobit coin posts
>B-b-but you don't understand there is this one coin that's really good and I heard it's gonna moo-
No. Fuck off. They're all trash.

>> No.2353449

>lurked /pol/ for years
>have honed shill spotting ability
lurk moar fags

>> No.2353545

t. Mega autism


Yeah dude but things like logic and TA don't work in crpyto. It's all memes man, logic won't help you on the internet.

>/pol/ memes trump into the white house and everyone thinks it's Russia

Meme magic is fucking scary

>> No.2353632

Same here.
I'm the sharpest there is when it comes to spotting them. And when I quote them I leave no room for comebacks, most don't answer.
The ones who try just out themselves for retards, like the one earlier that tried to tell me that Yobit isn't bad because even though they were trading fake KIDScoin the real one is a scam too, so there is literally no problem with that.

>> No.2353651


>tfw xby would of made you x20

>> No.2353692

I believe we have a moral responsiblity to call out shills wherever they lurk. Sure, maybe a newfag deserves to get scammed once or twice before they learn to do their homework. But if someone's here, don't you at least want them to do OK?

>> No.2353839

he's right, you know.