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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23486689 No.23486689 [Reply] [Original]

>Spend years saving money of which you already pay tax on
>Finally buy a house
>have to pay taxes simply because you own said house to a government that did nothing to help you achieve it

why is this allowed?

>> No.23486704

Because the government absorbed and became the Mob in the 60’s.
It’s a protection racket. Pay up or they throw you in a fucking cage full of rapists and niggers.

>> No.23486714
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because unironically we live in a society

>> No.23486722


>> No.23486723

there you go
the state is the beast

>> No.23486737
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Cuz the government will send you to prison where you get raped by niggers unironically. Glad I got rich off crypto imagine being a wagie in the modern world.

>> No.23486744
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>> No.23486747

Bc idiot blue live fag cops can’t do a simple fucking job get sued and you have to pay shit tons for them. Can’t wait till those fuckers are over coming real soon

>> No.23486752

>they throw you in a fucking cage full of rapists and niggers
Too late

>> No.23486773
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because we worthless goyim are meant to serve the system. Dont ever think that it's the other way around

>> No.23486860

Bro you're not even taking the argument to the final logical conclusion
>buy house all paid off
>become homeless because cant pay property tax

>> No.23486883
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> he doesnt exist in the subtle realm of VALUE holders

>> No.23486902
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>> No.23486965

In the next episode, bitcoin tax. Gold tax. Clothing tax. If you own any, you constantly pay for that RIGHT, note for retarded women this is sarcasm because our rights are inherent not earned

>> No.23486980

>nothing to help you
yeah right buddy, it's not like you never went to the doctor or to school or drove on roads or felt safe

>> No.23487026

I pay the doctor, public schools are absolutely terrible, nobody is building or repairing the fucking roads, and the government refuses to protect people from niggers who’ve been rioting for 6 months straight. Why would I pay someone for a job they’re not doing?

>> No.23487067

hey niggerfaggot, you pay for the doctor, not the state, and the state could give two shits about your well being, unless your a kike or non-white

>> No.23487088

i want to cum in her eyes

>> No.23487099

how can you own a house unless Israel has enough hellfire missiles? Think about it

>> No.23487124

The ultimate bluepill cuck: money tax. Pay the bank to hold your money. Funny the eurocucks are already there and for whatever reason have NOT withdrawn every penny yet. Clown world honk

>> No.23487148

as bad as the roads are, they're better than the roads in most other countries. I think it's important to not take them completely for granted

also the idea that businesses will voluntarily pay to have roads paved seems to have been debunked in my mind by the parking lot that serves multiple restaurants and bars near my house, it's completely full of potholes and shit. They don't care

>> No.23487168

*unless parking lots are paved by the city too, then maybe it serves to further prove the incompetence of government

>> No.23487183

I mean you could try to change the tax structure but local property taxes go to things like public school funding and projects which would improve both your home value and your standard of living.

I wouldn’t pretend that it doesn’t benefit your home in a round about way. If you’re living pretty far out there maybe it doesn’t matter but I’m assuming you either live in the city or in the suburbs.

If you feel that the money is being ill-spent then show up to town hall and give them your your two cents. Also vote.

>> No.23487219

I'm moving my cash into celsius though paxos, buying either pax or btc. got around 1500 usd in interest for hodling there. banks are frauds

>> No.23487230

more like libertarians should be running for office. I would vote but name a good strong male libertarian to vote for? Trump is the closest thing in politics to libertarian right now

>> No.23487303

Roads can be privatized and Pay Per Use and treated like real estate assets with current technology (especially digital currencies).

Basically people could buy roads and people pay to use them in real time based on how much they use a certain road. If a particular road sucks, you can tell that company to fuck off and take a different route. We have the data to make this a good system and it would 100% be cheaper than paying money to a disorganized government bureaucracy.

>> No.23487381

The biggest issue with this system would be huge companies just buying up every road and charging ridiculous prices to use them.

But I'd rather have the choice to use them or not. Not just have to blindly pay into a system that I know is extremely inefficient. I feel the same way for every other "public good." There is enough data available and the technological infrastructure to easily enact "pay per use" strategies.

>> No.23487750

>paying taxes


>> No.23487753

thats someone's son

>> No.23487920

Blah blah blah, done incel? Only chads like me have rights. You all belong to me. Kek.

>> No.23487948

This is a jew

>> No.23487962

The country you lived in enabled you to make all that money. You think you'd be doing as well if you lived in some shit country where they don't pay taxes and everything's falling apart?

>> No.23488030

>don't pay taxes
>lose house
can't explain this

>> No.23488170

Businesses are incentivised to have good roads not only for customers, but suppliers and delivery drivers to make sure their goods are arrived safely

>> No.23488198

You know I can make money off of your anti semitic remark, right? Careful what you say on this board, incel.

>> No.23488201

Money spent by the government is inherently ill-spent. And voting does fuck all, le legitimises the system meme

>> No.23488216

>have roads
>people pick up your trash
>military protects you

>> No.23488255

I like semites. I said jewish. As in a religion. Not surprised the same is pushing 'incel haters' agenda.

>> No.23488264

>road goes through mountain
>100$ toll
>otherwise drive 5 hours
>this is better

>> No.23488276

is it anti semitic to oppose grown men performing oral suction on newborns?

>> No.23488281

LOOOL ya fuckin kike

>> No.23488287

if you think most of your tax dollars goes to infrastructure you are retarded

>> No.23488293

back to pleddit you go "woke" queer

>> No.23488309

So you are implying that the Jews are pushing some agenda. Noted, "anon" ;)

>> No.23488316

Jewish religion is indeed pushing a pedophile agenda. Oral suction of newborns is unacceptable

>> No.23488333


>> No.23488357

Laughing all the way to the bank. Maybe try appending "minecraft" and see how far you go with your comments? I love how it's so easy to pull your strings.

>> No.23488358

highways becoming privatized would add several hundred billion to our GDP annually. the "you like roads right?" is a tired trope

>> No.23488361
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Most of it goes to keeping Boomers alive. America is a Ponzi scheme and each generation after boomers is getting in later and later just by birth.

>> No.23488362

you want to just me for being on the side of humanity then just do it i dont need your threats on top of it. Im a good person and i believe in whats right. The occult isnt right. Take your threats and kick rocks dude

>> No.23488379

Can you name some examples of this pedophile agenda?

>> No.23488382

youre a manipulative bitch honestly. Stop patting yourself on the back, its pathetic.

>> No.23488401

metzitzah b'peh
2 newborns just died in nyc this year i believe

>> No.23488414

Obviously let’s get healthcare down. We shouldn’t be paying 10x as much for the same pills as other countries and billing the government. Especially for fat old fucks who if they lived in every other country would be dead already from their horrible decisions in life.

>> No.23488427

Right. I'll let the law speak for itself then. ;)

>> No.23488442

the entire West is on the verge of being a cage full of rapists and niggers, the USA especially.
>t. surrounded by niggers in Atlanta

>> No.23488446

Why do you feel a law should be set by your religion?

>> No.23488458

Thanks for the you's, I guess. So who killed these newborns?

>> No.23488486

Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. Both Mossad agents. Both rape kids. Both film others raping kids and use it to blackmail politicans and people of importance in the west. Fuck you

>> No.23488487

bottom line is you live in the wrong state. vote with your money and move to states with better tax law. we're already seeing ny and la empty out for az, sc, and other less blue states. watch the blues whither up and die.

>> No.23488497

Herpes virus. They were raped its heinous and i wont lie about what i think it is to make you feel better about your religion perpetrating this awfulness on human kind

>> No.23488505

Noted ;) Gotta love "anonymous" boards, really.

>> No.23488522

meaning oral suction is newborn rape

>> No.23488526

Raped by whom?

>> No.23488537

i dont give a fuck if its anonymous or not, bud. I stand by my beliefs and am considering going into politics to introduce level headed real ideas anyway or at a minimum starting a documentary media series

>> No.23488540

>a bloo bloo why do I have to pay a tax that ensures land is productive

Is /biz/ full of uneducated retards or something?

>> No.23488541

our military is so bloated and pointless. Feels like i'm playing a game of civ and keep pumping out units to pay upkeep on but never actually going to war

>> No.23488550

I for one love Jews. I invest in Statera, Bitcoin and LINK. Please help pump my coins, friend. :)

>> No.23488557


>> No.23488575

It’s because our currency is meaningless. We’re backed by the lead standard currently. The transition to information standard is occurring and warfare is happening online.

Russia killed 200k Americans and counting with misinformation.

>> No.23488577

No shit. Retirement is a spook that only retards believe in.

>> No.23488585

More money doesn’t improve public school performance. The only variable that matters is who lives in the school district and how much those parents are involved in their children’s education. A bunch of Koreans sitting in a fucking barn with some textbooks will have a better outcome than most “inner-city” schools getting millions of additional tax dollars a year.

>> No.23488625

Because the goyim allow it, it’s their fault. You get what you deserve

>> No.23488678


>> No.23488696
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eurofag here; everday we are getting bombarded with this cbdt bullshit and high denomination notes about to be removed from circulation (using aml as a pathetic excuse) ...
Thankfully negative rates are only levied to HNWI (1m+) in my cunt and inflation does not exist (yet).

>> No.23488755

You can easily google the story it was within the last decade. Not year. Im not an encyclopedia dude.

>> No.23488811

Thank you, based Jewish poster.

>> No.23488827

Iq 1000

>> No.23488833

>public school funding
I don’t know what the fuck they are funding but if you’ve been near a public school recently it is very clear that it should be completely defunded. They’re not for education, they’re just cages for children for the state to poz kids while both parents (if they’re even both still around) wage to fund all sorts of other jewish endeavours.

>> No.23488839

I like having a big military because it's fun to be able to elect some war hawk and just level some shitskin country for 8 years

>> No.23488927

I unironically support the abolition of cash and negative interest rates on debit accounts cause this will push even the last boomer into crypto

>> No.23488958

For services you don’t get and “roads” that don’t get repaired. As if roads weren’t an investment for a government to collect more taxes for cars and ferry people to wage slavery so they can pay more taxes.

>> No.23489001

Read austrian monopoly theory. The problem you are having is with inelastic demand curves, why couldn't anyone buy all the food or oil and charge a monopoly price for it? In theory all prices are at their maximum, or tend toward their max by sellers - any higher and more competition will be incentivised etc.

>> No.23489015

how did we go above 100% in 1912 and 1961

>> No.23489022

Despite or because of: taxes?

>> No.23489053

I didnt ask for all 3 seethe harder authoritarian!!

>> No.23489056
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>> No.23489065

A little help with the data interpretation here its not saying over 100% its just saying no excise tax those years. Every year must be 100% per this type of chart

>> No.23489150
File: 84 KB, 1596x772, over_100_percent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come one year has more no excise tax than the other

>> No.23489206

to me it would be an error by the person whom made the chart. The percents should equal 100 unless they have some clarifying statement

>> No.23489268
File: 338 KB, 2262x2160, C59789D1-0439-457A-AB81-E59526A0479D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*BOINNGG* AWOOOOGA!!! Hummina hummina! Who is that

>> No.23489293

Lmao my city is a third world country with potholes and trash everywhere, and we have some of the highest taxes in America. Fuck this boomer system all that tax money gets pocketed by oligarchs and handed to niggers. Were not arguing the fundamental quality of taxes here you black&white thinking retard, were talking realism here

>> No.23489327

they dont want you to know about the ultra tax

>> No.23489363

Our ancestors were cuckolds who spread their butt cheeks for tyrant penis as long as they could still have a decent standard of living, just let their descendants pay the price. They're dead and gone so why should they have cared?