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23494996 No.23494996 [Reply] [Original]

Did we get scammed?

>> No.23495072

stop fucking investing in chink/asian shitcoin

>> No.23495111 [DELETED] 
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You did. And my friend got rekt with you. He could've just bought HEX like I told him, but he refused to listen. That's what you get for placing your trust in chinks.

Fuck swipe. Fuck CZ. Fuck CMC and most importantly fuck jannies.

>> No.23495127

If I wasn't a bagholder, I'd say yes.

Since I have 1000 swipes I bought at $4, I'm going to say give it time.

>> No.23495183

I am financially obliterated. But i'm thinking back to when BNB was new and cost only .50c I bought some knowing it would be big, but sold because it dropped abit, then over months watched it fly from the sidelines while I kicked myself. This has happened so many times now with different coins that when I know something is a good thing, I just hold and barely look at the price. Trust your instincts on this one, a binance owned company is not going to fail.

>> No.23495207 [DELETED] 

I hope not, my pal Fagit Jr. invested in this.

>> No.23495735
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this. I can't afford to be cynical anymore

>> No.23496352

We will make it frens.

Just think about the future gains

>> No.23496418

I mean Im not selling til $10+. Still hurts how big this crashed from its high. Wheres that one anon who has 30k bag?

>> No.23496605

dumpelito scamrondo

>> No.23497121

It pamped like crazy. Now you have to wait. How new are you? This will probably bleed a lot more as CZ shitcoins never fare well and always go lower than you think.

When can I short this on Plotx?

>> No.23497211
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>> No.23497352

so was it alot more profitable to stake this shit for venus? ive been staking swipe on chain before venus was announced and feel like i missed out

>> No.23497380

I sold when that big crash happened at 3.3, re-bought at 1.5 and sold at 1.7.

Sorry to say this guys, but I think SXP is not the card company that will make it, something else that appeals to normies will :(

>> No.23497487

Once PayPal fully arrives there'll be no real usecase for sxp, removing the sxp cards out of nowhere, rewarding the stackers and rolling everything back in less than a day was the biggest red flag, cz wants bnb to thrive while cucking sxp in the meanwhile they where pissing on their own white paper and demonstrated their "governance" is just a useless smokescreen. I bought at 3 but bailed out when it happened based on fundamentals,

>> No.23497530

Hey stop stealing my tg username faggot

>> No.23498149

Hear hear! Most based summup of this whole fiasco. This shit isn't going anywhere in the longterm

>> No.23498274
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If you find yourself asking if the chinks scammed you, then the answer is always 'yes.'

>> No.23498397
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Soon Swipimps, the sun will shine upon us.

>> No.23498445
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You have until November 2

>> No.23498455

I don't really blame buyers. Yes, I know, the dev is a flip which is like shit tier....but who can predict which coins CZ will sabotage and which he will pump?

>> No.23498487

The chart reminds me of ICX's chart. That means -95% from ath is just around the corner. I'll set a comfy buy order when it hits 2100-2200 sats.

>> No.23498505

the flip flopping of the swipe team is very concerning. sky and steel cards were reinstated within a day because everyone complained about it

>> No.23498724

Is his name even really JoseLito?

>> No.23498755

Yes, it's a very common Filipino name.

>> No.23498846

no, its a fake name. he is prepared for the exit scam that will come soon

>> No.23499393

I really believed in this as a legit off ramp for my link gains but cz fucked it. I'm currently staking on binance for xvs but the common thinking is once that's done, to sell and move on. I bought in early...around $1.2 and sold at about 3.40. Got back in at 1.70 so as long as this stays above 50 I'm good, still think it has 1 more pump and fomo cycle in it but with the golden run around the corner I don't want to be over exposed to shitcoins

>> No.23500226

prolly but too many scams around these days.

now I'm looking to not get scammed by ones that look based like BTC and safex

>> No.23500836

theres deffo 1 more fomo to 1,80 and then down to 0,50 - but based on what? Another staking project or blessing by CZ?

>> No.23500860

Cz will do something. There will be some news released or a partnership announced and people will fomo in again. That being said once xvs farming is over there could be a big dump

>> No.23500944

Going to moon soon, CRO is the biggest competitor in the space and they're exit scamming right now, so that market share is about to be taken over.

8% cashback right now, over 90% of tokens are staked right now. Over 40% APR on-chain staking, about to double in four days.

The bullrun will be violent.

>> No.23501027

Yes, i remember safex, it was a really bad scam but at least mcafee will pay jail time because he promoted safex scam